Bit of a situation I got here:

Bit of a situation I got here:
>Agree to date with girl I have been seeing/fucking, going to grab some food
>Friend texts me that a lot of people are having a big night out the same day
>Date with girl is pretty late already, wont be home before at least 10-11pm
>Could go out at that point, but then I wont be able to go back to her place, plus what do I tell her?
>Want to go out with friends but also want to have sex with girl

What should I do? What would you do? Is there a way where I can have my cake and eat it too?

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Go and fuck her.

Take her to the party then fuck her in the bathroom like its your freshman year.

Oh, I've had guys like you and can fix you quick. Go ahead with your friends and I'll fuck some other guy thats been trying tonight.

Tell your friend you're busy clapping cheeks and can't go out tonight but you'll be there next time. They'll understand.

Take her with you.

Actually makes me feel a little sick knowing I've probably been the plan b guy in that scenario a half dozen times.

Thought about it, don't really feel comfortable yet introducing her to my friends.

Lol I don't think so

I actually wanna go though, night outs don't happen often with this group.
I also don't really get laid a lot though...
It's a doozy

That kid has Chad genes.

It's one night you fucking child. Stick to your pre-arranged plans like an adult, and go party some other night.

I'm gonna definitely take the girl for dinner, no doubt.
Just debating whether to go out with my group of friends or go to hers afterwards.

On one hand, I want to bang her.

On the other hand, I want to have a good time with my friends whom I rarely see.
This could also serve to keep the girl on her toes a little, show her that I have other stuff going on. I was getting a tad worried recently, that I was drifting a hair on the needy side with her.

I don't reaaally want to bring her with me, cause I kinda wanna flirt with girls, which I obviously wont do in front of her, also, I don't know her very long, so I don't really feel comfortable introducing her to my friends just yet.

Okay, I am going out on a limb here, but how does this sound:
>Go to dinner with girl
>Go back to her place, make love to her
>Don't rush it, appropriate foreplay and aftercare, about two hours of quality time
>Tell her that I wanna go to the club, hope that she wont want to tag along
Is that a shit plan?

>>Tell her that I wanna go to the club, hope that she wont want to tag along
>Is that a shit plan?
Yeah it’s shit. You already know she’s not gonna like it. Either spend the night with the girl like you planned originally or drop her for your friends. You can’t do both.

I suppose your right. It turns out I can't have my cake and eat it too...

just plan to go out straight after the date and then on the night if she's practically begging you to go back to hers, go back to hers.

Yup. Looks like you just have to make a decision.
The party is just that day. You can make plans with her the next day.
Tell her that something came up and if you can meet the day after.

I don't know why you're so uncomfortable for her to meet your friends. Just bring her with you after you had dinner, go party then come back to her place and get laid. That's the perfect plan dude

go with ur friends bro
male friendship is more important than fucking a random bitch, also u can fuck her another time anyway. if she's not ur gf then do ur own thing

do this but dont say ur going to the club, say u need to do something/whatever but dont tell her or she'll want to come with u or think ur an asshole

no man OP cant flirt with other girls then and besides its stupid to bring ur date to a night out with ur friends, makes it seem way more official than it is

>u need to do something/whatever but dont tell her
That’s just as bad. She’ll know he’s hiding something.

>male friendship is more important than fucking a random bitch
yeah nah not in this case, “bro”
OP already made a commitment to see this girl. Is his male friendship going to provide him the sexual release that this girl fulfills? It’s not like hes going to lose his friends after one night anyways

not everyone is an incel like u, besides if u think having sex is better than going out with ur friends ur just a low IQ animal

oh okay you just want to shitpost, got it bro

>its stupid to bring ur date to a night out with ur friends

OP can go out on a date and fulfill his commitment, then afterwards go out with his friends. It's not like he is forced to stay the night with her, besides from his post it doesn't seem like OP wants to get more serious with her.

OP here.
How does this sound?
>Go eat with girl
>Have a good time
>If she gets me super horny and is super fun, I'm gonna go to hers
>Default plan is to go out with friends after
>Tell her I have plans with friends afterwards at some point and factor her reaction into the decision
>DON'T take her along
>DON'T try to bamboozle her, pick one or the other