Is isolating actually bad?

>mfw isolating
How/why is it bad? I love it.

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Isolating yourself or someone else?
Either way you seem weird . . . our a non native English speaker

Isolating myself. I like having a giant wall between me and everyone else. It's so nice. I'm ok with being labeled as weird.

this route will lead you into unhappiness, simply because humans are enormously social beings

It‘s a relieve because you don‘t have to put up an act anymore.
That‘s why it feels good af.
The more mature way would be to find a way to be around people and still not put up an act. But that‘s god tier. Not many have it in them to rise to those levels.

I'm legit turning down women because I can weigh the effort vs the reward in my head and I just think
>Nah, I'd rather chill on the couch with my nuts out
But why? I turn 25 next month, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life. I am dependent on no one, I can even make money without speaking to another human.
Maybe the factors you say cause unhappiness might not apply to me?

And as far as putting on an act, I only do it around people.
Honestly, around people I kind of pretend to be a frightened naive man-boy that knows nothing of the world, yet, I refuse all offers, because
>oh boy oh jeez mister I donno I better not
But as soon as I get back to my cozy sound-proof shell, I bust out laughing
>No, plebian, I do not want to spend time with you because that is precious valuable time I could spend hitting my brains sweet spot doing the exact things I want to do

This poster is correct. I have (still) isolated myself from everyone in the same way. It took me a while but I realized I was sick of the anxiety and feeling down on myself around other people. Ideally you want to learn how to be comfortable in your own skin, as well as learn how to engage with outside perspectives. Of course I haven't done this myself. I sit at home and wallow in my depression because I've nobody left. Thankfully I began therapy a few months ago and so far it's done very little help but it's a difference, at least.

Maybe you'll get where Im at. I've cured my depression and anxiety. I'm happy as hell alone. When I'm alone I am my own god, I control so many things.

I am currently sitting on my couch, smoking weed, sipping beer, watching Sci-fi /x/ tier shit on my 55in TV, Im in an apartment I got last week, my cat is asleep next to me, I'm contemplating getting my Switch out of the car.

My coziness does not compute with other humans. I refuse to let other people fuck up my chi.

Seriously tell me how isolating is bad

>Is isolating actually bad?
You won't be socialising, you will lose what social skills you have, you won't be doing anything that betters you keeping to yourself, you won't have any healthy coping skills by doing it.

Won't lie, I developed a slight stutter and I can't remember a lot of words on the spot, but it helps my act.
BESIDES my intention is less people anyway, and look at me, typing on Jow Forums talking to other people worldwide, that's all the communication I desire.

I am ok with retardation if it means not socializing again

That feel when you realize you're an IRL evolving intelligence meme

And what healthy coping skills? Seriously I've cured my anxiety and depression. I think I can cope with things alright.
I drink 3 beers a day TOPS, that's the past week, and that's we most I've drank in months.

This thread is just making me feel like my life is fucking awesome and I don't really need to change anything

Honestly I don't think there are any problems with it as long as you are having fun, if you are an introvert even better as it'll be easier on you

It always seems like people who say "hurr durr you can't do that, you're human, and humans are like that" forget there are some people which their brains fuction differently from others, whether is from a mental condition or just how your brain is structured. OP if you find happiness being isolated there's literally nothing wrong with that, even if you have the only person that you're damaging is yourself so there's morally nothing wrong. People forget that the path of happiness differs from each individual, that's why many people fall for the "just get a job, get fit, get money,get a gf, get friends and you'll be happy" meme

Isolation for long periods of time will damage your social skills. Do it when you really really need a break from people. It alsoDepends on how you think of isolation.

I have’t used social media in 3 weeks, and have thus not ‘seen’ a few people I know irl, basically closing them off(they dont have my #, I don’t see them at my other job). I still go to shows and work, and talk to my closest friends. I would advise a partial isolation from society.

In degrees of excess it is. You can stupefy yourself so badly you literally will not be capable to form a verbal sentence. You can socially cripple yourself merely because not enough people see you let alone ever meet you.

A lot of bad things can come with an excess of isolation and its not simple things like not being able to talk right - we're talking full blown onset of mental illness(es) - like where did these voices come from and WHY WON'T THEY SHUT UP I JUST WANT EAT CEREAL level of bad on the mental illness. The lack of true stimulation outside of the monotony has something to do with it.

Isolation in excess is about what you lose about yourself and later what you lose of reality.
Stay a couple days you stay in the house though - that's fine.

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>It always seems like people who say "hurr durr you can't do that, you're human, and humans are like that" forget there are some people which their brains fuction differently from others, whether is from a mental condition or just how your brain is structured
True, but they are exceptionally rare. To assume you're one of those people is probably going to be regrettable. Furthermore, since communication and cooperation is what allows humans to be so dominant on Earth, to have a brain that actively avoids it is to be as close to a literally bad human as you can get. It's also actually part of the lifecycle of a Jow Forums robot. At 18-19 they're fine with being alone, maybe a little nervous about virginity, but overall having a blast. They're always the ones posting
>anyone else actually LIKE being a NEET shutin with no friends or life?
threads. Not the "wagie hate" threads, but the serious ones. They're always fresh out of school and still riding the wave of not 'being surrounded by people yet alone themselves' every day. They're simply alone now, don't have that stark contrast to self-judge about, and it feels liberating. I was there once myself.

But gradually things get worse. No need to delve deeply into that path, there is enough to gaze at by lurking Jow Forums.

Idk what impression you got, OP here, not a NEET. I work every day. I only take 3 days off a month.

depends who you are. Mainly it causes you to be unable to socialize, but if you have a job where you dont have too and you like it then its fine.

So my loss of speech ability that's not brain damage, that's being alone for a collective of around 22 hours a day?

Holy fucking shit I'm so relieved. I legit thought I was becoming a stroke risk. Dude nah I still don't give a fuck. I will risk retardation if it means not sacrificing the coziness I mentioned earlier.

I'm still staying alone. I'm having fun.

OH my god the cringe jajajajajaj la puta madre que pelotudo

Control is an illusion, let life happen

not really God tier just simply doing what ever social person does with being polite.

>22 years old
>stacking cash like it's all I care about
>dab on thots who want this shit
>apathic to almost everything

I've got no strings to hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings, but now I'm free
There are no strings on me

Uhuh taco taco burrito you too Pedro.
Don't get it twisted, what I mean is being alone allows you to be in charge of everything you do

This, this is what I'm talking about. I don't see any reason to give this type of deal up

There isn't any.
You are made to feel this way by people much like ourselves who know, and act as if the future is all that matters.
This includes making you believe you need things you do not actually need.
Women who worship you, money for the sake of having money, coming across 'well-rounded' to others, it's all memes.
The only thing that matters is that you get yourself into homeostasis, and while you're in it prepare for moments when you're not in it.

You'll just further rot your ability to communicate and be around others. It isn't bad now but it'll catch up because you'll stagnate and stay mentally in the same spot while life goes by

If you're happy why tf do you care? Most people here and in the world are fucking miserable. You are a weird little introverted fuck, but you're happy. You have something many people will never have, and would be deeply jealous of.

When you aren't happy being alone anymore, just do things differently.