Anyone ever try weed?

I'm not 25 yet and I'm afraid of doing anything really before then cuz muh'brain development so I was just curious as to what my friends and hippie family keep telling me to try is like.

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I started smoking weed around 23-24. It's nice, and the first few highs are hilarious fun (er, should be), but it's not the cure-all people tout it for and if you want it to be, it can get mighty expensive mighty quickly.

My suggestion is this: find some trusted friends who'll bring you in on it nice and easy and will let you explore it at your own pace. Figure out for yourself if you like it because at your age, you could smoke pretty fucked and still be safe from doing any real damage.

Test the waters with one foot, that's my recommendation. Unless it's illegal then fuck that just skip straight to coke or something, there's no way in Hell weed is worth criminal charges.

Just try it if you're curious. Won't hurt you.

Don't touch the shit. You don't need drugs in your life. Complete waste of money and almost every single person I've ever met who smokes (I say this as an ex smoker) is a lazy worthless insufferable piece of shit. Don't even try it.

you are in the clear on age for sure
If you have good friends smoke with them, or alone if your that kind of person.
you really dont have to be worried about any kind of addiction, unless you really really like it anyway. its still not a tough thing to quit.
I say go for it its pretty risk free if youve got a safe connection to some bud.

Go ahead and try it if you feel like, it's not going to hurt you. I used to be a huge stoner like 10 years ago. Now I only smoke a few times a year whenever I'm at a party and feel in the mood. It's nothing too special in my opinion, it can definitely make people lazy/apathetic if they start smoking it too much which is why I'd rather just smoke it pretty rarely and not waste my money on it.

If your mindset is “I object to doing this yet I am inclined to do it”, you might not want to do it

If your mindset is “I am inclined to do this yet I object”, you might want to try it (unless objecting is for safety!!!)

*safety of you AND others since you are ultimately an extension of them & vice versa

Try it, it's not like its going to make you addict if you try it a couple of times.

I stopped using it because it just worsened my depression, even though it was supposed to help with it :/

Also if you are really going to try it be sure to be with good company or alone if there is nobody else, try doing something creative while high or play some games.

The biggest effect I noticed on me was time perception, say I was playing some video game I could feel I've been playing for hours when not even 30 minutes had passed.

>you really dont have to be worried about any kind of addiction
that depends on the person. Don't say something like that when you don't know if OP will immediately fall in love with it like I did.
I might be a bit biased since I smoked for years and am trying to quit, but here it goes: I don't recommend you try it, but you are a big boy, so do it if you are really curious. Here's the thing with weed: it makes you live in the moment, and makes you ok with doing nothing (that second one is only true if you start smoking regularly). That means that if you are kind of lazy or unmotivated it will make you complacent. If you are not that kind of person then I say it probably won't be much of a problem, but even then you will inevitably meet lots of these people if you start smoking on the regular, and they might unconsciously suck you in. So here's the final advice I give you: If you are absolutely sure you are a productive person, and that you can avoid becoming a regular smoker, I say do it, otherwise I recommend you don't. It's not even worth it. If you want to get high and experience a trip, try psychedelics instead, since most of them are really hard to get addicted to compared to weed, since they can't be used daily (please do note that psychs have their own risks and counter indications)
Whatever you do, read up and know what you are in for. There are horror stories with all drugs, weed included (although it's completely safe, physically), and before you try anything read up on the effects, some positive stories and some posts from people who had bad experiences with them.
Good luck, OP

In my personal experience, I've found it something to do to pass time when I'm bored. I have anxiety issues and I've had panic attacks while smoking, and I've had to remind myself that no one has ever died from smoking marijuana. You might feel like you're gonna die, but you won't.

Your mileage may very, of course. I'd try it, but in the company of trusted friends and loved ones. I wouldn't worry too much about brain development at that point in your life. I'm assuming you're around 18, and even then, smoking marijuana occasionally isn't going to put you (or anyone for that matter) in a vegetative state or turn you borderline retarded.

>it makes you live in the moment, and makes you ok with doing nothing (that second one is only true if you start smoking regularly). That means that if you are kind of lazy or unmotivated it will make you complacent.

everday reefer smoker since 16 i started at 14 but not daily, im 18 now and well this man here speaks whole fucking truth. I regret it desu but those who can keep it seldom or atleast have good control I envy because they can enjoy the best high since they arent daily stoners then and can get shit done. I did fine in school but at the end when it kicked in to like smoking an ounce in essentially a week and a half through separate pickups it was killing me, what am i saying IT IS KILLING ME. I have these pains in the centre of my head that occurs anytime im sober and then goes away when im high, withdrawls are shitty dude. But each individual goes through it at their own pace in their own way, my sentiments and experiences wont pertain to all.

