USA 2020 election

Jow Forums simple question who do you support for the 2020 presidential election?
>no need to post who you do not support

I support

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Trump ironically again


There would have been no Third Reich without the Weimar Republic.

I support your mom giving me a 20/20 blowjob

I support
cause she's fit as fuck

there is no viable opposition

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Trump, but I can't vote in the US election anyway.

This is a Democrat board now.

but you can leafpost all over the internet, npc's are not ready for you user


I support nobody currently. If Trump closes the southern border and begins deporting Hispanics en masse, including fraudulent citizen anchor babies, I will vote for Trump.

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Bernie or who ever the libertarian candidate is.
I don't vote for repubs or dems typically but I sure as hell wont vote for that orange Israel loving cuck in the white house.

what a fuckin zionist
>there can be no messiah without the anti christ

Trump. I don't like him, but I still vote for him.
Honestly I don't see myself voting dem for a very long time. The Democratic party is batshit crazy!
After seeing how they dealt with kavanaugh nomination, I can't bring myself to vote blue again.

>I support nobody currently
you have no dog in this fight so fuck off shill. "I support nobody currently" ...b-b-but trump is orange bad man

Fuck government. Trump will win tho.

I voted for Trump and supported him before most others did. I knew he'd be president.

He is taking far too long to get rid of beaners. When he gets rid of beaners, then he'll have my vote again.

>inb4 "muh fair weather"

>simple question who do you support
no "if" faggot , also trump is being tough on the border imagine if it would have been hillary/bernie facing theses migrant caravans

Until Trump does something real about the border and the beaner problem then he's no better than Hillary or Bernie.

Who would honestly create more dissent though to promote the anti-white accelerationism. Trump, vote for Trump just to fan the flames on the left even if he loses we win.

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>51 Democrats want to block Trump from using military to build border wall

if not Trump then who faggot who will do better with border security?

The ghost of Andrew Jackson

It's too late since we've already imported all the poor dirt farmers from Mexico but I'll support anyone who will deal with illegal immigration.
Or maybe I'll just flee to Maine.

The border is already lost my friend, the demographic war is already lost.


My only issue is immigration and heavily restricting it. If there is no candidate who will help to destroy the beaner menace, then I will put my immense energy to better use.

Trump, since every alternative is worse.

Old stupid boomer here, I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton most likely. I predict non of the candidates will get enough delegates and the dems will call on their queen to step forward as tribute.

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Uno que por una vez por todas desaparezca al país maldito de Haití, que se fusione con Dominicana y que 15 millones de negros se vayan para México y que México envíe 10 millones de mexicanos, se arregla esta mierda.

Trump quoting news headlines utilizing Jow Forums memes

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Yang Gang

Trump. Reluctantly.

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Trump so the liberals can cry again.

Trump, unironically. Yang gang is just memes, but when the gloves come off....


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I support Mr. Andrew Yang

Same... and since so far it looks like Trump's second and final term is guaranteed, you know he's going to go full kike mode. He doesn't have to worry about getting another term, so we're going to see the full face of Zion Don.

Lets hope that for 2024 we get a non-kiked Republican candidate. Probably not, though...


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it doesn’t matter trump will win

trump 2020

Trump again.

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This man right here. He jerked off on stream despite him having a girlfriend, he still beat the old meat on camera. Man has a 9 year YouTube legacy, he's done more than Donald Trump's ever done. This man is a Chad if I've ever seen one. Phil will make America white again, just like how his pants was before the steam officially started! "Oh the camera was on the whole time huh? I didn't know that. *SNOOORTT*"

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The amount of people who still support zion don really depresses me. I thought you guys would've learned.

Elizabeth Warren

Thats the problem. Who is better? This is exactly like Hillary vs Trump. Voting on two useless candidates, except Trump was hilarious at the time. Now he's just blormpf/Zion Don, and yet there is still no one that can replace him.

Elections feel so pointless if this is how its going to end up every time.

first claim who do you support then you can complain that orange man is bad shill faggot


I was going to go for accelerationism and say hang, but seeing how much viral marketing money seems to be poured specifically into anti-trump shilling renewed my confidence in him giving someone with a lot of money a reason to be afraid. So I'll say Trump.

> Hillary will be campaigning and there will be retards voting for her


Trump to make America great again MAGA!!!
