Neets,terminally jobless people, dead enders, people with no career opportunity.
How the fuck you are not suicidal? I lost my last chance job yesterday and I'm already looking for cyanide online.
Neets,terminally jobless people, dead enders, people with no career opportunity.
How the fuck you are not suicidal? I lost my last chance job yesterday and I'm already looking for cyanide online.
As someone who dropped out of uni and pretends to look for a job for the last 3 years or so, I think I qualify!
>How the fuck you are not suicidal?
Are you fucking kidding me? I wonder how I'm not overdosing on happiness. As for the how: hobbies. I like creating shit, whether it's writing or animations or fucking repacks of TK17. Though to be perfectly honest I slacked around for the last months … the lack of pressure from a job is probably the only thing I somehow miss from wagecuckery. Having too much free time makes it easy to lose focus and procrastinate.
>last chance job
The fuck are you talking about? There are always more unless you live in some shitty village.
Your life sounds so different than mine. Hobbies? You have money for that? I struggle to pay rent and shit and this flat is falling apart. I tried to teach myself marketing and failed miserably. I'm no good in any field. I'm already 32 and spent last two fucking years on it. Got fired after 4 months, because I was so shit at it.
do your friends respect you for being a NEET?
I lost contact with all my friends. They belittled my problems and forced me to hang out, even when I didn't wanted to. I'm not sure I liked them in the first place. Also I have problems with my family. I was rised in super traditional family and kinda sheltered from others. I never properly lerned how to bond. I'm in therapy since 2010. I had 3 therapists. I did yoga and mindfulness. But it doesn't work. I don't want to hurt myself or anything. I just don't want to exist. I want to end my life peacefully and arrange my burial and lay down to rest happily
>Hobbies? You have money for that?
Mine don't need too much money. My only serious expenses are for traveling and buying some fancy tech here and there. Which obviously takes some saving up.
>I struggle to pay rent and shit and this flat is falling apart.
Well, living in EU so statemonis are nice. Rent is my largest expense too but usually have 100-200 bucks by the end of the month despite smoking a pack every two days. Generally I don't see too many people being content with so little (relatively) but for me it's perfectly fine.
>I tried to teach myself marketing and failed miserably
Failed at what exactly? What about cliche stuff like programming/webdev?
>I'm no good in any field.
But why exactly? More likely than not it's your approach and not you that's the issue.
Well, can't read their minds but I never got shit for it. I know most of them from the time when I was acing shit in uni, so guess there is still "that guy with potential who is doing his thing" afterimage left. Besides, while they are all successful overachievers now, they don't really like their jobs that much and always flirted with the idea of neetdom themselves. They just prefer the perks they got from having a career and some challenges that it offers more.
Op is a faggot
Dude, I'm fucking 32. This is the shit I'm talking about. I was unhappy for so long and I have no fucking strenght for fighting more. I don't want to spend another 2 years learning shit and living near poverty. It should be OPTIONAL not MANDATORY. Dogs are euthanised, cats even hamsters. Why we force humans to live with fucking hanging as an only alternative?!
>they don't really like their jobs that much
whats not to like about a 6 figure job?
32 is still damn young for anything but sports. Besides, alternatively there is always some blue-collar shit. Or learning to adjust to neetdom. What do you even want out of life?
>Why we force humans to live with fucking hanging as an only alternative?!
It's less forcing and more of not giving a fuck about people who don't succeed. Which still sucks but realistically leaves you with enough room to try again. Unless you're dead or something. Surely there is still shit you'd want to do/experience before quitting.
Because I'm not a huge fucking drama queen like you OP.
I'm talking about past me though. Current me is well on the way to a professional career, and haven't been NEET/directionless for a good while now. Stop being a pussy
They see you on rope - they call ambulance. They see you try to jump - some fucker always comes to try to interfere. We are thaught that suicide is something bad but in reality in today's world it's as reasinable and natural as eating and shitting.
And blue collar pays shit where I live.
How old are you? How long are you in therapy? Maybe you have just minor break, and are not actual neet.
