why are girls so evil?
Why are girls so evil?
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they don't have dicc
They're not evil.
Just amoral
because you allow them to be
Because they are in power and they think they can get away with it.
This dispatch lady at the FBI needs to be fired.
they are immature & dont take their job seriously.
Its like every women is just a jealous BETA that wants to kill every big dicked white man
No they don't
youre just weak and they smell it
Boys are pretty vile too, especially when they hear "no"
wow hes just like me
Rrr! The female reading voice in my head just said, "no." Fuck you bitch. I didn't do anything to you.
Some people are assholes,
More news at 11 = water is wet
See? Typical vile boy
Never had a woman tell me this actually it's just been a string of quasi-friendships where my feelings although explicit arent reciprocated but neither are they rejected outright or in a clear manner. I've seen chicks say they've rejected someone when actually all they did was not reply to him, or post some really vague shit and hope he'll go away, and then they complain about it saying "waah boys can't take no for an answer" and honestly this seems quite universal. I've never actually seen a women be honest and/or respectful when dealing with this topic. They always do some really braindead immature approach where they just treat the guy like a creeper and then complain when he doesn't get the message. As if he'll just go away based on you ignoring him alone. And you know what? Most of the time girls don't even ignore guys they don't like, they keep messaging, they keep giving vague signals. And then they think they're being "polite" because they haven't ghosted him yet. It's really stupid.
This honestly. I'd prefer the bandaid to be ripped off instantly. A 'no' is better than nothing at all. Dudes who flip out over that are faggot soiboys. Ghosting and the games involved with that are some of the most emotionally taxing concepts I've ever encountered. Basically: give it to me straight bitch. I'll respect you for it
Wow what a strawman you made right there. A lot of men have problem with rejection. I was called a slut because I refused to send nudes. Yeah, notallmen but some of them. There is same amount of shitty people amog men and women
Men and women are both animals. The transcendental people who could actually love you are either uninterested in love at all or aren't interested in your petty lust.
They are moral authority right now. It's not their fault. But we love them anyway..
Nah women are generally speaking more vile than men. Not even trying to be based just facts
Source on this? I'd love to see the scientific paper you got these facts from.
Burden of proof lies on you just as much babe. Ain't no sources for this type of stuff and you know it. You can get all the anecdotal evidence you want though.
Your personal opinions are just opinions, not facts
No, it doesn't, because I'm not the user you're responding you. You've just made a statement of facts, the burden of proof is on you. I'd still love to see that study to back up the words you typed, which shouldn't be hard, surely?
You did right girl. The female role is about playing hard to get. Otherwise the chase has no magic in it. Being a female is hard.
Lol, I'm not sending nudes to anyone. It's just asking for trouble in the future.
So what's the fact?
Ntayrt but this proves to me that so many men are retarded. Play hard to get women, then I can complain that you're playing hard to get and doing mind games.
So are yours dumbass
3 second google
Not the vagina but anyone can find data to back the argument. Pretty sure men end up in prison more. Weez just different. Bitches do be crazy tho.
Well, I as a male had not think about that. I have received nudes from girls but never shared them. I have sent dick pics (requested). Still I think girls must play hard to get because of how nature works.
So women are ruder in the workplace to other women, excellent. How does this prove that women in all situations are viler then men? It feels like you may be focusing on a single section of society studied by a group of scientists and are then trying to extrapolate onto the general populous, which as most know isn't how scientific studies work. The first two are articles about the same study, the second study actually gives an explanation in it's study about the cultural reasons for this and why they don't believe it has anything to do with biology and the fourth piece is opinion. None of this is evidence that women are viler then men, "true facts". You'd make a poor scientific analyst user.
