How much is your lineage worth?

I propose a solution to the problem of people that contribute nothing to society force upon us all.
If there was a program that offered $3000 for you to get medically sterilized, then only those of this society whom think 3K is a significant amount (and therefore proving they are worth less than that) would even consider it.

Attached: Self solving problems.jpg (512x512, 30K)

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You could make it work in America if you sold the concept as something pro ecology like you know, limiting overpopulation, the media wouldn't know what to do about this.

>he thinks society is worth contributing to besides lining the streets with the dead

>He's ok with society being this way
I'll figure out after the poor euthanize their lineage for pocket change what category you fit into and then I'll mane more voluntary ways for the rotten apples of society to remove themselves.
After all, the best solution to a problem is to have the problem solve itself.

I think the left would call this racist, and therefore make themselves out to be the racists.
Would be worth it for the comedy alone.

FWIW my solution is that nobody gets a vote until they are a net financial contributor to society. That includes the cost to the state of schooling if your parents chose a state school.
This would prevent leeches continually voting for more blood.

Attached: other peoples money.png (600x400, 164K)

Except then the state could impose more fees to everything to keep those in power in control of the system.
All MUST be legal citizens to vote, and at which point they may vote however they please.

*Which I would add would literally be supporting bigger leeches that want more blood, as you claim to be against

I see your point. I suppose it depends which sort and how many leeches you want.
Right now we have billions of leeches at the bottom plus a few thousand leeches at the top.
>impose more fees
If we're talking about the kind of drastic change I'm proposing, there's no reason why shenanigans like this couldn't be outlawed by a constitution / amendment (depending on the country)

Attached: communist privilege.png (1000x1000, 102K)

There are reversible and less invasive birth control methods. But it's a good idea.

>Add more laws to fix the problem I impose
Aaaaand there goes any chance of this debate continuing.

Law : The following must be paid back to the state before voting rights are granted :
- Cost of state funded education
- Cost of all benefits received

>problem I impose
The problem already exists. My proposal fixes it.
>Add more laws
If we don't have laws to protect our nations we end up with the clown would we currently live in.
Beside which, all the gibs are currently mandated BY LAW. So would you rather have their law that destroys society, or my law that fixes it?
Like I said, it all depends on how many and what type of leeches you want.

If you add a law that prevents people from voting if they hit [criteria X] then they will find a way to make the majority fit this criteria.

Like gun owners can't be felons, let's look at how marijuana is still federally illegal, shall we?

There are already plenty of laws that restrict voting for a multitude of reasons. Why not have one that would actually solve some problems?

>There's already plenty of stab wounds in this man, one more wouldn't hurt

But your assertion was that restricting voting rights based on [x criteria] would lead to the "elite" taking voting rights from more and more people.

And giving one more criteria that they can use is wise because?

Because what you stated hasn't happened and could easily be mitigated against constitutionally.

Because that happened every other time, right?
All this is basically a moot point, as the people in power are clearly not interested in the people "below" their class.
This was just a hypothetical for anons to discuss, guess they're all busy in the threads, this one should have been at least at 150 posts by now.

What would be the point of living without the fulfillment of the main one? Reproduction.
You can hate negroes and shitskins all you want, but they get it.
If you want a solution for your shitty plans kill them all, but sterilization is cruel. They are still humans.

My mom would have taken it
Shit Id pay $3000 for me and my 6 siblings to have never been born to her drug addled eternal single mom ass

And society would have been better for it, no offense.

No, they don't care about that as much as you project them to.
After all, if they accept $3000 for sterilization, then thy admit that their interests are more material than maternal.

>this kills the white

Attached: rayman.png (1920x1080, 322K)

You wish, Muslim.
But whites have a better abstract thinking ability and would likely not accept the money even living in similar squalor as certain other races.

500 years of polish heritage, so about $5

No I agree, we all grew up on the governments tit with extremely poor quality of life because shed flip foodstamps for drugmoney while we lived in niggerville baton rouge constantly getting thrown out for overdue rent
And she still to this day bitches and moans about the government despite surviving because of their handouts

Have you managed to make it to middle class, despite this setback?

