Can someone fill me in on the link between Communism/Marxism and Zionism?

Can someone fill me in on the link between Communism/Marxism and Zionism?

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Communism is the most anti-zionist ideology you can think of. Not only does it attack religion, which is a central pillar of the Jewish community, but it also destroys the financial tools for their domination in politics and economy.

They were both founded and primarily promoted by Jews although dumb goys jumped on the bandwagon (goy commie scum & christian zionists for example).

>GLR - Zionism vs. Bolshevism:

Attached: zionism-versus-bolshevism.png (850x427, 391K)

nice try

But it is not anti-JEWISH, there is a difference. Commies want to enslave the entire world (which would put jews at the top of the hierarchy because they are the only ones allowed to hold their in-group preferences because "muh oppression for 10 trillion years goy"

>religion is a center pillar of the jewish community
....are you fucking retarded? The Jewish community is RACIAL, religion is meaningless to the vast majority of them. That's why Jews will proudly claim even Atheist revolutionaries like Trotsky are still 100% Jewish. Israeli citizenship tests are genetic, not on religious scripture. Anyone who thinks religion matters to a kike is moronic.

>destroys the financial tools for their domination in politics and economy
and it gives them governmental tools instead. The jew does not care whether his nametag says "CEO" or "commissar".

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Nice try shlomo, but Marxism is radical Judaism, (((Trotsky))) being the quintessential Marxist.

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Same as the links to lassiez-faire capitalism and almost every other major ideology past and present, the seminal works in the field were made by Jews.

the Jew is a rootless internationalist. the Jew cannot function in ethnically cohesive societies. so the Jew promotes multiculturalism, special rights for so called oppressed groups and destroys them mechanisms that would defended against these actions, ie the family.

in every way the Jew does the exact same thing the communist does to society. the Jew creates division (victim/oppressor) and while people are distracted the Jew erodes the family and civic life. in order for the Jew to feel safe they must destroy the very immune system that would defend against communism.

the Jew never assimilates and will always put his tribe above all else, even the nation he resides in.


This must be why Trotsky was a Zionist.

>almost every other major ideology past and present
let's not get carried away here. They were usually involved in the most revolutionary ones, but they didn't have much to do with traditional/older "ideologies". Jews didn't have any influence over the development of Monarchy, Democracy (greeks), or Fascism (which was, among many other things, an attempt at re-invigorating traditions for the future) for example.

Just because they were involved in the "left" and "right" of our artificial political spectrum does NOT mean they were part of "almost ever ideology".

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well said

came here to post this

Jow Forums hates both, that's the link.

There's a name for 'a third position' and it's not 'a third position' like you smoothbrains keep repeating. It is called, and has been called since Plato's Republic, tertium quid! Get a fucking clue.

> yeah its called freemasonry

The History of the Order of the Illuminati in Modern Times: The Conspiracy Continues

At the beginning of the modern age the Jews already had a huge presence in Europe. The stage was already set for the great Zionist swarm which was about to occur. The International Jews, many of them descendants of the same lineage of the Chosen People of Anu founded in Palestine almost some four millennia ago, had managed to keep themselves as a relatively homogeneous and almost monolithic group due to their peculiar ethnic customs and their contempt for crossbreeding with non-Jewish peoples unless it is for political motives.

Before I continue, I would like to take a brief moment to discard the myth of the Khazars as the progenitors of the current European Zionist Jews. The hypothesis that the Ashkenazim who are the prime driving force behind Zionism today are in some way or another 'false Jews' and 'impostors' who have supposedly superseded the 'original Jews' of the Bible is very popular among Evangelical conspiracy theorists who wish to invent for themselves the idea of a distinction between 'good and authentic Jews' who are loyal to biblical Judaism and 'bad false Jews' who follow the religion of the Talmud and supposedly worship Satan. The deranged Christians deceive themselves more and more. There is no race of 'Pseudo-Jews' who masquerade as the Chosen People of Yahweh as part of their great satanic conspiracy and the Ashkenazim in their majority have never been the descendants of Asiatic tribes such as the Khazars but rather Europeanized Jews of the diaspora following the destruction of Israel by the Roman Empire.