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Also i have a generalized anxiety disorder, bad neurotic habits. Maybe smart or a complete autistic retard idk. Keep an eye out maybe ill make my own thread here soon. I need to get shit sorted out.

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Fuck those saying how great the shit is. You should hardly ever do it. But really, if you are interested in optimal brain development, I suggest you do it (once) ASAP. You can stimulate dormant parts of your brain that will be undeveloped otherwise. Like moving your ears. Most cant do it unless you electrically stimulate the muscle and after that, many can continue to move them once they felt it. Tempted to suggest that you ask /sci/ but your gonna need to weed out a bunch of bs.

Just quit cold turkey, man. It's what I'm doing. Deleted all weed-related contacts from my phone and ghosted all my smoker friends for a while. If I really feel like smoking I'll just go to a rave or something and get blasted and NOT take any home with me later. The worst part about quitting is not even withdrawals, since those subside in a couple of weeks max, it's the fact that you are going to have to cut off smoking buddies, since they tend to reintroduce it to your life or tempt you into smoking with them.

People who smoke weed are degenerate retards and leeches of society. They are mostly worthless scum that sperg out about great it is even though the "awesome" experience of smoking weed cannot possibly compare to the experience of feeling genuine personal happiness that comes to someone as a consequence of being successful in life. Weed makes you lazy, kills your ambition, and makes you a lesser man.
Never try weed. Don't even care about weed. It's irrelevant and meaningless, an escape from reality, and a tool of cowards.

I started smoking in my early twenties. It was pleasant, liberating even. Jokes were funnier, food tasted better, and music sounded amazing. I realized also that my anxiety (typically crippling) was much easier to manage, and my back pain (from disabilities) seemed to lessen as well. I started smoking every single day. Morning noon and night. It was nice not being in pain, or feeling that tightness in my chest. It was nice being able to socialize again. It was nice to dull my senses until I stopped feeling anything very strongly at all.

I smoked for years. I'm almost 30 now, and honestly, I wish I had never started. For all its benefits, it also has a lot of drawbacks, ones that I didn't realize were holding me back until I was already too addicted to the sensation of being high. Don't get me wrong, its not physically addictive, no, but its behaviorally addictive. I didn't realize how listless I had become, how lazy I wanted to be all the time. I stopped studying because I couldn't concentrate on anything. If I wasn't high, I was bored, and if I WAS high, I wasn't being productive. I struggled with motivation my whole life, and the weed certainly didn't help.

I'm not blaming all my problems on weed. I could try a little harder to change my situation absolutely. But I've been smoking for a few years now, and I've also been trying to quit. I’ve been trying so hard but when I see a joint or a bong, I still shrug my shoulders and smoke it because I’m weak. It makes me lazy, unmotivated, unproductive, apathetic. On the other hand it improves my appetite, dulls my pain, quiets my anxiety, enhances my creativity, and is just plain fun.

I like to get high. I like it too much.

If you start smoking, make it an indulgence, not a compulsion.

so im and i gotta tell you this is almost entirely true. Only thing this guy forgot to say is that its ok as a fully developed adult with a sustainable vocation and content life to enjoy psychoactive things but sparsely and seldom. Like a friday night hard drink. But yea unless you are Jow Forums and content with your life or a retired man whos gonna be 6ft under soon i see go for it. But to each their own

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wrong i meant this guy sorry

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Don't smoke it. Keep your brain. Don't drink either.

Most things in moderation are fine.
Too bad most people here inherently lack impulse control due to being from shitty homes and/or being Anglos. Many stoners see me, a guy who enjoys weed 2-3 times a year, and immediately see me as a target to turn into a full-blown pothead.


Please don't. You're much smarter than your family and friends

Based dubs of truth
Baseder dubs of even more truth (other than smoking at parties, that gives me anxiety)

I smoked and sold weed from age 14-21, was totally obsessed with the stuff, and now I don't touch it.
It just gave me alot of anxiety, sometimes made sex with a very comfy girl more pleasurable, made me able to eat more than usual, and crippled my existential dread.
But it pretty much sucks overall.
Gives you a cool reason to collect tools and accessories to smoke weed with though.
If you get over the anxiety it gave me (or if you don't get it at all) it might act as a social lube to get girls into bed with you.
My rating for weed is gonna be a 2.8/10 would not reccomend.

Weeds alright but after a while you realize its a dumb drug just like alcohol