ITT : W O K E celebrities

ITT : W O K E celebrities

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Mussolini did nothing wrong

they really abused the "_______ is literally HITLER" card so much nobody gives a shit anymore, mussolini shaming is the new hitler shaming

"I'm an artist now"

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Mussolini lynching in this context is a feel good allegory to Tsar Nicholas II they use. These kikes are just salty they lost germany pre war. This nigger is insane from jew brainwash.

Mel Gibson, and he never got too big, but Owen Benjamin. Maybe Vince Vaughn too.

Based. Also checked.

This guy is just having a hard time dealing with being a has been. Maybe turning fag will revamp his career?

Owen is truly something else though. He said what AJ was too pussy to say for fifteen years in a two hour stream. Truly based.

I don’t know man, Greece was a pretty big fuckup.

So was Africa

Carrey’s a retard but he’s right on this. I love being alone

Holy shit literally my life philosophy

When has Africa not been a fuckup?

I meant him sending troops there. Africa has always been a fuckup lol

I think that scene in ace ventura where he catches the bullet w his mouth is fake. I would like him to repeat this stunt in rl for us plz to prove it was real.

He’s a fucking psychopath who knowingly infects his sex partners with STDs. One of whom committed suicide. Fuck him and fuck you OP!!

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So he's a asocial asshole? Amazing!

This is me. People are so tiresome. Still I'm too solitary to be comfortable.


are you one of his "bears" willing to suck his dick for acceptance?