21 year old femanon

>21 year old femanon
>guy I like barely shows interest in me
>tell my friend and he immediately heads over and treats me to a meal and jokes that we should run away together when I tell him I’m stressed with school and want to drop out

What can I do for him to show I’m thankful for him for always being a good friend?

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blow job

Explain that you'll never like him romantically.

I don’t think he has a crush on me though. I once asked him out as a joke and he said yes but he didn’t do anything when I said it was a joke and never mentioned it again.

Baito desu.

Ah I know. Cook something for him. I love getting home made stuff from girls even if it tastes like shit. As long as I can legitimately tell she tried it always makes me feel less dead.

>I once asked him out as a joke and he said yes but he didn’t do anything when I said it was a joke and never mentioned it again.

What? Literally what?

bait, sage and move on

Jow Forums is such a newfag infested shithole that some people will read this and actually think it's serious

It was when that ‘ask someone out as a joke’ meme was going around.

>I once asked him out as a joke

you could start by not being a total cunt

Mega thot supreme.
Let him go you witch.

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>tell my friend and he immediately heads over and treats me to a meal and jokes that we should run away together when I tell him I’m stressed with school and want to drop out
WOW. It seems like he really cares about you or likes you and you are literally friendzoning him.

I hope you never find a boyfriend, and if you do, I hope a chad pumps and dumps you ass. I hope you age terribly and by the time that you are past your prime you never know what a loving relationship is like. I hope you die alone.

Who hurt you user?

He was like the guy you're stringing along. Using for your own pleasure and satisfaction. You should tell him you will never like him and see what he does.

I honestly had a crush on him when I first met him but we became friends and now I think of him as a brother

Either bait or the dumbest bitch alive lol

This was never a meme. This was a bunch of Twitter whores being whores. Because “Lol! We are females”

It was never fucking funny either. You’re a dumb cunt. You need self awareness

Everyone in this thread has picked out how cruel you seem. You are a very immature person and do not deserve a friend like you mentioned, let alone a romantic partner.

Fucking kys.

Introduce him to a girl who you think would be a good match for him I'm sure he would appreciate it

Guess i was in this situation but on the other side.
It had gone to the point where we were telling "i love you" and stuff to eachother and we were really close but never did anything about it and now she kinda hates me and we dont talk anymore.

My point is if you like the guy you need to make it really obvious by kissing him

>I once asked him out as a joke
Stop playing with his feelings. You know exactly what you are doing.

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Stop playing him and being a cunt.

Holy hell what an awful thread. Fuck him or dont, no one gives a shit.