Why do you hate Muslims?

Muslims or at least the Muslims that stay in their Arabic countries are clearly great people that are pushing for the future unlike Europe who is accepting the worst of the worst of every society and self destructing itself. Muslims don't even hate whites, they have never said something against the white race, yes, against Europe, but, wouldn't you be the first one to raise in arms against the European governments?

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>Muslims that stay in their countries
I (and I assume most of this board) don't have a problem with them. The invaders ("""refugees"""" and immigrants) however, should be impaled on spikes.

Nobody here hates muslims except for Israeli shills.

Ilhan Omar is the bravest member of Congress and is freeing Americans' minds from the ZOG.

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>Muslims or at least the Muslims that stay in their Arabic countries

those muslims i don´t hate, i respect every man who wants to improve his country and culture

>Why do you hate Muslims?

I don't. I just prefer they stay where they are: Saudi Arabia, Somalia, France

>they have never said something against the white race, yes, against Europe
What happened at Vienna in the 17th century?

>are clearly great people that are pushing for the future

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Mutilated dicks unite!

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We love Muslims here now, I expect Ramadan to be made a national holiday soon.

Muslims are deceitful liars, murderers and scumbag thieves.

If they would stay in their dusty backwards shitholes, I would basically never think about them again except for doing international bantz on Jow Forums.

And who are the ones defending those criminals and importing them? The Muslims? No, they, you know who, is their fault.

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Ilhan Omar needs to go back along with all of the other shitskins leeches who've come here, being right about ZOG should not be the sole requirement for becoming an American. If a fucking Aboriginal came to America and said "I hate Jews" would you let him marry your daughter?

because I know history

for instance, they aren't Muslims, they are called Saracen.

I personally considerate Muslims in western countries Trash, she and Imran Khan are a piece of shit, they would be scum dying out of hunger in a Muslim country, do not trust in them,they really hate white people

Why do Muslims hate truth?

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>or at least the Muslims that stay in their Arabic countries

I agree, but just because they aren't the ones "orchestrating" it, doesn't mean they aren't still a problem. If my scumbag neighbor drops a sac of poisonous snakes into my house, I still have to kill BOTH the snakes and the neighbor.

Muslims are the ones bribing our governments and setting up muslim organisations to undermine our law and promote islam.
Muslims are at fault. Fullstop. You lying sand rat.

>Muslims or at least the Muslims that stay in their Arabic countries
>the Muslims that stay in their Arabic countries
this only. They can keep all that desert shit but better not step foot out of it. They say nothing about whites, its about all non-muslims. Yes EU government sucks, but replacing it with Muslims is not the answer.

Also hi CIA.

What the fuck is a muslim doing in Honduras?

Matthew 7:14-23
Really isn’t the appropriate word

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The west didn't have a muslim problem before we went to war in the middle east on behalf of the kikes. It all started after 9/11.

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Their existence is a threat to mine.
How people could ever believe in islam is beyond my understanding.
It's the laziest corruption of Shemism that exists.
The origins of Abrahamism go back very far. Look into the ancestors and the prophets of old. Islam is very evil. Judaism is too. A corruption so old that they think they are the origin.

israel did 9/11 you stupid dumbass

I understand this, read my other posts.


No, the European replacement started further before the 9/11, it started on the 70s but you somewhat big migrational groups started to come in the 80s, Muslims already migrated to Europe before the 9/11, they only did that to destroy Irak because it was one of the whitest Arabic countries, just like how they want to destroy Iran and Syria now.

Muslims have always been our enemy, you fucking dumbass. The saying "enemy of my enemy is my friend" doesn't apply to military conflicts, everyone is out for themselves.
You think when we get rid of the jews the arabs will just stop being pieces of shit and go back to their own countries peacefully?

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