Japan, please explain.
"The Decree"
Not the era I'd choose if I were skimming through the catalog.
Hopefully it will be a good one.
Seems kind of boring
Doesn't that mean "harmony now"?
Oops never mind it's actually "decree of peace"
>decree of peace
How is this decided? Is there Buddhist magic involved? Does anyone need to commit ritual suicide?
teh rei
Jow Forums will always be a Asukawa Era site
Reiwa fags can go back to 4channel
>Race war
"The kanji for "Reiwa" respectively stands for "Order" and "Harmony", and is derived from the Man'yōshū: "初春令月、氣淑風和", which means "Nice weather in an auspicious month in spring," in which the two characters stand for "auspicious" and "nice (weather)".[1] It is the first Japanese era name of which the characters were taken from Japanese classical literature instead of Chinese literature.[2]"
So they are going to restore 'order and harmony' and for the first time use native kanji, sounds like either ethnic cleansing or isolationism. Either way based and redpilled.
People are losing their shit on twitter calling it fascism
The Emperor of Western Australian real estate. April fools?
令和(reiwa) = 令 (rei) + 和 (wa)
令 (rei)
命令(meirei) = order, command, decree
和 (wa)
1. 平和 (heiwa) = Peace
2. 大和 (yamato) = Japan
3. 和風 (wafuu) = Japan style
4. 調和 (chouwa) = Harmony
Demanding Peace?
And so it end.
Japan will be flooded by Muslims in 5 years.
>'order and harmony'
pick one
>not Reihowa
In Japan, it's Heisei 31, May 31st.
So starting next year Heisei 31 will be replaced with Reiwa 1
>New Reiwa era
>New flag
unliked, asuka 4 ever