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In the time of Weishaupt the most important secret society was Freemasonry. It is important to iterate that at that time the Masonic lodges were not the same as the ones of today, since Freemasonry was still a brotherhood of the Gentiles which embraced a classical worldview and taught the mysteries of the ancient ancestral spiritual currents such as that of Egypt among others. The original Masonic orders had nothing to do with Judaism. However, in the next decades the initiates of Weishaupt's Order of the Illuminati would infiltrate many of the lodges of Freemasonry and take over them from the inside. The original Masonic teachings were corrupted by the conspirators and the brotherhood would end up degenerating into a Crypto-Jewish organization and a powerful tool of world Zionism. Thus would begin the shameful 'occult theocracy' of conspiratory Judaism. The shocking truth is that the present-day Freemasonry's so-called Great Architect of the Universe is none other than the god of the Jews El-Yahweh-Anu.

Attached: weishaupt.jpg (722x1024, 463K)

Weishaupt, backed by the elite of German Jewry, would use infiltrated Freemasonry as a vehicle for the realization of his Illuminist dreams. Now the Jewish conspirators operate behind a Masonic mask. let's remember that the Zionists are cunning and prefer to conceal their true identity and perform their deeds of evil disguised as their rivals. The secret order of Weishaupt idealized a utopia based on a 'benevolent dictatorship' headed by 'enlightened' men or the Illuminati in which all traditional monarchies and all nationalistic governments, private property, inheritance rights, patriotism, the present social order and all theistic religions would be abolished. Those ideals resemble closely the infamous Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx, another Jew of a family of Rabbis and a Crypto-Zionist whose real name was Moses Mordechai Levi. It is said that the group dissolved in 1785, but by then their clandestine initiates had already infiltrated Freemasonry in great numbers. Soon the Masonic societies would be dominated by several powerful Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds, the Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, the Speyers and the Sterns.

The strategy of the conspirators has always been to create a state of chaos in order to shape from it order. The Zionists sow the seeds of conflict in Gentile lands and thus they destroy the old orders. They infiltrate nations, sabotage them from within, provoke political and economic crises, work in order to given rise to demise and then establish their own order over the ruins of bygone orders. Their main tools are war, revolution, political discord and economic depression. Their means for using those weapons are conflictive religions, radical political parties and warmongering governments. The conspirators are pathological puppeteers whose objective is to take over the world by any means necessary. They are soulless psychopaths who only seek to destroy non-Jewish humanity.

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>ter·ti·um quid
>/ˈtərSHēəm ˈkwid,ˈtərtēəm/
a third thing that is indefinite and undefined but is related to two definite or known things.

Stop being autistic & wrong. Tertium quid is a generic phrase that could be applicable to any number of things akin to a mixture or hybrid. Although Third Positionism may LOOSELY fit in this definition, this phrase was not created to define politics/ideologies, it was created to define elements.

Attached: tetrum quid.jpg (228x160, 9K)

The illuminated conspirators would first of all infiltrate the political and ideological groups of France and bring about the French revolution. In the French cities hundreds of thousands of people were massacred at the hands of the radical ultra-leftist Jacobins and the guillotine would become the symbol of the movement. After the revolution, the traditional monarchy would be abolished, an increasingly authoritarian regime would be established and then a warlike government would be installed and cause many armed conflicts with other European countries. At the beginning of the 20th century the Crypto-Zionists would do the same in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Bolshevik party, a mostly Jewish group, conspired to tear down the Russian monarchy and take over the whole nation. As always, they did it under the pretext of 'a revolution for the wellbeing of the working classes' and set about to destroy the old Russian order in the name of communism, an ignominious Jewish ideology. The revolution was financed by powerful Jewish bankers in western countries. This time the native population would be subjected to a horrifying totalitarian system of slavery and millions of Russian Gentiles would be slaughtered by the Crypto-Jewish state in the infamous bloody purges. Besides, the Soviet Union would become a great military power and make war with the nations.

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At the same time the conspirators would invest in the National Socialist party in Germany and establish a totalitarian and warlike dictatorship in the heart of Europe. The infamous regime of Hitler, installed by the same elitist Jews, would murder millions of people in their own territory including many non-initiated Jews, invade many neighboring regions and wage war against the other Crypto-Jewish superpowers such as the Soviet Union of the Jewish Bolsheviks and the Allied Forces of the West. The Zionist conspirators, disguised as secular communists and European fascists, sew the seeds of chaos in the Gentile nations and destroyed the old order. The stage was set for their New World Order.

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Doesn't really exist. Right wingerism and zionism go hand in hand

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Lie to the newfags all you'd like, but you're eventually going to have to stop lying to yourself.

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all isms stem from judaism.

That's a stupid, blanket statement that does not hold up to scrutiny. While I agree the Jews are problematic and hazardous, posts like this only hurt our side of the argument.

Jabotinsky-Chabad and the powerful Sanhedrin that runs the operations