we are seceding, show your support in this thread for the glorious mediterranean culture
Dalmatian general
Historic coat of arms
are you italian??
Official language
No we are Dalmatian
saging shit threads
Janez mad that this region was a kingdom while his country was a stable for austrians
come home white man
That's Ukraine's Flag
I sexually identify as a Slovakia.
>the most profitable touristic region istra, stays
dumb blitvars
Are you joining greater Montenegero wich is going to join greater Albania wich is going to join greater Kosovo?
give dubrovnik back to serbia zog scum !!
Ah Dalmatia ... Croatias niggers ... pays lowest taxes and claims biggest oppresion
back? It was newer yours lol
plus why did you bomb the shit out of it if you like it so much idiot, you dont bomb your own cultural heritage, I know reading is hard when your gene pool is degraded by centuries of ottoman cuckery but try to get some history books, at least this topic is very simple, but I will help you, here, this is simple just watch and listen.
And contribute most to GDP.
that's where my parents were from, but they moved to this shit hole and I strongly dislike them for doing so
Dalmatians are avar Mongolian armenoid shitskins
Come fight us. We're everywhere.
GDP of Germany maybe, by buying expensive german cars with fat konobar money.
No thats really Dalmatia flag,google it in Austrain empire
All of military hardware and bases are in the continent. One tank is more than enough to put the fear of God in Dalmos scum and raze all those shiny new hotels to the ground.
Islanders and people who do not live on the coast are one of the most based people in Croatia, however the fucking Jews and niggers on the coast itself are the cheapest, ugliest and most obnoxious retards to exist. Coming from a "Splićo" (resident of city Split) with Slavonian/Island background.
meme flag pussy
Thats just argument for liberal economy. Lower the taxes bigger the profit.
Now lower mine Sanader (Dalmatian)
Shut up nigger.
enjoy your stinky landlocked shithole
Pic related: Serbless Dalmatia
redpill me on them because i don't know nothing about them
Literally (there are exceptions, however), these people are so cheap and mean they literally steal and rob locals alongside tourists for a little bit of that tourism provision. They are worse than (((them))) in that regard. Trust me you have to live alongside these corrupt chinks for 18 years to see this.
well, fugg
Nobody in Croatia can afford going there :D Only rich Germans
Ordinary Croats are now peasants just like in Austrian empire
The thieves are mostly gypsies.
Very conservative, hard-working society that had the luxury of evading turkish and other immigrant penetrations so theyre genetically clear as Croats in the diaspora. No LGBT retards present there either. Islands are the ideal placs for the Croat ethnostate.
Are you ACTUALLY seceding or is this just like when gung-ho Texans just talk about being a sovereign nation again as a case of state pride?
>even if they insult me in my language they must be albanianz
Fellow user, they are miles ahead of gypsies and jews
When are we taking Istria back brother?
>Ordinary Croats are now peasants just like in Austrian empire
They do nothing whole 3 seasons of the year just to be cucks for 3 months
Most of the people who rip you off are gypsies who are newspaper stand workers and other shit.
We fucked our country,now we are all peasants for rich Germans and Austrians
Also every small business and restaurant owner will try to give you overpriced shitty product just to scam you... Normal Croats hate them for a reason
>over priced
Nigger the food there is deliscious. Come to America and you'll realize what overpriced is.
I live there moron. I know how delicious it is and the shit they sell you as a fucking tourist cannot even compare to food made normally. There is such a negative stigma for tourists here and it is the norm to fuck them over as much as possible.
Hooo boy. Go to a place that isn't a tourist spot (anywhere inland really), and you will get 50% lower prices with at least 100% better quality.
That is why I love traveling through mainland Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro. The people are nice, the food great and everything is cheaper compared to Slovenia. There are a lot of motorcyclists that do the same every year from all over Europe.
Pizza in Makarska is 10x better than in America, even though half the people here are Italian mutts.
The wine is better.
Lamb and meat tastes 10x better.
The only place that's sketchy is the casino where they're obviously cheating people in poker and fixing the deck and there was a titty bar (don't go to those in Croatia they'll charge you 500$ for 1 drink).
Cant wait for it to fail just to hear screechings. These western tourist have been on free market for long time they will figure out that theyre being robed.
Fuck off. I'd rather vacation in Makarska than anywhere.