I keep confessing my love to women on the internet and telling them my feelings but they dont reply seriously to me they just treat me like a creeper. Please I just want somebody to care about me just a little bit lol just tell me something genuine for once. I feel like I'm on fire and all the girls are like wow hes on fire what an asshole. It's always me wanting them and them not giving a shit, or thinking that im weird for wanting them. What is weird? Someone tell me? Is it weird to love somebody? Am I mentally ill? Does nobody but me actively want attention? What do I do? Just stop caring about girls? And then what, be alone forever? Not like a girl will ever care about me first. Apparently I'm cute but I've never been approached or felt valued by any woman ever. I feel utterly unlovable and worthless and ontop of that I feel like a weirdo. Help mee
Lmao the trigger is real. I don't know how much you get around talking to actual people, but a group of 20-something guys are more chill than a group of 20-something women. I don't have any facts or data to back that up nor do I have to. Idgaf if you have a different opinion, that's fine with me. Just don't try to make me agree with your opinion because I know it's not true.
Oh, i know. Just take it easy and let her prove your point.
Men are monsters. It doesn't even take a no. All it takes is for them to see you, want you and you can be raped and killed. Predator and prey.
It's weird that you think you love people when you don't know them. You are infatuated or lustful or even just codependent. So you're screaming that you're on fire and it's actually that you're just thirsty.
I know o get called white knighting but OP they are just as evil as guys are. Some of them are cruel but not all. Dont bother with people whom you like based only on physical attraction.
Also you may problems with your approach. if you are in a stage where you broke up with some one then try getting back out there and with no strings attached. Basically act like you been there done that and are looking for anything that would be a fun match.
I'm not triggered or interested in changing your opinion, user, I'm just really bored with people who say "facts" when they mean "feelings". I'm a legit scientific analyst and Jow Forums is a real blast with people like you around. Feel free to feels > reals but if you say facts, I'm gonna call you out on it, basically, and when you can't back yourself up I'm going to point it out. Like more, where you've just admitted you've nothing but anecdotal evidence, but you you're still willing to consider it facts for some strange reason.
You are a major creep. Those girls don't owe you anything. You are responsible for your own happiness. Stop messaging random women on web and go and lern how to actually bond with humans
I have heard of such happenings, lady, and I apologize in name of all the male gender. May there come a time in the future when humankind become less animal.
>women disagree with your bullshit
And you guys want to be threated seriously
You are acting like a creeper, well then be treated line one. I have been on your shoes dude. Sorry, you just need to change in your approaching to girls.
> legit scientific analyst
Got any proof of that or is that just anecdotal evidence?
>hurdurrr you've got no proof for a psychological phenomenon that is based on an individual's feelings and experiences
They're facts as far as I'm concerned user. It's the culmination of my own life experiences that led me to that conclusion. Just because it wasn't jotted down by a nerd behind a desk doesn't mean it isn't true. You'd have to look beyond the semantics of a words and into the context - like a non-autist - to know what I'm talking about of course.
Whoa whoa! That was just teasing around right there. Get a gun already.
yea im thirsty what's wrong with that. my love isnt shallow on the contrary it's to the bone. every time it's just as intense and singular in its focus. Why should it be otherwise? It stands to reason that someone whos lonely can better appreciate another's affection no? Why is my love somehow not legitimate even though it's so intense that it hurts me emotionally. The problem isn't that I love girls without knowing them, it's that I know them too quickly, too fully, too encompassingly. How could I love that which I don't know? The one implies the other. I love the egirl posting from the rose hush of her room, on her laptop or phone, thinking thoughts of her own, her every word raises volumes in my heart, with every syllable a new beautiful part of her mind is revealed to me and I love her even more, more and more, with each iamb, each troche as soft as her skin and shining as brightly as the gossamer locks of her hair in the moonlight. i need help
That first response was very witty, congrats. Your whole comment literally amounts to my feels > reals. And then you try for an insult right at the end, because you're unable to argue against the fact that your opinions aren't based on anything other than feelings and calling that "fact" is just straight up wrong.
>You are responsible for your own happiness
this goes against everything we know about human wellbeing actually
>The problem isn't that I love girls without knowing them
You're right, the problem is that you think you love them but you don't and they know it too
meant to say trochee
OK you boys and girls, this war of sexes stuff is becoming tired already. Can you humans just take the best of themselves and contribute to the world in harmony? Don't fall for the sexist meme.
