Retarded phone

Will I get strange looks for how my phone looks or do people normally not care?

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Furthermore, is my laptop being used by me in public going to be social suicide?

Inb4 you ask
>I look like a teen/fairly young
>no piercings
>skinny and not morbidly obese
>no dyed hair
>no dyke buzzcut hair
>no tattoos

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Depending on your age they may assume you have a child. grade school? maybe you'll get flak but it still doesn't actually matter insofar as you like it.
People will notice or try to see what is on there but really they will give 0 fucks. There is a lot worse you could be doing.
Anyone who does care about them in an overt negative way is someone you definitely don't want to know or associate with.

Again nobody cares. I find people notice stickers on laptops a lot less... and there are some vintage stickers to boot! Why get rid of those lol. If you like it, own it. You might even find someone who likes it the same as you do.

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actually if I saw you on your laptop with the digimon stickers from the 2000's I would come over and say hello. That's kind of interesting, maybe you are, too; however, that's just my opinion.
Again though, its yours so just decorate however you please. Most people realie that even if it doesn't suit their tastes.
Have a nice day,

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Why would you put that many shitty stickers on your electrical devices anyway ?

>There is a lot worse you could be doing.
Yeah, I've seen fat neckbeards in full anime cosplay who hadn't showered in months, who'd stank up an entire crafts store of they entered the room. I have seen pokemon go players walk in fedoras and samurai swords. I suppose a girl being slightly childish only in regards to having cutsey animal stickers should be the least strange thing in this place.

I try as little as possible to allow myself into childish indulgences.... But being an artist and animal lover... I couldn't resist these stickers.

Thanks user, you're very soft spoken. Hope you have a good day, too.

Because I'm a modern woman. Minus the feminist part.

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I dont think being a woman has anything to do with it, I just think your a stone cold dumbo who ruins her own shit.
But whatever, its not like anyone would care to ask about it in real life anyway.

You're welcome. Not the first I've seen either.

I will look at you with the gaze of a parent disowning you

>Because I'm a modern woman
I'd have guessed teenage girl from the stickers, but to each their own. If you like them who cares.

i have a similar phone. if you care about weather you look retarded or not then dont even do it. u have to be 100% ready to reach tard mode and have a good time

I mean it looks kind of trashy but most people won't care. You'll be fine.

I used to do that with my phone. I had a bunch of shooting stars I painted onto it with nail polish and shit lmao nigga you good.

>Because I'm a modern woman. Minus the feminist part
What the fuck does that even mean?

This is bait anyway. Satan next to cartoon tigers gave you away, retard.

>electrical devices

Why do you sound like a 73 year old man trying to describe a computer in 1996. Teens like to put stickers or graffiti and drawings on shit.

99% of people are too busy living their own lives and daily bullshit to even notice that some girl in the background has stickers on her phone, and if they do they probably won't care maybe they'll assume your kid sister put those there.

Worst case scenario maybe some people who know online culture might think that you're a furry who cares

>lisa frank
get rekt dumby

Who is even lisa Frank. You're the dummy for knowing who that is.

Because zoomers are attention seeking retards.

Ugh this is why I hate men.
So stupid.

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I have stickers all over my laptop and I still push my penis inside the bodies of beautiful white women on a regular basis. You're good OP.

Why would furries not be into that

Ugh. You just don't GET it, do you? You're so fucking STUPID.

Attached: last-minute-halloween-costumes-for-moms-lisa-frank-studio-diy.jpg (600x900, 98K)

>lisa frank
sage because thread is resolved


Where the fuck did you get old school lisa Frank stickers? Those look like her 90s early thousands stuff.

>rage due to female joke
So much butthurt over an obvious joke, geez. I thought this is Jow Forums, not tumblr. What happened to this site?

See guys, this is why women should of stayed in the kitchen, not go online and ruin things :^)

The ironic thing is that I'm extremely tradiniolaist since I'm from a conservative eastern European country, and would be a strict parent myself, but I never minded stickers because I'm also an artist who draws and likes other's drawings on my stuff.

Thanks, user.

Mmm, good old 2000s dumb phones plastered in random shit. I miss the times every girl did that.

I like you, user. I liked your analogy.

>they'll assume your kid sister put those there.
Really? Wonder how that works. But that's sweet. Thanks.

>Worst case scenario maybe some people who know online culture might think that you're a furry who cares
Oh that'd be funny since i shit on furries when I meet any.

Irony is that I'm not. I'd prefer if people don't see the stickers but it's too late. I mostly use my laptop at home but occationally will need it taken out.

Or maybe I am attention sleeping. No, that would make me socially anxious.

Y-yes... With Linux if that adds to it.

This thread shrieks "PAY ATTENTION TO ME".

Does it? She still makes shit? Well, anyway, you can get them off ebay. I even own Chinese knockoff necklaces with her art stolen and printed inside of them.

Since you're a female you could get away with it, hell maybe even get positive comments. That said, why?

>Minus the feminist part.
Oh. Alright. This explains it.

That's weird, user. What's the point of attention on here when I'm anonymous and no one knows my name nor face? It's like trying to ride a bike without wheels.

>what's the point of eating if I don't see the food

... I like it. But I'm an autistic girl and I function at the level of a 16 year old sometimes. Fucking love Lisa Frank.

Just because we don't know who you are, doesn't mean you're not seeking validation.

I think your stickers look cool. I also think you're trying really hard to scrape the bottom of the barrel for attention. Probably due to bordum.

Fun fact, just to think about:
>In the brief time between my last post, and this one, 11 people were murdered, 23 people committed suicide, and 184 died from exposure or health complications due to poverty.

Just some food for thought while you're fawning over your phone stickers.

It’s childish but mildly acceptable for women up to a certain age

I mean, I considered maybe subcontiously I'd want attention without realizing.... But then I remember that in real life, I wish people didn't notice the stickers. Hence why I keep my phone in my pocket or purse until I actually need it, and I put stickers on my laptop because I never use it in public, but was wondering what if wonder I needed to. I'm just genuinely autistic for kawaii ass animals.

Literally where can I meet your types? Everywhere I go, I don't have much in common with people.

Yeah I thought so, know another artist girl who draws animals who has tons of stickers on her iphone.

I mean it's only normal. Most people want attention, just on their terms.

Artists get a grace period of a few more years

What do you mean?

I had a 36 year old in computer class with pony shit all over his laptop and nobody cared.

What the fuck. I mean, even I would cringe silently. I guess the west really doesn't care, I see. Good thing I'm not in eastern Europe anymore.

Kawaii desu you have a cute taste

Thanks, K-kawaii.

>Y-yes... With Linux if that adds to it.
Excellent taste.

Ex art hoe checking in. I understand the half ironic love of lisa Frank stickers all too well lmao.

My generic but true advice would be to stop caring what people think and just have fun, things fall into place better that way. You put the stickers there because you like them. Take them off once you don't. Disregard everyone else.