Found out husband is cheating on me. I'm carrying his baby but only 14 weeks along...

Found out husband is cheating on me. I'm carrying his baby but only 14 weeks along. I'm still a complete secret to his family so clearly he is hiding me.
I've tried ending the relationship before and he gets really aggressive and verbally abusive. I don't have any other family. My mom is a drug addict that is bipolar and we haven't spoken in almost 11 years. My dad moved far away and we only sometimes email each other. No siblings. I lost my dog last year who was my only friend. I loved my dog more than anything.
Do I kill myself? I am ready but just really unsure which way is best. Do I get an abortion? I'm so scared of my husband. I have no one else to turn to. I've been depressed for years. I've seen therapists before and they've only shown me unhelpful breathing exercises.
I just want this pain to stop. I need advice on what to do please.

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Break up with him and give me the child.

tits or gtfo

You need to see if you can go to a shelter or something for homeless moms / runaway moms. I dunno.

Wow shit like this makes me ashamed to be part of the human race. He is a lying manipulative piece of shit. I really wish I could offer more than words but you must look after your safety and the safety of your child if you so choose to keep it. He will become physically abusive. Leave while you can and start a new life in a new city, hell if you email your father might ve worth asking if GE could put you up for a little while you get yourself back on your feet. Don't reward subhumans by staying with them, your life is far more valuable than that.

Thank you. I think I am going to book in for an abortion. I need to get away from him. My dad lives in Bulgaria and I'm a Canadian living in England so it is a bit complicated. I really don't want to live in Bulgaria honestly. I think first step will my terminating my pregnancy. He would force or guilt me to have sex and had every intention to try and get me pregnant. I can't go on like this knowing that I'm pregnant due to rape.

Abortion seems like the best call. You have enough shit to deal with and a kid would only complicate it even before adding the shitty daddy factor.

Though going back to BG would sure suck, the support in UK is bound to be worlds better. Is there no way to change a therapist for a start? What about shelters for women?

Abortion isn’t the best call. make him pay child support lmao

What you think happens when you date chad?

Child support is a drop in a bucket unless the dude is really loaded.

I just tried booking a doctors appointment but had to say it was for migraines (he was in the room and won't leave me alone). They basically said that seeing a doctor was for sick people only. She could hear that I was crying so it just makes me feel even more hopeless. Maybe suicide will be my only option to get out of this situation. A new therapist won't be an option. I've seen 3 and they all were pretty useless. I've been teetering with the idea of suicide for years. I'm not looking for sympathy, no one would honestly really miss me. I'm just running out of options. Mental health funding has been so cut down in the UK now that there really isn't much hope for me.
There's also never really any room in Shelters here. I've tried before.

Yeah but no. Calm your tits, suicide is always an option but first you can try the less extreme ones. Maybe the doc could direct you to one too. And as shitty as Bulgaria is, it'd be still better than offing yourself. Besides again, that option always remain, no need to hurry to play your last card.

>no one would honestly really miss me
Maybe your dad will but more importantly there is you. Which might not feel like much now but there is a lot of potential in everyone and your circumstances weren't too helpful to explore yours.

Focus on immediate steps for now: Abortion and getting away from his toxic ass.

Go to the police I shit you not. If he really is abusive tell them and ask if they can help you get away from him. If your local police is amy good they will help you considerably and tjey probably also have a psych you could talk to about the abortion. Be prepared to be adviced to a women's house but take that step regardless and then let them help you find a new place away from him.


Abort that fetus and run from this fucker

>Got in a relationship with an abusive Chad.
Typical roastie. Anyways, I'd say you have a few options. Suicide is definitely one. If you decide to go on living you're either going to be
A. A single mother
B. That woman who had an abortion
or C. A woman in an abusive relationship with a kid who will probably be abused.
No matter what your life is gunna suck and if you get out of the relationship the odds of finding a good partner will be low. Maybe you can find a single dad who shares your feels but usually those don't work out.

there are women's shelters and therapists you should look into. You should go seek doctors help.

Don't think about the suicide option and focus on what is now. Abusive partners are no joke, would go to the police for help. Atleast that would be my advice. Wish you the best.

Lol, noone is going to bash her for having abortion. It's normal and good

For one no one is gonna know that she had an abortion unless she tells people and for two normies don't care only incels on ugandaan porn review forums do.

This. Having an abortion is female liberation and it's progressive and empowering.
Good luck either way, OP! It really sucks that you are going through this, it must be hell being you right now. I wish I had advice. Rooting for you here.

do not take your own life before you take his.

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This, definitely murder suicide with as much evidence of his abuse and cheating left out in the open in your house for whoever finds the bodies. Maybe a womb scan too

Have an abortion and tell him you miscarried. Then tell him that the pain from the miscarriage is giving you so much grief that you need a "break". Then start banging a bunch of different guys and post pics with them on any social media that he can see. He'll get the message that you're not coming back.

Ok wait. Your husband cheats on you, verbally and emotionally abuses you and YOU are the one who thinks should die?

No sis. No no no. You abort his child, shove the fetus AND your wedding ring down his throat and tell him to fuck off back to hell where he came from.

Cheating while married means that you can take him to court and take 1/2 of everything with you when you leave. HE fucked up - not you. You had nothing to do with his choice that he made. He cheated for purely selfish reasons and you weren't a factor in that decision at all.

Rape him in court, then take your winnings and second chance at life and get the fuck out of there. Move. Out of the city, out of the state. Stand up and build yourself your own life that isn't dependent on anyone but yourself.

Fuck him. Full stop.

0808 2000 247
Or text the police even. You shouldn't be taken hostage in any sort of relationship.

I've been to women's shelters in the UK, they do a great job at hiding their locations from everyone else than you, good security, etc.

Get an abortion ASAP, but even if you can't keep your head up. It fucking sucks right now, but at least you've seen his teeth now and know that it's all going to be better once you're far away from him.
Don't be afraid to leave him.

It's the UK, not some backwards shithole like rural US or something. No one cares if you had an abortion.

Why not go to bulgaria? It's going to far and foreign enough to give a true new start. Make you forget about your past life. And it seems like your dad is the only one you can lean on in this situation.

Bullshit. Bulgeria is third-world. There's no life there for her since she's canadian. If i were OP i'd stay in the uk. Or move to anothor similar western country

She will always know