But you can't force others to make you happy an this is what user is doing
>because you're unable to argue against the fact that your opinions aren't based on anything other than feelings and calling that "fact" is just straight up wrong
Nigga it appears my last line completely whooshed by your autism riddled brain. You take the word "fact" very seriously. I don't. That's a fact.
what is love then? what am I feeling? desire? isn't desire love? it's not like i only desire these women sexually. nor do i want to burden them with my desire. i want them to be happy, i respect them. you keep saying what i'm describing isnt love... well then what is it? and what is love? it seems you can only say 'it's not, it's not' but you cant tell me what love actually is, or why your love is more legitimate than mine...
Another attempted insult, how sad. You clearly saw it as the same definition as I did initially because you attempted to price it with evidence. It's only once you've seen that your evidence doesn't actually do what you want it to that you've decided to take a more casual definition. At least be honest with yourself, user, cuz everyone else can just scroll back up through the thread to see you do it.
Love is actually knowing the person, seeing all their flaws and issues and continuing on despite that. You don't get that with an e-gf, you barely get it with an LDR and it takes genuine time and patience to cultivate such a feeling irl. What you're feeling is infatuation, which is puppy love or the "butterflies in the stomach" feeling. This is usually what our body produces whilst trying to cultivate love, and it's very addictive. Most who haven't been in love view infatuation as real love and this can cause issues in long term relationships.
I capitalize "user" too but, Im not that guy. Easy does it. I think you're winning. I was just joking with "Rrr." You spoon fed it to me.
No insults here just facts. You can't state it as a fact that I saw it as the same definition as you. That 'evidence' was produced from a 3 second google search to humor you. We both know niceness isn't a quantifiable entity. Ramming your head against the wall, claiming I can't state something is a fact unless I have definitive proof, repeating the same thing over and over, isn't making your point nor does it make you look smart. But if it makes you feel better about yourself be my guest.
Nice answer. I have been experiencing some of this, I feel very bad because the girl know I have some feelings for her. But we seem unable to do anything about it right now. She seems a little troubled, and I don't want to cause her any emotional distress. But God bless her, she has always been so nice to me. I love her.
No, the war will continue until i get a gf!
No facts unfortunately, you've been completely unable to provide even one, disappointingly. I didn't say you can't claim it as fact at any point, just that it isn't one. I'm not trying to look smart user, I'm trying to get you to understand that saying fact and meaning feelings just undermines your point and makes you look like a sjw. I'm also not ramming my head against a wall, you've been very fluid in changing which attempted argument you're gonna use next, it's quite fun.
Jumping in: (I was lurking in on the fight.) you go ahead and love the fuck out of whoever you want. Not everyone can understand you level of enlightenment. That shit is going to change the world a hundred years down the road. It'll be different because you were here.
> I'm also not ramming my head against a wall
I should rephrase that. I mean I might as well be talking to a brick wall. You haven't entertained any other avenues of thought except your own. Fun for you, boring for me.
>fact and meaning feelings
Yes I've already said as much a couple posts back. Both don't need to be mutually exclusive though. And again just because there is no definitive proof for something doesn't mean it's not true. But I already know you're not going to address these points so zZzzZZz
Genuinely if you're a man and not tranny faggot like most on Jow Forums then you see that women are basically children that we want to fuck.
>women scarcely mature past their teens
>dumb as all fuck and get mad when you call them naive
>will hate you if you're honest with that they're insecure about
>they shake and shiver and refuse to hold up any responsibility unless it's a baby then it's all theirs
>when they leave and fuck some Chad wanting a nut they'll blame you for Chad leaving them.
>literal kink calling bfs daddy, they need somone to look after them so much it gets them hot
>they get mens rights but are cushioned by every fassit of society (apart from sex work, tho e thots get fuck loads) and then call it oppression.
>they do all this and they are as fucking confused as men as to why they're like this.