Will be another 500 years before we see suicide booths like the ones you see in Futurama
In the end it's still a job for most sans the teacher guy who really loves what he does, and obviously earns no where near 6 figures. It's like not the others hate the stuff they do but just aren't as happy with their lives as my neet ass is due not having full control over their time.
And personally I wouldn't want an 8 figures one (assuming I couldn't quit after making 4m). Just imagining waking up at a time I didn't choose makes me cringe a little inside.
>They see you on rope - they call ambulance. They see you try to jump - some fucker always comes to try to interfere.
Which is only a natural fucking reaction seeing someone distressed. I'm perfectly fine with people offing themselves in principle but if I'd saw some random faggot on the way doing it without knowing anything else, I'd try to stop him too. Most suicides aren't calculated decisions when a person weights in the pros and cons.
Surely one could speed it up by bringing up the environmental benefits. Green is in.
It all boils down to not wanting anyone running off the plantations. Society is a self-regulating and self-interested thing. It doesn't want to lose worker bees or slaves. It's also why it tells you to work and consume endlessly. Don't dream of freedom
There was a project for one and a prototype few years ago. Also it's possible and legal in Belgium. Already talked with my therapist about that as an option and nearly ended in a psychiatric ward. Lost trust for her and consider not visiting her anymore
You are part of the problem then. Suicide is always a good option
Why left is silent about that? Or libertarians at least?
Anyone willing to act on suicide is obviously not fit to live. They either thought it out, or are incapable of such thought. In either case, it marks that that person is not fit for life
So we let society to shame them or play heroes by "saving them" (which in reality fucks up their situation ever more).
I never forget. 18 yo girl, tied to bed with straps because otherwise she would bite her wirsts. Ran away three times and tried to poison herself with painkillers and vodka. She had severe OCD and nothing could help her.
All of them, even libertarians, are materialists. For them, all that matters is how many things you own. What differs is how much you allow others to own, and how much the state can influence what you own.
"Conservatives," "leftists," libertarians, communists, nazis, capitalists, socialists, neocons, neolibs, neoneoneoconlibs, etc are all just varying degrees of liberty and materialism. Pick your poison. Any and all, except maybe libertarians, would actively prohibit suicide and make it very difficult to do so. Less people=less things=less money=less stuff=less power
They should *not* be "saved." They should be permitted to off themselves at the first go. If a suicide attempt is botched, the medicinemen and EMT services should euthanize the suiciders.
Finally voice of reason
I think I'll write a manifesto before hanging
28, got more and more physically sick and disabled as college was ending and right after I graduated my health just fell off a cliff. Then I got even more psychologically ill and with that I'm basically unhireable.
I dunno man; I guess I figure people can adapt to whatever. I never thought I could adapt to some of the shit my body has thrown at me, but I did. Even if I find things intolerable now chances are they will let up later. I think about how long the average life is compared to how long humans have been in existence, worrying about their day-to-day shit like it's the end of the world, and I don't feel much more irrelevant than anyone else, whether they have a job or not.
My life has pretty much become a matter of
>small-scale good deeds
>learning what I think it's valuable to learn
>staying out of pain
I'm not talking about charity work with the good deeds, because I barely have the energy to get dressed--more like being nice to a friend who's having some embarrassing crisis and taking them seriously when nobody else does. I do online classes or just read a lot even if it's an etch-a-sketch when I die because it helps me help people and also it's intellectually satisfying and focuses me and takes up time. Staying out of pain is self-evident.
I'm very lucky to have SSI. I had to be in some bad situations for the years I was applying for that.
It's also a pretty permanent, hence requires a sound mind. Wasn't there a statistic that most survivors don't try again and appreciate that they didn't die? Plus obviously the entire "call for help" aspect. Again, nothing wrong with giving people the option but if we just looked the other way everytime someone attempts to off themselves, it'd create and even colder and more dehumanizing society than the shit we have.
The left is more focused on affecting the factors that drive people to it. (Mainstream) libertarians are more about personal freedom (not to pay taxes).
>or are incapable of such thought
Which is more often than not temporary. Most people get close to considering it here and there, if anyone who ever considered it had an easy way to do it ... well, at least the overpopulation meme would die too.
>which in reality fucks up their situation ever more
For some it does and that shit definitely deserves more attention but AFAIK for most it does improve the situation in the long run.
