Trump is to the United States of America as Hitler was to Germany.
Both share and fight the same enemy.
Prove me wrong.
Trump is to the United States of America as Hitler was to Germany.
Both share and fight the same enemy.
Prove me wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Both share and fight the same enemy.
Western Civilization?
get aids, kike
all fields
He's a fucking kike boomer faggot who only helps shitskins and kikes but never whites
Fuck off MIGApede
Trump is pathetic compared to Hitler.
Both cucks who ended up being btfo by the left.
epic thread 9/11
Trump isn't even right wing. He's a centrist.
Hitler was also found of Zion and sending all the Jews to Israel. Zion Don loves Israel. I dunno, I think Hitler loved his country more than Israel ; this isn't true for Don.
Then why are his rallies always filled to the brim with white people if he weren’t supporting them? Who is he referring to by “the forgotten men and women of America”?
Your nihilism and lack of faith is what’s pathetic
>Trump doesn’t love America
Where are you when he gives his speeches to the American people?
You’re like the fucking Jews waiting for their Messiah to come, but reject Jesus when in reality he’s right in front of you, but you reject him, because he has a plan for everyone, and just your chosen people
> his rallies filled with Whites
That was only in 2016 when Whites thought Trump was their champion. Have you seen his fucking rallies now? Their multicultural with LE BASED SHITSKINS flooding his rallies and getting at all of the white women. You just see stupid fucking Boomertards at his rallies and shitskins.
Oh my fucking god you poltards have truly gone and cucked yourselves over with Trump and your need to have self defeatist, nialistic, black pilled, critical views on the man you’ve been waiting to return to save us all from the banking cabal since Hitler left this plain of existence.
You’re all fucking pathetic.
>ibf I’m a shill kike and needs to go back to wherever I came from
you do need to fuck off back to t_d
you are a MIGApede and a traitor to the white race and america
or am i lying ?
Holy shit user, you're right, now I'll vote for based Kamala!
> if you don't like Trump, you must then vote for a democuck
why do you faggots always use this talking point?
What if people don't want to vote for no one due to both sides being kike controlled ?
If Trump is really against the kikes then why is he still alive ?
> also using poltards
which confirms that you aren't from around here huh?
just admit you came from t_D, have balls and admit it
>traitor to the white race
>are you a liar
Yes. Yes you fucking are
May all your critical nihilism and lack of faith in this man stain your feet, and prevent you all who disbelieve from ever entering the National Socialist utopia you all hope and dream for.
Hail Victory
Hail Liberty
I come here quite often, calling you a poltard got under your skin didn’t it?
What has Trump done for Whites ?
> inb4 muh jobs and muh economy
no it didn't
it just confirmed my initial suspicions that you MIGApedes aren't from around here, that you come here from other places and shill the MIGApede movement.
So where do you come from? t_D ?
>if he’s against the kikes, why isn’t he dead
Hello!! Earth to dumb fuck! They’ve been busy the last two years trying to unseat him through an unsuccessful coup. And they HAVE made a number of attempts at killing the man and all have failed.
You’re not as smart as you like to think you are
If the kikes wanted him dead he would be dead by now, just like all other real threats whom they eliminated
etc. etc.
All threats to them have been taken out before they become a danger to them.
But going back to my topic
What has Trump done for whites in this country?
I surf both Jow Forums and T_D religiously, and have been on T_D since it’s initial inception back in 2015 when it was a colony of Jow Forums on reddit. T_D has gone down hill ever since the start of the general election, and even worse since the start of 2017.
But that doesn’t matter to you does it?
I hold the faith, and I continue to hold the faith in this man that he’ll bring us to a new golden age of mankind, where everyone, and not just whites can live in harmony. And that doesn’t make me a traitor
>what has he done for whites
>eliminates jobs and economy from the equation
IDK, you tell me since you’re so adamant about it
>no actual response to post
>deflects to muh whites and what has Drumph done for them
What has he done for America and Americans is a better question
>I surf both Jow Forums and T_D religiously, and have been on T_D since it’s initial inception back in 2015 when it was a colony of Jow Forums on reddit. T_D has gone down hill ever since the start of the general election, and even worse since the start of 2017.
kek so you are a fucking MIGAtard after all huh?