The things that are generally sold on the grand market to locals are at least 60% cheaper compared to tourist food and it is double the quality. Inland Croatia is the true experience where you do not get screwed over on the every step. Take this redpill cause I am a season worker myself. I worked in Makarska as a souvenir seller and I can tell you that there the situation is quite bad, but not as bad as in Dubrovnik tho. This season I work on a ship that is also disgustingly expensive and is meant to make a daily tour on the islands. Only reason I am doing this is because I am saving up for a car.
Nigger I ate lamb in Hercegovina it was the best tasting shit ever.
And I didn't buy shit from the souvenir places, they're overpriced as fuck.
My personal advice is to go around the tourist traps and experience Croatia as a local, which will give you a much better tour and higher quality food, also you will see the culture much better. My advice is to go atleast one day to the mainland, as there is the grail of the Croat culture. Watch yourself brother. I am telling you this as a worker myself.
This thread glows already. Franz is rolling in the dark
Yeah, the most impressive part is the Paprčak, which is literally a God's gift.
If you have frens to show you around its ok. Otherwise youre getting conned 100 %, you maybe not noticing it yet cos Americans have so much buying power but its getting there.
what's that
Potkoljenica janjeta okrenutog na vatri, s odstranjenim papkom. Bude onak hrskavo, slano i mekano za poludit. Ko pileća krilca al masu bolje.
What about Smilje? Last time I was there that's all they talked about.
Conned how? I speak Croatian.
uf ja sam jeo kolenice od svinjetine i vrhunske su, a to jos uvek nisam probao ali sad imam zelju probati
Smilje is a plant, it is not part of the lamb. Paprčak is the part of leg below the knee which is basically a God's version of the chicken wing. Salty, soft and crunchy.
We were taken down by reason
I know what smilje is nigger. I'm asking what the fuck is it used for that's all they were talking about a couple years ago.
Nađi mlado janje, takva su izuzetno dobra... Sjećam se dok smo bili djeca pa nas bi se 15 u porodici tuklo za 4 paprčka to je bio šou :D
I support independence for any group of people who want independence. To not grant people independence is slavery.
It is very similiar to lavender in its use. Its essential oils are very healthy and have a beautiful odor that can be made into soaps, shampoos and many other stuff. Literal God's plant.
This stupid part is Dalmatia is divided into 3 administrative sections. It should be united.
Matane stop your tricks, youre from Makarska.
not 3, around 150. They want it more decentralised
That's literally a dog breed.
Nah, but I might go this summer.
I know someone with an apartment building there.
Banovina Dalmacija? Do it.
Do you spend as much time obsessing about your Romanian neighbors as you do Dalmacija, which you don't even share a border with?
>thread for the glorious mediterranean culture
>population there is hmmmmmmmmmm
But we do share a border with Croatia. And who am not to support those peoples right of self determination.
Okay, are you adopting the Ragusan language then?
Serbs stole that land after WWII.
I'm just wondering do you care as much about Bulgaria and Romania as you do Croatia?
>after WW2
They settled there when it was still Hungary
opinion debunked next
>dutch flag
we aren't going anywhere you dyke nigger. Croatia came out of Dalmatia
Serbs are more Romanian and Bulgarian than Croatian. Only Bosnian Serbs are closer to Croatia.
I disagree, Bosnian Serbs are also closer to Romania and Bulgaria then to Croatia
Croatia should've just remained part of Hungary after WW1
You're like those Albanians who claim everyone and everything is Albanian.
The last thing the balkan shithole needs is more countries
>Allowing Albania to exist
What is you doing
Start by removing them then we'll speak
They start with a 3 star general though
Serbs are Croats that got Turked. Oh, and your languages are identical you poser faggots
Welcome to the Balkans
Not gonna fall for that one again
What's the matter little s*rb bitchboy? You talk a big game but the second a real military gets involved you cower back into your little cuckshed.
you spouting lies in that very post encouraged my belief regarding Serbdom of Dubrovnik
Croats were alien to Dubrovnik in middle ages
>couldn't destory over 80% of the tanks and APCs after 3 months of fighting
>resorts to bombing civillians
Paper tiger
who was actually Serb, spoke Serbian, his brothers had Serbian names and were buried in Serbian monastery Hilandar
but you can't learn that in paradox games