Be me

>be me
>got Jow Forums
>milf aunt visits
>surprised of my size
>starts feeling up my traps, shoulders and triceps
>starts to text me to keep in touch and asks to come over and chill
>she's divorced
What do?

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fuck her, how is this even a question?

Do it, take pictures/video, then link us to a thread on /b/ or something where you post the results.
>tfw I realize the only kind of porn that involves straight sex and won't trigger my jealousy is actual incest shit.

Just fuck her already.

fpbp come on OP

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I mean if you're into it and she's into it who fucking cares? Just don't make a baby with her.

And then post pics to an NSFW board with link to this thread

These are bad advice you're getting OP. Don't fuck her. It'll get fucking weird with your parents.

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jesus thats fucking hot.
just fuck her you white devil and then accept your fate in hell

no but in all seriousness don't do anything with your family thats a terrible idea

can u do something to get away from her or avoid her in any way?

We're all adults. She visited my parent's while I happened to be there.

>It'll get fucking weird with your parents.


Just do it! Swoosh xD

Describe your aunt! Is she hot?

She looks like Emma Burton

Attached: baby-spice.jpg (2078x2889, 1.14M)

Wait, what kinds of texts is she sending? Flirty? Give us some perspective my man

holy kek

she sends cute cat vids.

What a slut


Slam that pussy. Do it for all of us that will never have the chance.

What if she is just trying to have a friendship with her nephew

>It'll get fucking weird with your parents.
only if they join in

*seinfeld theme starts playing*

If by friendship you mean she wants to choke on a hot young dick then yeah sure

We need white sharia indeed

I mean what do you expect asking Jow Forums this question?
I highly doubt this is even true and if it is lol don't ask us we don't know what the fuck is going on anyway.

>friendship with nephew

Maybe she thought because they're related its not weird to feel his muscles?...
I mean uh

But I guess that's possible. Maybe. Kinda dense of her though unless OP has a strange familial culture.