It's a tricky fucking line but as shitty as forcing someone to live is going to the other extreme isn't the solution.
Please do. I'd ask you to blow up your local power plant or burn a farm before you go, but do what you need to do. Good luck
Aren't you affraid of future?
Isn't it commonly said that people back out if they aren't serious? If they back out then they were doing it for attention and can be disregarded. I'm talking about those who would do it and attempt to and are not held back by natural instincts
Look up that Belgian woman case and her ethanasia story. It's what this cold world need in my opinion
Like of the human race, or of me, and if so, in respect to what?
Sorry lol just trying to be precise with answer
I have a job that sustain my life,
but i'm still suicidal.
Don't expect having a job suddenly fix your problems in life and become non-suicidal overnight.
Your own. Aren't you affraid you won't be able to support yourself?
Also I know a story of a woman who was really good seamstress. She lost her job when theather she worked in closed. She had no money to open anything and her sewing machines were getting outdated. She drank bleach to escape poverty.
Stable job that I am decent at would fix everything. But it's impossible
Sometimes they are serious enough right in the moment. Hell, I recall a story about some chick shooting her face off and regretting it right away. Majority of suicides are extremely impulsive even if there is preparation going on.
>I'm talking about those who would do it and attempt to and are not held back by natural instincts
And if they fuck up and survive the most don't try again.
Think I recall the case and there are definitely fuckloads of other examples how the current "we force you to live no matter how bad you don't want to" policy is fucking over people and making them suffer so some fuck can feel pleased with his worldview being upheld.
They should be euthanized if they fail. That's what I'm saying
I guess I mostly agree but one could adjust it to the level of failure. If some faggot half assed a jump or overdosed on some weak shit that only made him puke and now shows the will to live again, surely one should help the person?
In case of someone unconscious with a broken spine but life-sights, one can help finishing the job.
Then again, when society gets around the euthanising idea, it's likely there won't be too many solo attempts and the person could get professional help ending it without the fear of getting locked up.
Of course. If you blow your face off because you're too dumb to know how to aim the gun, then you get euthanized. If you swallow some Tylenol thinking it get someone's attention, that's not an earnest effort. If they go right back to it and actually step up their game, then hopefully they get it right.
You last point is valid, but what I'm suggesting is an intermediate step. Even the most fucked up cases are kept alive and on life support for no fucking reason other than virtue signalling. Just let them die
Anyone else suffering from severe internet addiction? Anyone here who somehow turned it around?
Its like I have few days where I’m pretty productive and manage to get something done but then I want to check out something on the internet/YouTube I go on a 8h internet surfing spree and just browse useless stuff on the internet - it’s like I’m a zombie who clicks link after link, barley remebering anything
Because of these sprees I bottled several important exams and now in serious trouble
Also it seems that I can’t focus and a book anymore without my mind wandering
This shit is really destroying me and I feel like I have lost 2 years without experiencing anything
Do you want to die?
Ah. Yes, I do worry, because that's happened before. Like I said, I was in some pretty bad situations while I was applying for NEETbux, because I was too disabled to do much of anything and had to rely on other people, all of whom were abusive, in one case enough to permanently damage my spine. But I needed a roof over my head and car rides and such. Happens to a lot of people.
The money I have now is hardly enough to afford food rent and utilities on where I am, and I have to go to some humiliating and demoralizing lengths to get all the stuff I need together every month, and I still feel guilty for being on SSI, and I worry about it being abolished or the rules changed somehow or not having health insurance and descending into unrelenting untreated pain, worsening illness, and homelessness. But I'm still lucky to have it and I'm figuring out how to cope.
Drinking bleach (these days, anyway) is not a good way to kill yourself. If I ever get tired of what I'm doing right now, I think I know what I would do, as I've already nearly died by suicide once. But for the time being, I'm going the attempted-self-actualization-from-bed route.
>If you blow your face off because you're too dumb to know how to aim the gun, then you get euthanized
As an yuropoor I'm the last person who's an expert but it seems pretty easy to fuck up with small calibre guns. Hell, there are fuckloads of people who survived getting shot point black. Human bodies can pull some crazy shit in life and death scenarios. Given how she wanted to live right away, euthanising would've been the wrong call.
