I needed to make this thread. I still have a bunch of faggots on normiebook that I keep up appearances with so I have to hold back there hardcore.
Fucking faggots are so deluded by the numerous mental illnesses they have that they think just because some trannies have virtue signalled in scientific fields that it legitimizes their delusions. "Hmm well the science has been explicit and unchallenged for hundreds of years, but there's a dozen trannies in those fields that disagree and a bunch of liberals that are too afraid of being called transphobic and losing their jobs to speak up, so that means it's only right that horomone treatments and surgeries are a human right." Like holy shit we know that transsexuals are a thing and that they are only like .3% of the population. .3%, which does not mean every chemically imbalanced teenager who wants to jump on the trendy progressive identity train. And then there's retarded justifications like "Ancient Egypt and India had third genders, so it's justified!" like the fuck do you justify slavery and cannibalism too you fucking moron? Because that's what else they did. That's the jist of their "Don't think gender is a spectrum? Well, science disagrees with you!" bullshit. Funny they try to use "science" as ammo while rejecting the science that upsets them. See: IQ statistics by race, biology, psychology. Anything that doesn't go out of it's way to say "everybody is equal by every imaginable metric" gets swept under the rug because it's xenophobic racist blah blah. They worship nothing but their feelings, and if they feel a certain way you better give them the keys to the kingdom or you're a bigot. When I was 5 I felt like I wanted to be a fucking Pokemon, but my parent's didn't say OK LET'S GET YOU SURGERY TO BE A FUCKING CHARIZARD HONEY WE RESPECT YOUR RETARDED THOUGHTS.