Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums.
My name is Anonymous and I'm addicted to black girls.

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hey cumguzzling nigger fannybandit

try harder

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Damn, asylum demon looks like THAT?!


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This guy gets it, take the ebony pill did you??

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Fuck who you want this isn't your fucking blog. Mods give this faggot OP a ban for filling the cat with nigger tier topics.

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Im not really into Blacks.
But I think Latinas are a gift from God.

I mean white woman are beautiful too but I have to say the good looking ones are often out of my level and the other ones are weird, ugly or completly boring.

based pole

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black girl has caucasian (european) feautures
white girl looks like a real life nigress

niggers projecting itt

Anyone have the one with the Asian edited in to the left of the black bitch?

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The negresspill is the ultimate red pill. Everyman is capable of building a harem, and at the head of that harem, the favourite, is a voluptuous obsidian skinned BLVCK woman. A 10/10 black woman is the most valuable trophy this world has to offer.

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holy fuck, that dude is gorgeous. Who WOULDN'T fuck him


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Nobody cares user.

You just like them because they're rare in your part of the world. Trust me, if you had to deal with them everywhere you went, they'd get annoying and unattractive really quick.

smelly ass little dumpy lookin goblinas with more arm and back hair than your average male. Sexually greedy and uncaring. Probably a 90% chance you'll get cheated on.


Id fuck a black girl, if she's normal (i mean, not a loud obnoxious bitch, a person with whom i could have a normal conversation about common interests) even marry one, but i dont think i could bring myself to have a child with a black woman. That being said i dont think i could bring myself to bear children with anything that's non-Serbian, the purity of our bloodline is a rather important thing to both my father and I

Great thread

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what a based guy


Based & ebonypilled

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I feel the same way. MAYBE I'd consider it if I knew my child would be a daughter. I would never want to try and raise a nigger male. They're unsavable.

So you have a scat fetish?

Nigger mentality is nurture not nature, and besides even if it was nature, he'd be half white (presuming you yourself are entirely 100% white)

black girls are fun if they're into race play
>put this fucking rope on your neck, nigger
>suck this white cock, nigger
>say thank you master

Black dudes get fucking OUTRAGED over this lol

It triggers them so much. They immediately snap and start spewing racist shit to the black girl because she sold out and didn't jump on tyrone's dikk

Reminder that Varg Vikernes genetics are vomit tier.

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Go back to Africa.

Negro women will fuck literally anything, and that is why you like them.

the average black woman looks like Oprah and is mouthy and entitled.

we be qweenz

I want black gf so bad bros

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Haha, yea, fuck those niggers and get aids to trigger the males!


Based. If you don't even attempt being like that one French guy impregnating what he could on his trip in Africa can you truly say you lived?

Based and Khanpilled.

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I'm not into Negress but interestingly enough...

Black People seem to be more butthurt over interracial marriage rather than White people which is kinda ironic really

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Why the fuck is JIDF shilling black women on white men??

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You get the rope too.