Splitting rent in a house share?

'Sup Jow Forums.

Suppose 3 people are sharing a 3-bedroom apartment.

Rent is (monies per month.

Person A gets a slightly bigger room (same width, ~1 meter longer). Person A also gets a small ensuite bathroom, and use the of the only designated parking space. However, the parking space was included with the apartment, and A is the only one who owns a car.

Persons B and C both get the equally sized second and third rooms, and share the fairly large communal bathroom.

How Should the rent be split fairly? How much more should A pay vs b and c, for a larger room, otherwise free parking space and an ensuite bathroom?

885 + 792 + 792? or is that unfair?

Photo isn't the apartment, but a rough approximation of the room size comparison.

Attached: floorplan.jpg (728x432, 45K)

* Rent is 2670 monies per month

I would say bring it down by $25.00 and then call it a day. 100 is a big difference

Split it evenly. It’s gonna cause problems down the road if you make the guy with the slightly larger room pay nearly $90 more than you. How did you all decide on who would get the room anyways?

Split it evenly for christ sake, just because A has a slightly bigger bedroom doesnt mean he should pay more. You also said A had the only vehicle, so he's already paying more for gas and repair services monthly than both B and C. Don't over think it, youre all living there so try to live peacefully.

Split it.
If you think it's unfair, make rotations every half year or so.

This. Just wait till you’re getting lifts everywhere for shopping runs, work, parties, etc. They’ll soon get pissed off when your not paying petrol if you’ve charged them more rent. When you’re living with people, accept you’re not going to win everything and you’ll have a much happier life.

Person A would pay a large portion of the rent.
Almost half if not exactly half.
Unlike the other two roommates that person is the only one who doesn't have to deal with the hardship of sharing a bathroom and unless he wants people walking through his room when someone is occupying the other bathroom then he is getting a huge QOL improvement.
Person A should also just get permanent usage of the parking space and pay an extra portion for the space.
Otherwise you need to find a solution like a schedule of who gets to use the parking space which day even though they don't have cars. That way they have something in place so that it's equal usage if they get their own car at any point.
First come first serve doesn't work with 3 people with individual regular schedules where one person would always win if they got off work the earliest.
Also that bathroom that they have is considered a 3/4 bathroom because it doesn't have a tub.
That actually decreases the value of the bathroom in renters eyes.

Alternatively the person with the car should get the smaller bedroom and you could do a 30/30/40 split where the car guy owns the space but has the smaller room because he can store things in his trunk.

If someone suggested all of this to me it would be a major red flag

In complete fairness, all three renters should divide all areas of the apartment as well as the parking space into thirds and pay an equal share. Yeah, It'll suck having a bedroom that's spread across three rooms, or having a third of a closet in three rooms, but it'll be completely fair. Make sure your third of the toilets in both bathrooms are clean!

You sound like an absolute cunt to live with. No sane person would agree to may more than half the rent of a 3 person apartment. And how are they going to share the space when B and C don't own vehicles? A would move out within 2-3 months once he realises his roommates have used jewish mind tricks to take most of his own money, just because they don't have a bathtub. boo hoo

A major red flag of someone who actually rents property.
If you want I can provide you any number of college dorm rooms and show you how they split the rates for rooms with bathrooms and rooms without bathrooms with apartments with communal living room dining rooms.
No sane person would give the person with the car the largest room and also give him permanent control of that bathroom.
If you were renting with your friends then the person with the largest room would just pay a little more for the space and anyone could use any bathroom they want.

Why does having a car determine your room size? It's just a room, having mine 1 meter smaller or larger shouldnt make a difference in how much I pay. All 3 people are sharing the house, all 3 reap the benefits of cheal monthly bills split 3 ways. If both B and C had vehicles, I could see some truth to making whoever wants the parking spot to have to pay more for it. But only A has a car and im sure its not even paid parking.

As I said he would pay more for ownership of the space.
Otherwise they need an actual schedule for if all 3 of them have cars and he can just use the space all the time until they get a car.
Best schedule would be rotating days, weeks, or months and if 2 own cars without the 3rd then they split that persons portion.
If you don't pay because you plan to share the space then you need writing of how the space will be shared while discussing the rent splitting.

>not charging gas for rides
Regardless of the arrangement this will lead to problems in the future.
Anything you give someone for free they will take advantage of as if they own it alongside you.

>he would pay more for ownership of the space
That’s only fair if there’s a fee for the space tied to the rent though.

>appeals to fairness

Stop thinking in terms of fairness. Being fair is for women and children. It's a survival technique people use to take things for free when they have nothing to offer in return. The universe and reality is not fair.

Men will resolve this by negotiating with each other. Don't reach a fair choice, reach an AGREED choice. Just sit your mates down and talk it all out. Push and pull until everyone agrees and feels content.

These type of locations are based on single families.
If it was an actual dorm then it would be more for the space and it wouldn't be automatically included.
Otherwise it's up to the tenants to decide how they want to split things but each of them is responsible for the entire amount regardless so it doesn't matter to the owner.
If rent isn't paid and only one person has money then that person would pay the full amount and have to settle the rent dispute in civil court with their roommates. Otherwise all 3 get kicked out of the apartment and you could still hold that person who has money responsible for the full amount until it's completely paid.

Good job, you failed to make a point

All equal or bust. Everything else is an argument waiting to happen.
Everyone goes in knowing it's equal shares front to back, start to finish. Nothing more, nothing less.

If that doesn't work for them, find a new roomie.

