What the fuck goes on in the red part???
What the fuck goes on in the red part???
Easton Adams
Christopher Walker
You freeze to death for 11 months and you can Hunt and Kayak during one.
Christopher Hernandez
Finns. Lots of Finns, drinking and Porcupine Mountains. Used to be the biggest source of copper in the world.
Dylan Robinson
thinking face
Logan Bell
Absolutely nothing, fuck off we're full.
Camden Morales
Moose have snowmobile parties and fish through the ice while drinking labatt beer...
...also meth
Christopher Miller
Substantial drinking, college students, and poor white people.
Isaac Cox
Injuns, giant mosquitoes and wolves.
Noah Cox
You pee... Get it... U.P. ... Upper Peninsula...
Cooper Scott
a lot of fucking snow. i live in central michigan