I fucking try and try and try to lose weight and fucking nothing ive been trying for almost a year now and lost like...

I fucking try and try and try to lose weight and fucking nothing ive been trying for almost a year now and lost like fucking 10 pounds i cant even look my self in the fucking mirror i hate my self for doing this to my body i fucking hate my life because im fat all i want is to lose weight its the only thing i think about and i try and try and try and i always go back to my old habits i watch hours on hours of shitty weight loss tutorials and even bought some shitty diet book and all it does is tell me the exact same shit the other fuckers said on the video this shit is pointless.... what am i fucking doing with my life what can i do?

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Are you keeping a journal with how much you are eating everyday? You need to set a caloric limit and deal with it. If you really want to lose weight and hate yourself for being fat than fucking do it. You have to change your diet completely and keep track of every single fucking thing you eat. Eat a lot of brown rice and chicken breasts, you eat that and veggies. Start going to the gym and lifting weights every other day. You'll lose weight eventually, you don't have the one body ever that is incapable of losing it.

Maybe do a ketogenic diet. Tasty, yet good for weight loss. Junk food will only bring you back to your eating habits, remember that.

What's your method, OP? Do you eat less and walk around hungry? Or eat the same but work out and exercise more?

You haven't given us any information so I'll assume that you're one one of those faggot zero carb diets, and you're starving yourself, only to start overeating when your stomach hurts from eating and the survival instinct kicks in.

Carbs and fat are fine. Fuck all these homeopathic diets. What you need to remove is sugar, especially from your drinks. Then you can move along at a rate of 80g weight loss a day. Take up something that you can actually sustain rather than starvation, which will only cause you to overeat.

Whole Foods; this includes NO WHITE FLOUR OR WHITE RICE. Look at the label for any bread or bun and if the first ingredient is "whole wheat flour" and you don't see "enriched flour" (unbleached or not) anywhere, you're good to go.
Minimize processed sugar, saturated fat
Count your calories
Try to roughly follow the food guide

Having a higher proportion of your macros (calories) as protein will help as per calorie, protein is more metabolically expensive to digest than fats or carbs. Per gram it will also cause higher satiety and satiation; feeling fuller and for longer. Don't overdo it and mess up your base nutrition though - still need micros from food groups other than meats

Exercise - HIIT is probably ideal, but if you're inexperienced is likely to just lead to injury. Look up some basics on running; rhythmic breathing, mid-foot striking, avoiding overstriding. Take 10 minutes every day to jog. Find a comfortable pace, slow to a brisk walk when you need to catch your breath then get back to the pace. Do this till you don't need to stop and walk, then bump up to 15, then 20. Try to start anywhere from 6-8min/km if you're really new and out of shape.

If you want more look at picturefit on yt

buy kitchen weight, install app that counts calories (eg my fitness pall), record everything you it there (EVERYTHIG - including midnight snacks, that little extra cheese to your meals, sugar added to tea etc.), after 1-2 months you gonna learn how to eat proper food to keep you full for longer

also do cardio
also go to Jow Forums and read sticky

Only drink water, pure coconut water (no added sugar) or vegetable juice. No more beer, fruit juice, pop, any of that.
Avoid sugar at all costs. Make smoothies or eat fruit when you want something sweet. Don't cut out rice, it helps me to avoid craving sugar, and it's healthier than eating bread.

I would say don't count calories. Just eat more vegetables, fruits and chicken. Do a lot of walking. Avoid bread, sugar and anything processed.

Don't be discouraged, 10lbs is still good enough to make huge health differences, and you didn't gain. You just need to keep working and building up your routine/personal tricks to living healthy.

Here are some less than conventional tips that will work.
-pick up a drug habit
-throw away all your belongings and find a commune to live in (they eat like shit)
-sell your car and buy a bike
-get aids
-get cancer
-put yourself in a coma (not sure if this works, but i bet it does)
Dont do all of these, i would say pick two at the most.

try different things. there's a lot of mainstream advice but it's not necessarily true, no one really knows what they're talking about. I recommend intermittent fasting.

I lost 80 lbs on a 2k calorie diet. Just piece together some googled cookie cutter meal plans and just stick to it for half a year. Its simple.

you have to diet and excersize for one. For losing wieght you dont have to push yourself so hard ad you may have been. You need to do 10% of what a hardcore workout should be.
Changing your diet you need to force yourself to change it. All of it ends up being will power.

Man, it's easier than you think, all you need is take away those shitty things of "How to lose weight". First, go with a nutritionist, they'll know what's better for you to do, then try to practice a sport like any martial art for 2:30 hours, 3 times a week.
After one or perhaps two months you'll have lost weight, so you can eat normally without quitting workout. It worked for me, and it will for you. Wish you the best, user.

Stop. Stop everything you‘re doing.
You‘ve driven yourself crazy with the sheer amount of rules you will never stick to because they are insane.
This has completely taken over your life and it‘s time to put food and eating back in it‘s place.
Food is fucking delicious and eating is heaven. Stop trying to deny yourself the pleasure of indulging in amazing flavors.