>but what I'm suggesting is an intermediate step
Technically yeah but a politician would kill his/her career even suggesting it off-handedly until society progresses. At least there is some movement towards it, so guess there is some hope.
Well, skip the
>I want to check out something on the internet/YouTube
step. If you have some shit you want to finish, do that.
I got around it by dedicating some days/weeks to slacking off while keeping it together on others, no matter what. Though ironically when I have an entire days to blow, it feels almost like a chore to fuck around on the web.
I guess I'm taking the harderlined position by saying that she, even though she regretted it, should be euthanized. In general, anyone who acts on suicidal thoughts, whether they "wanted" to or not indicates they lack lack higher reasoning, or that their higher reasoning told them to do it. In either case, they are not equipped to handle life and should be killed
Actually I just want to get my shit together and trash this ridiculous self destroying habit but no matter how hard I try I always end up on some dumpster fire website like this and waste my precious limited lifetime
Nah, I've worked suicide hotlines and it's a wide spectrum of people who call in (though I admit it probably self-selects). Some people are just going through some extreme shit (bankruptcy, etc) that they end up getting through, or have straight up OCD tendencies every time something minor happens and think about killing themselves endlessly to the point where they actually try.
I mean, I've had chronic suicidal ideation for the last 18 years and put myself in a coma trying, but I still don't want some fucko I don't even know deciding I need a mercy killing. Maybe I'll change my mind, and it's my choice regardless. I don't believe people should be manhandled into living or out of it. Everyone has a breaking point.
national socialists aren’t materialists you dunce. it was the only true alternative to materialism in the 20th century and it got crushed by the 2 dominant materialist ideologies of the century; and then the more materialist of the two beat out the other one
point being, if you think that natsoc is materialist, you need to read more literature. materialism is one of the primary things that natsocs identify as aspects of degenerate societies
It's true, they are definitely less materialistic than their contemporaries and I'd rather live in their society than this one, but they would no doubt prohibit suicide. Their reasoning might not be "because we need more workers!" And would probably be "because every X life is important, and no one is permitted to spill their blood" but it's all to the effect.
I included them because they are predicated on the existence of a material race, a material country/nation, and material conflict with enemies of their race
Maybe in philosophy? In practice one sees government corruption and the theft of masses of luxury items for people's private collections. If you want to say it hasn't been done the right way yet, okay or something. Frankly, I don't think materialism (in terms of just liking stuff and pleasure) to be an intrinsically terrible thing.
Why would a materialist think materialism is intrinsically a terrible thing?
lol, why indeed. Just smoking opium from a long-stemmed pipe and listening to jazz over here.
Well, above crass materialism or no, national socialism should definitely get a better selling point than their high spiritual values, cause the shit gotten up to in the name of that has heretofore been appalling
>smoking opium
I can tell
Are you trying to say that national socialism isn't appealing because of things done in its name (i.e. holohoax), even if that was done for a spiritual/idealist reason? That makes sense, and is correct. The turn towards all forms of fascism was a reaction against rampant materialism, and since materialism "won" the battle, everything da nazis did appears evil to materialists.
>pretending the nazis weren't just fascists with some junkies who liked runes
Well, it's better than what we have now. Neither is great obviously
Out of the past 18 months I've spent 9 of them unemployed.
I hate my field anyway. This is making me reevaluate my shit. I'm probably going to go into a different field entirely. My resume is shit. I only get hired for 3 month contract gigs, then dumped on my ass where it takes 3 months to find another job. Now my resume red flags me as a jobhopper when all along I've wanted a perm job but no one would hire me for one because I "didn't have enough experience." I don't even get unemployment, just eat savings. Now I have the experience but I "look like a job hopper." It's a neverending cycle of fuckery and I'm sick of dealing with the nonsense. I'm sick of employers being so god damned picky wanting a degree and 2 years experience for a job that makes the same as when I worked in a coffee shop and has zero benefits or job security. The coffee shop hired same-day, these jobs want you to jump through hoops and look at you like you're walking trash and they're doing you a favor just to make you haul in for an interview, then sit there and kick your nuts in about every resume point, for a job a monkey could do they want to only hire a rocket engineer and pay him less than a janitor makes. It makes no sense. It's a lousy fucking deal, and I've finally seen the light.