Femanons men hate you but we deal with it so we can fuck you and belive our own lie that we love you. Men want happiness, women want strong man, women destroy man happiness to sift through and find best male.
My gf is okay tho, she hates women more than I do since they bullied her through 14 years of school.
Girls are demons and there's literally only a few good ones
My problem with Rousseau is that he takes for granted the inherent goodness of smart European people and applies it everyone, including dumb Europeans. His theory is useless applied to people driven by emotional inclinations, which is the vast majority of people
Rousseau caused fascism
No men hate women because we don't have a penis. Men love penis, theirs and other mens. Penis, penis, penis its all about the penis.
Really not.
Nice took like three feet of text for someone to make any sense.
Only ones who rape are the same shitskins that women ironically protect, lmao.
I love you girls
Most men would enjoy raping women its true since its in our dna to persue and its in women's to be persued. Look at the amount of female rape victims that get more surprised by their first orgasam then the rape itself.
We're all fucked but I stand by women being evidently way more fucked in the head than men.
You know I'm not going to disagree with you. Firstly because I don't care how other people think, and second because by saying there are no evil women is the same as saying all women are evil, which is flawed. Like your gf I was bullied badly too, just for being prettier or better at something than them, no matter how kind I was.
But there are kind and not evil women, and there are plenty of evil men, so it is far more fair to just say what everyone knows, which is that most people fucking suck beyond belief. But it isn't a gender thing.
You do you but I think you're being ingenuine here. The more you hardcore project on one gender while mentioning nothing of the say flaws in your own, the less credible you become. You start to show these points you made in yourself. That's how I see it.
Really yes. Your motivation for everything is your penis, your penis does the thinking, the talking the doing and anything that has no penis you cannot fathom except if it has a hole to stick your penis in. That hole better not talk or think, how dare the hole consider itself whole, it has no penis.
Love is out response to virtue, as fear is our response to pain.
Evolution arms us for survival, everything we have, our senses, bones, limbs hair.... and yes everything in our mind is rooted in survival. Making life.
That's why you're so highly motivated to seek sex and appreciate the female body.
But we humans survived an ice age recently for 40,000 years and something very strange happened in that time.... we needed each other on a MUCH BIGGER level than ever before. It's not enough to just fuck and reproduce. We needed a whole another emotion to help us survive.
Fear keeps us away from wolves and traps, things that will harm our survival. Love keeps us closer to good women AND NOT bad women, things that help us.
During the ice age our natural feeling of love was GREATLY increased. We learned to sharply tell the difference between a woman who wants to exploit us and a woman who will help us survive. We learned to love other things more than ourself, like the tribe (altruism). Because loving the tribe at that time meant surviving.
>How could I love that which I don't know?
Because it helps your survival. Your feeling of love is so well-developed that it reaches out to any girl who is good. You probably don't love degenerate sluts so easily, but you do love rose because she's homely and your subconscious knows she'll be good for your 'tribe' so-to-speak.
Another thing is, if you're ugly or have trouble with girls, you will love them easier because it helps (after all) YOU survive. Your seed needs to land in a woman. Either that, or someone who shares your DNA (altruistic sacrifices keep more DNA alive than having kids directly, historically and evolutionarily speaking). But if you're really good with women, it's harder to love them because it comes down to survival. So you need a REALLY GOOD women to be able to love her, if you're an attractive guy.
Fucked up in the head is justifying rape. Oh how you freaks can pull shit out of your ass and say we want it but thats not far enough, its the best orgasm EVER, right?
Rape is actually natural in the animal kingdom. If anything, women should be more grateful we don't do it more often.
youre fuckin wacky bro
It's very typically Jow Forums desu, makes me laugh that the two threads we relating to the female orgasm are "it doesn't exist" and "rape gives the best". Men will literally change their opinions during situations to whatever's most convenient for them to believe.
So is infanticide and incest you actual retard. God I wish people like you would just go and return to the wild and stay away from civilisation because you're grossing it up for the rest of us. You wanna be a wild animal, leave humanity out of it.