All you have to do is to get a new reference point for being hungry and being full and stop depriving yourself from what you really want to eat.
You do so by fasting (yes, this means NOTHING enters your mouth except unsweetened electrolyte solution) for as long as you don‘t feel like you re dying. Whenever you feel like giving in, tell yourself you‘ll hold out for another 5 mins and then you can break the fast. You'll be so pumped by your discipline that you‘ll get addicted to it and keep on going. Initially, opt for 48h. This will help you feel invincible.
If you feel like it is time to break the fast, eat what you‘ve been fantasizing about all this time. Really enjoy it. Savor it and indulge in it till you‘re satisfied. Then repeat the fasting/enjoying food cycle.

Two things will happen: you‘ll realize that you‘ve been eating because you felt deprived, not because you were hungry. You might have eaten stuff you deemed unhealthy and off limits, but they didn‘t satisfied you because you always ate them with a generous helping of guilt and shame. You‘ll also notice that you’ve been eating way over the point you had enough (felt satisfied physically and mentally). That‘s because you feared that if you stopped eating, you might never allow yourself to ever eat this delicious stuff again, because you‘ve vowed to do exactly that before you even started eating. „Just this last time. Then i‘ll be disciplined af. I‘ll never eat refined sugar again.“ would you want to stop hugging someone you love if you knew it was the last time you ever get a hug from them?

The second time, you should opt for 74h. This is the magic tipping point where your body‘s glycogen reserves are used up and your body starts to rely 100% on stored energy to keep you going.
You‘ll notice a sudden burst of energy. That‘s the magic of fasting. Your body is finally not occupied with digesting. It can start to just grab the easily available and utilizable energy from the fat storages.
You‘ll feel like god because only 5 days ago you thought you‘ll need to eat 5x a day to not be hungry af, but here you are, not having eaten in 3 full days and you feel better than you have in YEARS!! In fact, you feel disgusted by the thought of eating because you do not feel hungry at all. Your body has all it needs stored away in your fat cells.

This approach will do a lot of good for you. It will help you stop denying yourself the heavenly pleasures of eating the most delicious foods you can imagine. It will give you a confidence boost you can‘t even comprehend. It will make you burn trough all of your excessive body fat in an amount of time you deemed impossible. You‘ll be able to just watch the fat melt away from you. And all that without you feeling like you have to restrict yourself in any way.

Please, for the love of god, do this op. Do it for you. You deserve to think you‘re the most awesome motherfucker to have ever walked this earth and also look the part. You deserve to eat vanilla filled donuts and drink strawberry milkshakes and not feel guilty.

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Dude, no. You need micros. You need to eat. Doing reasonable IF like 12-16hrs to keep insulin under control is all well and good but this is just insane. Cycles of fasting and dirty bulking is a great way to deprive yourself of essential nutrients -and- lose a ton of lean body mass.

stop eating, you stupid fat shit.

Step 1: Forgive yourself for being fat. We are not perfect beings, and being fat is not the end of the world.

Step 2: You must look if you can find any underlying problems to your bad eating habits and try to fix them step by step. Rome wasn't build in one day. A good physique isn't either. In fact, someone who is fat needs patience like no other. There are a multiplude of things you need to take into account. Not just excercise + eating, but basiclly your mental state that got you into this mess. Also i should add, if people lose fat too soon, they will get loose skin and look even uglier (naked) than before.

Step 3. Make a plan. Not neccecarely to lose weight, but first and foremost to get a healthy mental state.

Minor tips:
Learn about stretching muscles/meditation/ideal drinking times vs eating times(what works for you) and having structure (brushing teeth, having coffee to start the day, dressing nicely, overall just filling your day) to help you reach your goal.

Just eat less. Move more. It's literally that simple.

Try to cut everything that's not healthy and your body doesn't need from your diet and only keep necessary foods. So junk foods, snacks, soft drinks and shit has to go. You should only drink water and only eat real food. Preferably you should eat less, but you don't have to starve yourself. I don't think counting calories every day makes a sense, just count it a few times and you will know by that how much you eat regularly and try to eat like 500 calories less than that. Try to focus on eating more protein and less carbs and fats, you don't have to count it, just think a little. Meat has protein, bread has carbs, so you eat more meat and less bread for an example.

Exercise! You will feel a lot better if you exercise. It isn't even as hard as you think it is. Try to go with bike everyday. I do and it's 20kms daily which is a lot and it doesn't even take a lot of time. Also try to do some running, for an example couch to 5k is pretty good. Also try to go to gym or exercise at home by yourself.

A little motivation for diet: try to think that when you eat something unhealthy and something that you don't need you only enjoy it for a few seconds. But those few seconds aren't that much and those are the few seconds that decide if you will continue being fat or you will be fit. Try to think about how much you would have to run or exercise to burn the calories you packed up under those few seconds.

Try the Venezuelan diet

>Fuck all these homeopathic diets.
>What you need to remove is sugar
lmao what a retard
OP just eat less. Eat whatever, just eat less of it

Cut your calories to 1500, actually count your fucking calories, I know it's hard but just learn to do it

Eat lots of veggies, mainly because it's not very calorie dense so you can eat enough to make you feel relatively full but still maintain a low calorie count

Walk alot, take up running if your not to fat, workout, stop being sedentary

I know you have heard it before but weight is all about calories in and calories out, if you do it properly you WILL lose weight simple as that

Keep up the work faggot, don't stop even if it takes 5 years, don't forget that you can still treat yourself to something tasty every now and then you want a doughnut fine have a fucking doughnut, but mabey once a week if even