Working on two skills that can bring money without needing the permission of some HR hussy, launching one. Trying to fashion together two part time jobs that can well and above cover my cost of living and give me income left after that, have a decent plan concocted. Just need to land my first opportunity for both and I'm set for life. These jobs hire same-day, no bullshit waiting 2 months to hear back from an employer just to tell you they went with someone else.
Fuck corporate america. I'm done. It's a lousy fucking deal and no matter how high I work myself up in it, I only see more lousy fucking deal awaiting me. So to answer your question, I ain't suicidal, I'm pissed the fuck off. Fuck them.
>Are you trying to say that national socialism isn't appealing because of things done in its name (i.e. holohoax), even if that was done for a spiritual/idealist reason?
Pretty much. Assuming that the holocaust is off the table, lol, I was thinking more along the lines of forced sterilization and Action T4, various laws curtailing civil rights, the methods used to achieve and maintain a one-party state. One can have Ideals, but the ones that create that mess are shitty ideals and they're implemented in an even shittier way, for the human beings they affect. I do not think most reasonable people will go for that, if they've seen it before or have an opportunity to read the TOS in advance.
I'm not particularly in love with America, much less 1940s America, much much less 1940s Russia, but in no way do I consider national socialism a viable alternative, either as it has been done or how people who want to do a better version have pitched to me.
Kinda similar to the first post, dropped out of uni after the second semester because i didn't really like it. Since then im looking for a schooling? (don't know what it's called in english, the thing you do in germany for 3 years to learn a job) , don't have a monthly income but still some money in the bank since im living at my parents house and i did some part-time jobs in the past. ATM my daily routine is: Applying for a job, trying to kill time, getting declined, repeat. Don't have that many possibilities since im living in a goddamn village with two small-ish cities nearby. Not feeling suicidal (yet), already feel like i disappointed my parents, don't really want to make it even worse i guess.
I sort of agree. The issue is that ideal systems require ideal people. This is why the Enlightenment European philosophies fail. They are ideal, and any *could* work if the people making up those systems is perfect.
Until ideal people are achieved, political systems will operate in constant flux between appealing to human emotions and more rational lines of thought. Egoism and greed (materialism) are inherently the larger part of the human population. National socialism doesn't address this issue directly, and I am not a national socialist at heart. If anything, I'm a genuine anarchist, but I'm not dumb enough to think it'd ever work until the emotional and materialistic people are gone.
National socialism ostensibly tried to shift the focus slightly away from materialism and towards idealism, but obviously failed and, even if they weren't killed by the entire world, would likely have fallen apart in two to three generations.
However, the only difference between nazism and modern America is who gets to make rules; drugged up strong-men or pedophile corporatists. I'd rather have the first, and in either case I don't get a say
Well, speaking of pipe dream government (or lack thereof) pitches, whenever I hear someone's explanation of their ideal situation involving anarchism, it usually seems totally fine and logical. Which is funny given that my personal political leaning is like obnoxiously big-government democratic socialism.
Which, I freely admit that people never do it perfectly (ie to my own standards, lol) because people are generally incompetent, jerks, or greedy. I don't really split up the world into materialists and not materialists as a schema though; that seems to me like splitting it into people who like sweets and people who don't. Plenty of idealists, ascetics, insert-potential-antonym-for-materialists-here have those same faults, so it doesn't seem useful to me as a marker.
I'd honestly love to talk to you about your views on national socialism because I have a strong interest in this topic and in the people who are interested in this topic, but I'm shitting up this thread about NEETdom enough, so ciao. I'm out to finish my opium
Good luck to you. Like I said, I'm an anarchist at heart. Big government will always be my enemy, but at least nazis pretend to care about their own. Regardless, it doesn't matter. I'm not interested in political solutions, and only in forcing people to adapt (i.e. by destroying industry and technology).
See you latter. If you want to check back later, maybe we could do a discord or something but I'm not great at communication so who knows