yes I am a brown piece of shit, regardless of that Trump will withdraw the foreign aid to the north triangle countries (Honduras,Guatemala and El Salvador) but he wants to give more land to Israel, you guys claims he is your hero yet he sucks that jewy dick like no other before. considering that the US and Russia fucked us over spilling their shit cold war here I think the aid Israel gets should be given to us.
Who deserves the help?
All the aid should be given to AMERICAN people in need, now go get beheaded or whatever you fucks do down there in m*xico
its a shitty paradigm for countries in south america. as long as they are weak and have resources they will be taken advantage of. look at any country ever that the usa's military adventurism brought it, they are all shit holes
>be beaner
>”muy macho!”
>aid gets cut
>”ai yi yi...”
If brown people are so hard working and industrious, why don’t they work on making their own shithole countries better?
I agree with you, but some of the problems we have today are remaining from the civil war which the US helped cook but not rebuild like they did in japan.
OP, I don't care if Trump says Israel can have the entire middle east if it means your kind will stay where you belong and leave our kind alone
>three Mexican countries
Kek no one noticed this
I lives in the us 4 years learned English paid my taxes came back here, I wouldn't go back there and I don't recommend my kind to do that.
No, you don't deserve anything, hun. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, most of the Jews are white, and the current government is a huge supporter of the Trump administration. Why would they give money to third-world savages?
smart man
Anyone with a brain knows trump is a cuck, same with the rest of the party.
we got starving brown people here buddy. good luck and god bless, though
Serious question: since things are so bad in Central America, why do Central Americans have so many kids?
It just seems like something that compounds the problem.
It is also something that bugs me about the entitlement mentality of illegals. Why should American tax payers foot the bill for Rosita’s 5 kids? My wife and I wanted 2, but decided to only have the one so we could adequately provide for her.
Youre one in a million then (based on the illegal wave coming soon)
I really wish things were better for you all, I feel all countries in this hemisphere would benefit if they were, as everyone would stay in their native lands. But it is what it is
Read up on R Selected and K Selected species
we shouldn't be giving aid to anyone
I would prefer ALL foreign aid get cut. It's a pipe-dream for this or any administration to cut out Israel, though. Trump would still be paying you if your government would stop allowing caravans. Too bad.
>3 Mexican countries
Please please please be real.
Nobody can be obligated to give a gift user. Maybe stop sending fucking caravans we have to waste money getting rid of?
You clearly haven’t interneted today. It is all over social media and cnn is having an lol-attack.
Well, everything south of texas is mexico, so he ain't wrong.
Why? Why can’t it go to Americans first?
Foreign aid is a ridiculous concept considering that your government is 20T in debt. If you’re going to tax the shit out of your people at least spend it on them, not throw it out the fucking window to strangers.
None of you jungle niggers do. If the white race wasn't so caught up in ideology or your smelly selves we might have a colony on the moon or a functioning space elevator. Then I wouldn't have to live around you subhumans. Fuck off and starve in your mud hut.
>Gib moni!
The nerve of you niggers...
1. you guys funded us to kill each other for 12 years straight 2. RUSSIA IS ORGANIZING THE CARAVANS AND I HAVE PROOF (with the Honduran lefties and Nicaragua cooperation)
Yea it should be no money to countries that haven't earned it remember all the money they gave to Pakistan and it turned out they were hiding Osama.
why did the US help rebuild japan but not all the other 12 countries they fucked over with wars?
Deliberate ignorance is worse than involuntary stupidity.
Because having a major puppet state on the other side of the ocean is handy. A puppet state by you is kinda pointless
The only internet I do is Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, other Jow Forums boards, piratebay, youtube and fitness websites.
I don't know how much more of clown world I can take.
I see you haven't read much history from my part of the world.
Aha, so the fucking morons come to europe instead? I hope you americunts get fucked by jews. I wish that someday I would go visit US and everyone on the street will salute me "Shalom goyim".
The Japanese have the capability to build a first world nation, and maintain a functioning form of government with a technological advantage over its neighbors. Just like Europeans.
YOu sound like someone who volunteered to cut their foreskin off.
I struggle with being totally unselfish. Thing is, I'm ethnically British, so the level of selfishness required to survive in the Bay Area does not come naturally to me. My evenings and weekends mostly consist of sitting alone in my room, eating and browsing Jow Forums and wondering how to save my family and future without hurting people. Even getting Jow Forums means crushing other people in the zero sum game of good looks. Enjoying vacations and friends that others are excluded from means (to use the modern vernacular) dabbing on thirsting non-whites. It's hard for me to be Italian-tier selfish, let alone the Jew/Chink tier selfish needed to prosper in this hell-hole. But my heritage calls me to Go West to The Frontier (SF) to make my fortune there. I have no one IRL to talk about shit like how I'm a racial minority and how the 9/11 memorial is literally tefillin.
At least the weather is nice.
I guess you guys should do a better job of bending the knee to your we did. Or maybe you all are a bit too mezo and low IQ to be of any use to the gringos. Maybe the chinos will take you in. You got boats up there right?
>ethnically British
On man you Americans write your own education memes.
>23 trilion national debt
>somehow getting more into debt for the sake of others is a good thing
clown world
none of you would do this shit in your own money
>ethnically British
jesus fucking christ just stop
And you took that money and say that you very much.
It was fee for service and you agreed. The consequences are consequences you welcomed for some coin.
All the asshurt shitskins in this thread.
It's fucking glorious, isn't it. They want to lecture us American males, many of whom had their foreskins sliced off without anesthesia on what it means to be a victim.
But I'm white.
>3 mexican countries
So, mexico... and? what other two countries are mexican?
>Mexican Countries
High IQ lad
>3 mexican countries
Americans are really at a whole new tier of national stupidity
>Be a thriving bowl of nigger, chicano and pajeet cum
>Call others shitskins
>mexican countries
the empire shall rise again
Yeah yeah - every third world nation looks for some reason to blame it on the USA. We did far worse to far better countries than El Salvador, dumbass, and and they didn't take decades to recover.
If your third world dumbo corrupt governments would try and help stop your people from illegally trying to get to America, then he will give back your money, and more! It ain't complicated.
>3 Mexican countries
Mexico is it's own country. What are they talking about?
OP Trump is 200 iq unlike you. He knows if he totally give the foot to the Jews it'll be ww2 all over again, and no one wants that. Just wait and see what he does. You probably won't even realize it because you're too fucking retarded.
>considering that the US and Russia fucked us over spilling their shit cold war here I think the aid Israel gets should be given to us.
Thinking you're entitled to a single cent of US money. Fucking entitled cunt.
Neither is Israel, but one step at a time, we're slowly but surely cutting all you leeches off.
Democracy is overrated - not even the worst system, except all others, but the actual worst system. No system other than democracy has taken so many lives, taken so much away from people in confiscatory taxes.
No king ever killed hundreds of millions or took 40+% of what I earn - a democracy has.
if they had written "Central America" their fanbase would have thought they were talking about Kansas or Colorado
do this op
What is he gonna do MR.Mensa member?
> who deserves the help?
You misunderstand, the aid given to you is for political capital. You get it back when you start playing ball.
Yeah, thats totally how it works.
I am a 4th white, thats the closest to that I get T.T, I wish I was half white at least.
>3 mexican countries
California, Arizona and Texas?
The only thing I hate more that a castizo is the jew.
The baby wouldn't come out white