If you haven't been living under a rock these last three days, then you would've already seen /ourlad/ Matthew North go to a Trump rally and ask these (((MIGApedes))) reasonable questions about what their believes are concerning Israel, Aipac, Nonwhites in America, and among other things.

Well he got a lot of answers and they aren't "redpilled" in the least lads. This is the mentality of (((MIGApede))) boomers. They don't care if America turns into a majority nonwhite multicultural nation. They don't see race, they think anyone can come to America and become an American if they start wearing MIGAhats. They don't love this country nor their ancestors, if they did then they would do everything in their power to save this country and their people. The (((MIGApede))) wants the same thing that the left wants, White Replacement and White Genocide. If you call them out on this they call you an anti-semite, a natzee, or a stormfag. You can't express love for your own people on Jow Forums anymore, because the (((MIGApede))) Civnats start Kvetching.
Daily Reminder that (((Civnats))) on Jow Forums are nonwhites, kikes, and t_D (((MIGApedes))), shilling their psyop to make whites water down our racial ideals.
Videos Below are from Matthew North

Video below is from /ourlad/ Jared Taylor from American Reinassance, giving his view on the (((MIGApede))) problem, i suggest everyone listen to what he has to say.
Last threads here
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Okay discord tranny

Cool story bro, now explain how Democrats are better in any way.

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They’re not
What’s your point faggot boomer

this is just a desperation move by libs to make MAGA unattractive

>inb4 miga, boomer and other leftist/shill replies

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If you had an IQ above room temperature you would recognize that the point is unless you offer some sort of alternative you're just screaming at the sky in impotent rage like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and you're worse than useless.

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Truth hurts

We told you he was liberal retards. I'm just sitting here very happy being a reasonable person not hating jews.

fucking kek and like that the (((MIGApedes))) start kvetching.

> you're a yangfag
I've already stated I do not support that Gook on the last three threads.
Grasping at straws much (((MIGApedes))) ?

>If I type MIGAPEDE enough they wont notice im a faggot
kys faggot

Our alternatives have been the same since the beginning fucking Boomertard.
> Spread the message of WN and NatSoc to all Whites
> Form White Communities with like-minded people
> Get into government positions to change laws in our favor
> Start deporting nonwhites from this country, first the illegals and then the "legal" ones
> Make Whites raise their birthrates to replace the dying boomer population (that would be you)
> and lastly make america great again
These are a few out of many doable ideas that can be done and can be done quickly.

t. (((MIGApede))) nigger lover
go back to t_D with your based shitskins faggot

What's the matter shill?
Does your script fail to provide you with any actual argument?
Come on, just go off-script for a second and try to formulate ONE actual argument.
Just one.
I'll wait.

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op got slammed and jammed like the trannie he is

are you trying to tell me that what your (((MIGApede))) boomers say is not what the majority of you faggots think like?
do you not support Civic Naitonalism ?
do you not support israel ?
do you not support based nonwhites?
do you not disown WN and NatSoc ideologies?
Everything we accuse you (((MIGAtards))) of being is the truth because you yourselves have proved this.
Look at the videos, the proof is right there, there is no kike shilling going on here.
More Whites are throwing away your boomer failed ideology and embracing WN and NatSoc.
I know this makes you cucks KVETCH in anger but it's the future.

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>calls me a tranny
>when there are literal trannies at t_D posting themselves with MIGAhats on

he didn't listen to messiah, let the dead bury the

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