Do guys like cute, small, shy, innocent "good girls" or do they prefer the opposite "bad girl"? Or a combo of both...

Do guys like cute, small, shy, innocent "good girls" or do they prefer the opposite "bad girl"? Or a combo of both? Which is better and why?

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Depends on the guy and what he's looking for, there isn't really a general consensus for attraction aside from how cute they are

Good, because I'm not retarded and don't seek out whores intentionally

Guys are individuals. Bad boy will like bad girls, good guys good girls, If they are inbetween they will like inbetween. Sometimes they will be misled about their actual preferences but the majority won't.

tl;dr find a guy who is like you wether "good" or "bad".

I like bad girls because good girls are boring, want relationships and are cold fish when it comes to sex, while I want a girl I can drink a beer with and fuck silly.

It really depends on the man, how mature he is, and what he wants in a relationship. "Good girls", as you put it, look to be more along the lines of wife material while the "bad girls" are for long term relationships at best.

This is coming from a guy on Jow Forums, so take this post for what it's worth. Personally, and this is also coming from someone single and nearing 30, wife material is much more appealing than the opposite.

Most guys are looking for a good girl who is willing to do some freaky if not borderline illegal stuff in the bedroom. So as long as you aren’t a big prude you’re fine

Umm, no. Some are a good combination of both

Why would I need a combination? I’m a young guy, I don’t need a relationship, why dilute the sexy badness with the boring “goodness”?

Do you know the difference between prostitute and wife? Wife can also cook.

Btw, good woman knows how important is her man's ego. So even if you happen to be horny slut, you will do everything in your power to make the man think it was him who innitiated the sex.

Or you can listen to what horny teenagers think right here You should always specify what age category you are interested in.

young guys are thinking about one thing - sex. unless you are going after total alphas who have their pick of women, a young guy is not going to pick up on lots of those subtle things. Women turn men into jelly. if you want a successful relationship you will basically have to order them around because they will be clueless.

>bad girl
Pump n dump
>good girl
That's about it for most men

Are you a woman? You sound like one. Also, the reason you “good girls” are so boring and uninteresting is that you think men like it when you always have him initiate the sex. That just adds to the “cold fish” argument. I want my woman to know what she wants and be open about it.

>cute, small, shy, innocent "good girls" or do they prefer the opposite "bad girl"?
This question is so broken because you're misusing these labels.

What guys like is girls who are actually good, as in virtuous. Girls that will benefit our lives and not harm us. Nobody wants to be with someone who'll hurt them


im a shy quiet boy and I want a shy quiet girl

innocent shy girls please.

I'm a riot grrrl and I want a riot boooy.


guys are individuals. boys are individuals. women are individuals. girls are individuals. what the fuck is wrong with you people? it's like you don't see the other sex as regular-ass humans, just chunks of penis hivemind or vagina hivemind walking around.

Are you having a trolling day, PB?
Make your mind up, lad.

Right now I'm going through a weird thing where I just want a girl who really wants me, and nothing else. Like a girl who is so ceaselessly devoted and clingy that I begin to see why it might be a bad thing, because after being cheated on multiple different time with different serious relationships and having one girl straight up using me, I'm having a hard time seeing what the downside would be, and what the upside of a "typical" relationship is


This shit isn't worth a thread when there is the ask other sex bullshit thing going on.

Whichever has nicer tits honestly

I like genuine people. Hence why I hated myself for so long.

guys like "bad girls" for 1 night

if you dont want to him to ejaculate and evacuate id suggest you at least try to be good

A good girl that is a bad girl for me of course.

Guys want to cum inside women, their personality is irrelevant.

Ludacris said it best.

Lady in the street. Freak in the bed.