And what happened to that Jow Forums colony?
It got subverted by literal kikes and they banned all WN and NatSocs from t_D, thus it became a Civnat and alt-lite cucked site , and these faggots flooded Jow Forums in 2016 shitting up the whole board.
>I hold the faith, and I continue to hold the faith in this man that he’ll bring us to a new golden age of mankind, where everyone, and not just whites can live in harmony. And that doesn’t make me a traitor
> already became a fucking (((Civnat)))
you're already a traitor, you care about shitskins instead of caring about your own people which is the thing that matters most in this world.
fucking nothing that's what
america is still getting racially replaced
whites are still living in poverty
whites can't express pro-white ideals without getting banned off of social media, getting fired from work, and getting demonized
shitskins on white crime is the highest it's ever been
insead of fighting for his people, Trump would rather throw us under the bus and pander to niggers ,spics, gooks, poos, etc.
Literally nothing has been done for Whites.
Whites are the only real Americans
So what has he done for Whites?
You continue to be a liar. My love for my people, my ethnic origin and country is far greater then any hate or mistrust I hold for the other races. I can’t say the same for you. You’re nihilism and need to divide is what gives the rest a bad name.
Maybe YOU’RE the idiological shill
>prove me wrong
Your whole therory is wrong. You need to prove your ideas.
Then they are proved wrong. You have an opinion and no proof. Durka durka orange man bad is a worthless post.
>My love for my people, my ethnic origin and country is far greater then any hate or mistrust I hold for the other races.
You say this but your ideals are the opposite of what you claim you are.
Tell me this, who founded this nation and for whom?
Oh wow! Did you expect Trump to accomplish all that in two in a half years while the Left has been breathing down his neck the whole time??
You are short sighted, naïve and stupid. You’re hatred and your need to divide is what’s holding us back
No not Orange Man Bad!
Orange man GOOD!
Everyone here is so paranoid of shilling and division, that their doing the division themselves!
>Oh wow! Did you expect Trump to accomplish all that in two in a half years while the Left has been breathing down his neck the whole time??
He said he would do all of these things within his first year, and he hasn't done SHIT.
>You are short sighted, naïve and stupid. You’re hatred and your need to divide is what’s holding us back
The only us is my race and that's it.
nonwhites are not part of us and never were part of us.
Understand this boomer
>my ideals are opposite of what I claim
Oh really? Please enlighten me on what you assume my ideals are good sir?
Or have you continued to deride and deflect?
Can you please post more proof. They just don’t even look alike to me sorry
He’s a Zionist. Hopefully he paves the way for the next hitler though
>Oh really? Please enlighten me on what you assume my ideals are good sir?Or have you continued to deride and deflect?
they certainly are not pro-white are they?
and you haven't answered my question
who founded this nation and for whom ?
Holy fucking shit, your need for assumptions shows your mental retardation
I’m 25 lmao
> 25
Neo-Boomer then, young people who still parrot boomer cuckservative ideologies that led us in this mess in the first place
White protestant Anglo-Saxons for white protestant Anglo-Saxons.
That hasn’t been the case since the 1800’s. Not a good argument
The recent wave for shitskins on the other hand is a recent development thanks to the immigration act of 1964
what enemy is that? truth?
>prove me wrong
This just shows you flip burgers for a living. I’m not upset about the shills. I’m upset about stupid. Pure logic states you have the responsibility to prove your ideas. Any cock sucker who thinks his dumb ass could possibly make a thread with this logical fail as a lead, should be challenged in his ideas.
You dumb. Ain’t proved nuffin. Hopefully you understand this sentence.
Nope wrong again.
I hope this country takes a hard fucking turn Nationalist, best case scenario some form of NatSoc.
Which was the original argument of this post, which you’ knowingly derailed purposely shill
I understand every sentence except the first. I don’t work a wage slave job like flipping burgers. I’m a fucking electrician.