Was lower middle class for awhile with a mortgage and a clunker car with my fiance
Flood took everything we had and now were honestly upper lower class living out of her parents spare house thats a century old and falling apart but were clawing our way back

whites are already abandoning the thought of raising families, getting vasectomies left and right and you want to incentivize them even more. shitskins are getting paid to have kids too
If you can't see the problem with this you're a double digit IQ "woke" nigger or another filthy jew, whiter than you in both cases

Attached: this is america.png (187x124, 69K)

More power to you, you're the kind of man we need more of in this country.

>Whites are already abandoning the thought of raising families
And you, a "French" man know this as a fact because?
You listen to American demoralization media too much.

What does my country have to do with birth-rates in the west?
It doesn't take a genius to realize that only intelligent people will be getting snipped for their "free" 3k$. You'll be left with white trash and dumb male shitskins making more fatherless babies, single mothers receive thousands if dollars each month to raise their little gang members.
You have a nose nigger, try breathing through it.

>Ignoring that 3K isn't much at all to even middle class
Yeah, it'll surely go as you say and won't be the ones who don't make money working for a living who also don't think ahead (both go hand in hand) who would end up selling their fertility for 3K.

>>Ignoring that 3K isn't much at all to even middle class
3k is juicy to any but the most wealthy
niggers aren't going to be standing in line to get snipped and fill out paperwork for their money, they'll turn back the moment they realize they're not getting handed the cash by the doc himself as he cuts their balls off, and the women aren't getting their tubes tied because even an absolute retard would realize a one-time payment of 3k isn't more money than multiple thousands every month for shitting out a few babies.
Stop showing how much amerilard eduction failed you and think about this for a second:
>only middle class whites are getting vasectomies
>vasectomies are already cheap
>offering money instead of taking it will only worsen this problem

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3K isn't enough for me, a hardworking middleclass man to even consider getting sterilized.
You say it's another way and ignore the logic behind what I say is the truth.
And the only people getting snipped are those who have had kids already, because they still want to fuck, but don't want more kids.
Last (you)

>3K isn't enough for me, a hardworking middleclass man
Ah a wageslave who doesn't understand the concept of wealth accumulation, quintessentially low IQ
I'll leave you with this, took literally 5 seconds of googling
>On multivariate analysis, a significant difference in the odds of vasectomy by race/ethnicity remained, with black (OR 0.20, 0.09–0.45) and Hispanic men (OR 0.41, 0.18–0.95) having a significantly lower rate of vasectomy independent of demographic, partner, and socioeconomic factors.
Have fun helping with white genocide, wagecuck

I’m a poor immigrant from Eastern Europe who’s ancestors were nobles. Real nobles not that hurdy gurdy own 10 serfs bullshit. I’m keeping my jizz. We will rise again.

>I'm a poor immigrant
>But I'm white
You either contribute to society or you're poor.
If you're poor, you should change that by hard work, or by selling your balls for 3 grand.

>more white people are getting vasectomies than black people
You say this like that's magically negating the idea of them doing so because they don't want more kids.
Also, black people have a hard enough time paying for things when they leave Walmart, that's why shrink security makes sure they can pay before they leave with the stuff.

I have a job. Like I said, Eastern European nobility. So all murdered and ripped to shred by dirty commies. I’m the fresh start of a 500 year lineage of power brokers. Starting from scratch.

If you say so user, that's a pretty big claim to just post on a Chilean water testing support forum.

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Well it certainly won’t be easy but it’s something I think about daily. Makes me mighty upset that not even 100 years ago I would have been living in a palace getting the best education from all across Europe. The last piece of my family wealth was a 1.3 million dollar emerald that my grandmother sold for a months worth of milk and eggs. Those fucking commies. I hate them.

It's ok, you'll have the last laugh.
Nobody kills more commies than commies.