Maybe if you are extremely uninformed.
In locations where it's expected that individuals are just sharing a common space they charge for spaces separate from the rooms so that everyone has equal access to the spaces.
In locations where it's expected that everyone is equally responsible for the full amount there aren't any rules set by the owner for how co-residents split rent or spaces. One person could pay the full amount for both people and each are required to make sure the full amount is paid regardless of how much the other person paid.
Please tell me how this information is irrelevant.
There is no law about cheating your roommates with rent.
You could own the place and rent the rooms way higher than your mortgage.
That's not illegal.

>being this petty

Dunno why it's never not "all equal." Everyone pays an equal share. The only time I have ever violated this rule is making exceptions for friends who needed to couch surf. They get reduced rates since, y'know, couch surfing.

Everyone being equal answers every question right away-- and by establishing the 'don't like it, don't rent it' policy you basically put everyone on a firm baseline, which is important where money is concerned.

Jesus christ 2.5k+ for a barely above 1000sqft apartment.

I used to pay a third of that for the same size in a wealthy suburb just outside Indianapolis. It was on a nature trail and had full amenities. You're getting memed on.

Attached: 1556363827424.jpg (347x234, 10K)

I lived in a house with 12 other guys
We always split It based on the Room size and If It had a bathroom in it or not, never occured any fight about this, but It was always decided beforehand on wich Room each of us would sleep, for me the ratios are a little off still, try to reunite with everyone and decide, start with 25$ more for the bigger Room and If you or the Guy sharing the bedroom have interest on getting the bigger one keep raising How much more they have to pay for It until Just one person wants it

>used to
Areas are weird. Living in my city (am a Leaf) is basically impossible unless you're at 18$/hr unless you're cutting corners, receiving benefits, or splitting costs across 3+ heads. Otherwise, you can drive from 20 minutes out of town but that's not much help unless you're a tradesman anyway and are on jobsites.

>>used to

Moved two months ago, prices are current. Not a Leaf tho so I can't say much, sounds like you guys are as fucked as coasties. May god have mercy on your soul.

This. How much is a slightly bigger room, and more importantly, an en suite bathroom worth.

Split it evenly.
>Men will resolve this by negotiating with each other. Don't reach a fair choice, reach an AGREED choice. Just sit your mates down and talk it all out. Push and pull until everyone agrees and feels content.
I.E. force your jewwing until they settle with it and agree to what YOU want. Not like that stiffled contempt will ever have a chance to come back and bite you in the ass, youre only LIVING with these people after all.

You make demands of people you interact with in business. When it comes to people you live with, fucking compromise. Is the extra 30 bucks a month gonna be worth the potential friction you have to deal with?

In this situation how do you decide who gets what room?
I don't see any reason everyone wouldn't want that big room with the bathroom.

"All equal" IS an argument waiting to happen. Possibly a friendship destroying one.

Someone else gets a bigger room, AND a private bathroom, AND the only bathtub, AND the only parking spot, and pays exactly the same as you. "It's not a big deal bro" It's not a big deal if you are inconsiderate to other people. Fuck that guy.

Anyway first see if any of the roommates would prefer to pay more to get larger rooms, or would rather save some money if it meant living in a smaller room. This may take out 1 or both contenders for the contested room and would solve the situation immediately if 2 of them wanted to save as much money as possible and didn't care about room size/private bathroom.

Additionally, find out if someone spends all of their time at the girlfriend's place, or if one of the guys takes the nastiest dumps that makes the bathroom smell for hours (he should not get the shared bathroom), etc. these are all factors that could be instant solutions if you take the due diligence to figure them out and be considerate.

If shifting the rent from even to +100/-50/-50 is too extreme like some faggots in this thread reacted in a faggy manner, the roomies can negotiate something like +80/-40/-40 or +60/-30/-30 until they reach something reasonably agreeable. The only way all equal would be okay is if the big room/private bath was paying all of the utilities/internet/etc. or something.

Some people genuinely don't care and are happy to take the smaller room but how I've done it in the past it is just to pick numbers out of a hat.

>I.E. force your jewwing until they settle with it and agree to what YOU want. Not like that stiffled contempt will ever have a chance to come back and bite you in the ass, youre only LIVING with these people after all.
That's an appeal to cynicism, dishonesty, and secrecy all in one.

Like no, men have backbones and can express their feelings. These fears you just spelled out are exactly why women choose to be "fair", because they are weaker and not able to be civil. Men on the other hand are actually capable of an honest and confident conversation. And even if one feels like he made a mistake, he can handle it intelligently like a man and not a petty vindictive woman or child.

Basically you haven't grown up yet.

Fairest for me would be for A to pay about 50 bucks more than the others, so 920 + 875 + 875.
You can pick out of a hat to see who gets which room, and if someone doesn't want to pay more he just gets a smaller room.
I know I would pay $45 more for my own bathroom, and bigger room.
As for the parking space, A gets it too, but if the person that picked the A slip isn't the one that owns the car, he can use it till the one that did pick the slip gets one.

Disagree. Why pay the same but get less? Bigger room and private bath pays more.

I split a 5 bedroom share of £2015pcm, the larger bedroom paid £453, the smaller bedroom paid £353 and the rest of us paid £403. I'd say your ratio is fine.

You're renting the APARTMENT not the rooms. You're not a landlord and neither are your roommates. So you split it three ways.

LOL this is the guy that would get the 20sqft maid's room in an old mansion and pay the same price as the guy getting the master bedroom with en suite hammam and 100sq ft walk in closet.
don't take this losers advice


>calculate apartment area that is shared by all people
>split in three
>add split part to each person's bedroom area (including their closet and bathrooms)
>get local sqft rent price by comparing dozens of apartments
>multiply sqft price with area per person
>find condo/apartments that charges for a parking space and use that as a guide for adding cost for parking

Everyone should pay according to the amount of space they use. Guy with big room + private bathroom + parking should be paying significantly more. I'd rough guesstimate 1200.