18 KHV, never had a girlfriend

18 KHV, never had a girlfriend
>you're still young give it time
Do I do nothing in that time? What do I do? 18 KHV can quickly turn into 25 KHV.
And no, don't say exercise, I'm not talking about trivial shit.

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you know how you put time into videogames? do that but with real life.

>Le video games bad - book good
Thank you for your not helpful advice user, don't you have a garden to water?

ah nevermind you're retarded so putting time in might not work.
You have to be a man about it. Go to a club (a school club not a dance club) and talk to a girl and get her number. Then ask her out for lunch/coffee soon after. Take what happens and LEARN from it for next time.
It's not going to happen on its own.

Tinder with low standards. Don't get beyond 3 sent messages without asking to go somewhere like a bar.

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See, that wasn't hard
I don't like tinder, it seems shallow and I don't have much to offer in terms of looks

Gym is just a shortcut to better your looks and self confidence in general, if you can do those two things in any other way i.e. haircut, clothing, speech and social skills then that, but gym works even if you are a potato with ~90 iq

>app that has 2 parties to consent to talk to each other
Nah. Would you rather have a public bar where people can see you miss your shot and have some chick eventually pity you enough to talk to you? Seems worse than Tinder my dude. Also, you have no idea on whether or not you look good to others so if you have low standards going in and just try to match with 90% of the women in tinder around you, you'll eventually find someone in under 3 days.

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Be gainfully employed, have your place, have a car, be fit or at least not fat, dress well, groom yourself, be interesting, kind, funny, and most importantly be sociable, have friends, pursue relationships, etc.

You should be able to get laid within a few years, no problem.

I'm happy with my physique.
I do know I'm not so good looking, I've tried being rated online on multiple places, /soc/ and reddit for example.
I'm on my way to doing all of that

>book good
You can have both, please read literature - not enough people do. Or at least watch Art Films, pretty please, art and culture is dying and only (you) can save it. I don’t want to live in a shitty stupid world with no expression or though.

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Are you tall skinny lanky dude? Because if you are girls in their 20s eat that shit up (if you're not autistic)

Skinny but manlet.

Go to the gym.

Last sentence

Be fine with being alone.
Youre coming off a desperate and that will scare people off or set you up in an abusive relationship.
Learn to be alone and work on other aspects of your life
Hit the gym
Rebuild an engine
Learn an instrument
Start a garden
Join clubs that associate with your hobbies. If you are lucky you may meet someone along the way and youll have something in common right off the bat.
But if not, at least your are building yourself and making the most of life anyway.

Don’t worry you won’t be a 25 KHV unless you start completely ignoring girls. I was a virgin at 18 didn’t get laid until 22. I’m 27 now and have been with plenty of women. Some people just bloom a little later.

But can you say that about everyone here?

I can say that about everyone who actually tries. The older you get the more women that are available also. When you are 16-18, the only girls who want you are also 16-18. When you are 20-22 girls from 17-24 want you. When you are 25-27 girls from 18 to 30 want you. It just gets bigger and bigger.

To be honest, getting some pussy largely just comes down to being atleast decent looking, being fit, having friends and going out to social events. You need to have an acceptable level of physical attractiveness and social status. If you check off these 2 boxes with alteast 'OK', i guarantee you won't be a KHV for much longer.

99% of incels are incel because they're either ugly, autistic, don't have any friends or they never leave their basement.

Just get on Tinder and smash one.

I go out with people like twice a week is that enough?
Not counting school

If you're going out to places where you can meet girls, then yes twice per week is plenty.

why did you save my fucking pic you shit

Honestly at some point any human connection is good.
I'd prioritise making meaningful friendships over romantic ones for now.
Otherwise you pretty much lack the foundation to successfully find someone you want to be in a relationship with anyway.

Search for pussy