The assumptions here and the need to bitch and insult is up the fucking ass
It was founded by WASP for any free WHITE person, they key word here is WHITE, of good character who wants to come here and become a citizen of these United States of America.
This has always been the case until the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 passed by the kikes and communists to flood America with nonwhite third world shitskins.
This country was built by whites for whites as the founding fathers intended, Going against their wishes and their visions for this great nation is going against everything that has to do with being an American.
You MIGApedes who against what the Founding Fathers and your ancestors intended, hence why you are traitors to this country and to your people.
You do not love this nation nor it's racial founding stock, but I do.
Nationalists means a united people of similar or identical racial heritage who form a sovereign state.
Shitskins are not white are they?
Nation literally means Race
What went wrong? Why Clinton's patriotic slogan not catch on?
>you do not love this nation or it’s founding stock
Lies! I would fight, and kill commies and die for this country standing on my feet, and my ancestral lineage goes back to this country’s founding!
You’re need to insult and make assumptions is deeply profound and disturbing!
If my faith and loyalty in this president, and drawing comparisons to Hitler as a positive is a negative, and makes me a TRAITOR in your eyes, your not worth attempting to hold a rational debate with.
then why do you still fall for the (((Civnat))) kike meme ?
Civic Nationalism is undercover multiculturalism and multiracialism.
The founding fathers would be disgusted at all of the Civnats at t_D who call us racially aware whites stormfags.
The Founding Father's were also stormfags, our entire race has always been a "stormfag" race.
>I don’t work a wage slave job
>I’m an electrician
They don’t pay electricans salary. Go LARP somewhere else you retard. I’m actually a union electrician, you fucking liar. I slave for wages and you would too if you actually worked.
As if I don’t already know the negatives of civic nationalism and it’s long term affect on white nations.
The first step is that the immediate racial divide between the people already in this country, that has been inflicted by that fucker Obama and the larger left, MUST be healed before any kind of beneficial action towards the white race and its future can be acted upon in the public eye. The traitors must be thoroughly dealt with, the subversive Marxist element must be squashed, and the social fabric must heal, before these actions can be taken.
It’s only been 2 1/2 years, the Russia bullshit just ended. Things are bound to pick up in pace soon, and if by the 2nd term, actions aren’t taken for the betterment of the white race in this country, you have my permission to deride this man as your false hope.
As for me, my deep love of my country, my people, and my fellow Americans, give me the strong belief that Trump shall not fail us.
You an I are on the same side in terms of 1488, but I continue to hold strong faith in our president, and when the day comes to take up arms and kill worthless millennial commie scum, I’ll do it with glee, and know my ancestors smile upon me.
I work with a private company, and it honestly sucks, at a certain point I want to go union.
Again the assumptions in here is unreal
I can't even.
>The first step is that the immediate racial divide between the people already in this country, that has been inflicted by that fucker Obama and the larger left, MUST be healed before any kind of beneficial action towards the white race and its future can be acted upon in the public eye
You cannot make amendements with the racial enemies that inhabit this land, They hate you and they want to replace you. Hundreds of thousands of nonwhite on white crime happens every fucking year in America. You still falling for the " nonwhites can be our frens" civnat bullshit just shows that you are still bluepilled. Why do we need nonwhite permission to take back what is ours?
Nonwhites will never side with you or think of you as their friend or ally, nonwhites want to take over our nations and they only vote for their own interests. Why is it so hard for you to let shitskins go? They are not your people !, you have no connection to them nor do you have any racial loyalty to them.
I will vote for Trump in 2020, only because I want a white man to be sitting in that white house, but he better start showing us that he is fighting for us , he has 2 years to get shit done.
Or else he will not win 2020, his foundation are white voters remember that.
>Both share and fight the same enemy.
Er, actually Trump is sort of cozying up to international jewery, and the globalist interests that are behind them.
Trump is to busy cucking to Israel to save Western Civ.
The Democrats are basically the modern version of the Nazi Party.
fuck off boomer
>Prove me wrong
Caravans of goblins desperate to enter the US.
>Trump makes israel great again
>both share and fight the same enemy
you love the taste of my asshole, prove me wrong.
you first gramps