Rape isn't natural.
Female animals choose to mate or not.
Animals just don't have laws and prison.
Just say it
>I wish I could rape without consequences because women deserve it for not sleeping with me willingly
Its because their dick does the thinking in that tiny little head and their drooling mouth utters whatever pops up
They'd never make it in the wild. They'd be dinner the first night.
The feeling of love that you feel...
Take a moment and bring it back, look at someone you love, feel it now...
Reflect on that experience in your mind, that feeling
That is the feeling of life, torn from the cosmos. You've been given the capacity to feel that because we are a sexed creature and evolution and a harsh ice age pushed the sexes so far apart, that we needed to feel a huge pleasure to keep together can care for each other. That feeling of love is a small essence of life itself. The importance of survival. The farther men and women stray, the stronger love will get.
Imagine that rabbits don't love each other very much. The love and essence of life (these feelings) are all directed to the self. Each rabbit only loves their self. They have sex to pleasure their self.
Imagine that wolves love each other; because the essence of life, to cherish one's own life, hangs in the balance of those around you. Wolves love each other (but not as much as we do) because they wish to live. Each wolf really wants to survive, and will do whatever it takes to do it. Your identity, your spirit becomes spread across a tribe.
Love is fiercely rooted in your will to live and survive.
True true. There are some ones that have actually learnt to this with the head on their shoulders but they're so freaking rare I wonder if they're actual anomalies.
>>I wish I could rape without consequences because women deserve it for not sleeping with me willingly
That would be cool actually. I wouldn't have to pretend to be interested in the woman's non-existent personality.
Not him, but we have to remember that humans are animals, and sometimes this causes bad shit all over the world.
This thread is so funny.
It's called "why are women evil" but it's just a bunch of guys advocating rape and shit lol. Does anyone see the irony? Wtf even is this world.
Didn't say you fucking want it. Women don't know what they want bc society told you to be ashamed of your sexuality and your body.
T. Justifying rape my ass, orgasm doesn't mean you like it, it just means it's what your body responds to i.e fucking nature.
People are by the most messed up animal n 5his thread nails it home.
>ib4 I call you a dumb women not understanding my writing
You know it yourself women drive men crazy so that's why we're crazy when I was younger I felt like I was on drugs every time I had contact with a women, the high was better than the drugs I abuse now
Yep, they're the same dudes who pray for a zombie apocalypse but can't walk you the stairs without getting winded or pay for a bus ticket without getting flustered.
At least you admit it. I wasn't expecting that. I'm gonna make a thread called "why are men evil" with this, thanks. Please join if you want.
Where's the advocacy for rape in this thread
>not the obvious bait
Yeah, known one or two but even they turn stupid from lack of oxygen to their big head when the blood rushes to little head. Then the lies start and when that doesn't work a snarling threat and then a bit of force will do.
So we went to discuss stone age shit in this thread... Fuck.
Yeah humans are animals, but if you wanna be a wild one you can leave humanity. My dog won't eat meat that is literally left in front of him, even when it's dinner time. If you don't have the same control as a domesticated dog, I vote you get dropped in a forest on top of a mountain, miles away from any civilisation, where you belong.
Keep thinking about it. Don't let media like ( ) short-circuit your research. Keep asking people. Keep thinking. You're right.
Remember that in 2019 not many people actually experience love on a complete scale. Many people will not understand you because they don't feel what you feel.
If you ever want anybody to talk to, to give you serious discussion, email me [email protected]
But who perpetrates the preponderance of that shit? MEN
So you hate men and their penises?
>Please join if you want.
No, thank you.
There's no point in arguing with women because they let their emotions rule them instead of considering the facts.
Hmm I'll have to disagree at this point. The men I'm thinking of do get sidetracked when aroused but they're also capable of actually thinking of other things and, impossibly, people other than themselves at the same time. They are very rare tho so I can understand if you've yet to meet one
Are you a girl or boy?
Are you promoting some kind of belief?