Remember your foreskin? The hospit that stood it from you at birth was able to sell it for $100,000 a piece, on average

Money that could have paid for your education, housing, travel, etc

Can we form a class action lawsuit?

Don't believe me? Look it up.

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Oh say can you see

Excellent. now even jews will want their foreskins back

>Foreskin-derived skin, sourced from circumcisions (now considered by many experts to be painful and also unnecessary) is still often considered the “cruelty free” alternative to testing cosmetic products on animals. One foreskin can be used for decades to produce miles of skin, much of which helps people in genuine medical need. And that’s the reason one foreskin can generate as much as $100,000: that’s not the fee from a one-time sale, but the fees from the fibroblasts that are created from those original skin cells.

>But not all uses of foreskin fibroblast are “medical” in nature. One of the most publicized examples of the foreskin-for-sale trend involves a skin cream that has been promoted by none other than Oprah Winfrey. SkinMedica’sa face cream, which costs over $100 US for a 0.63 oz bottle, is used by many high-profile celebrities (such as Winfrey and Barbara Walters) as an alternative to cosmetic surgery. Winfrey has promoted the SkinMedica product several times on her show, and her website, which raves, there’s “a new product that boosts collagen production and can rejuvenate skin called TNS Recovery Complex. TNS is comprised from six natural human growth factors found in normal healthy skin...the factors are engineered from human foreskin!”

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>celebrities using dickcream.
oh lawdy

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they can keep their money
i need repayment in blood

Underrated hahahahahaha

heehee sorry goy, but we can simply bribe any judge with an enormous amount of money to dismiss your petty lawsuits, since we've already gotten filthy rich off of selling your foreskins.

I want my money!

It will probably only cost 1/10th that to get mine regenerated with foregen, an extra 90k for pain and suffering would be nice.

Im okay with it. I'm sure it went to a good cause. Like securing our greatest alliance.

when you beat the emus and can own some firearms, you can talk some shit
go get bit by a spider or whatever other ridiculous animals you have

>Oh say can you see

No kidding. This issue alone is why I'll never be a patriot. "Land of the Free" my ass. Any kind of cosmetic surgery to a girl's genitals is a felony; cutting off the most sensitive parts of a boy's penis is a parental right.


fun fact: tradtionial jewish circumcision isn't nearly as severe as the kind done in the west, which is done to extract as much skin as possible (to make more fibroblast shekels).

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Won't regrow all of those neural connections though

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Wtf I wanna sell my foreskin and pay my mortgage now

wew just when I thought it couldn't be any worse

I'm not circumcised and could use $100,000
what do?

For ever foreskin taken, we will remove a clit from a feminist.

Only works with babies. Stem cells and all.

I always found this so bizarre, that it's okay to make skincare products by mutilating babies. Has anyone supporting this said it out loud.

There's 12 months in a year, friend.

Has anyone ever sued?

Can i sue the hospital i was born at? lol

Any male born in the USA should get 100k USD.

>only works with babies
So what you are saying is if I have 10 babies I get 1 million dollars and get to keep my foreskin?


We need to get this trending
I want my reparations

Oy vey! Remember the skinocaust!
Over 6 million foreskins sent to the lab!

>i'm angry that my body was violated so let's do the same to other people
don't be a nigger. i'm pissed off too but this is not the right attitude

Someone sue the doctor and hospital where they mutilated your genitals. I'd love to see the chaos when millions of American men sue for pain and suffering inflicted on them as babies by doctors when doctors knew or should have known the mutilation was unnecessary for medical reasons.

that's what makes america so great, it's a criminal

Why Pharisee culture got worse post-Jesus? It’s like they really are trying to separate themselves from the he rest of humanity.

You are a fucking retard.

Underrated fucking kek

File for your sibling or relative without them knowing and split the cash

Baby skin has the least amount of free radicals making it the perfect anti aging cream. Your dick skin was put on some rich whores face, as an uncircumcised virgin I'm jealous

>Your dick skin was put on some rich whores face, as an uncircumcised virgin I'm jealous
yeah man it sure feels great knowing my dick skin was used on someone's face who I'll never know. totally fucking worth it.

No, can't say that I remember my foreskin.

Seriously can we sue them? I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread. Bump.

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Imagine the outrage if the product of female circumcision was profiteered off of. Fuck this is insane. Boy, we sure are privileged huh guys. Not only do we get part of our dick ripped off against our will but the same assholes that push for that shit make bank off of it. Well, we need to do something. Like some kind of campaign to raise awareness about this shit so that future males won't be so victimized. Maybe we could stop the practice someday, or at least postpone it until each boy is old enough to choose, like when he is 15 or something. This is some grisly shit. I mean who would have thought that kikes pay that kind of money for a snack.


I'd literally pay $100,000 in cash right now if I could instantly have my foreskin back. The worth of body integrity is very high. Especially if it's the most sensative most private part of my body