Link To NZ sooting video

I can find a link to the NZ shooting video, does anyone have a link to where i can watch it, .onion is fine by me

Attached: nz.jpg (290x174, 9K)

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nah it's like, illegal man. we don't do that stuff here.

its illegal in NZ im not in NZ Murica is more lax

thanks, I thought there was initial d music but didnt hear any and it was way less bloody than i expected

False flag tomorrow by MOssad

Ignore this shill who asks for the video all day everyday.

He wants to keep the NZ and Australian governments from blocking Jow Forums for good.

its at the end,

and if they all bum rushed him he would get only a few and be taken downby the rest

Attached: pather.jpg (800x450, 48K)

It is on the best gore website