Never been on a date before

>never been on a date before
>get set up on a blind date
>I'm 21 so it's totally socially unacceptable for me to be this inexperienced and it'll be extremely obvious
>say whatever I'll do it, nothing to lose
>find out who it is (so much for blind date)
>the girl is (my idea of) a 10/10

What's going to be the best way to console myself in the days and weeks following me fucking this up and making an embarrassment of myself?

Attached: phone activated nerve gas.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

Stop overthinking bullshit, talk about nonsense or just shutup and listen. In case of doubt look into her eyes and smile like an idiot. That always works.

Attached: not dirt nor princess.png (540x742, 202K)

>blind date
You're probably physically unattractive, or else your "friends" would set up a proper, 20/20 date.

Even as a physically attractive guy with a very deep voice, I'd be quite offended if someone set me up on a fucking BLIND date

Literally worrying over nothing my dude, chill
She's just as nervous about meeting you as you are about meeting her
Get some proper rest leading up to the date, get a haircut, make sure you and your clothes are clean and smell-free
When on the date
>Dont be a try-hard
>Don't try to impress her
>Dont feign interest
>Be honest
>Go along with her conversations
>Dont try to relate to everything
Keep it calm and make her feel at ease; the first step to doing that is showing you are at ease as well

>In case of doubt look into her eyes and smile like an idiot.
Then what?

Probably, should I suspect some ulterior motive? Is Ashton Kutcher going to punk me?

What if I have nothing to talk about because I'm the most boring person on the planet?

You have plenty to talk about, just lack the courage to bring it up

Talk about your hobbies, interests, places you visited or want to visit, food, drinks, which primate would win in a shitslinging contest etc.

You dont have to sell yourself here, you're just getting to know more about each other and that includes info you usually would consider redundant or uninteresting

>hobbies, interests
I don't have any.

>places you visited or want to visit
I don't care for travel.

>food, drinks
Really doesn't sound that interesting.

Movies, music, work, education, aspirations,

>hobbies, interests
>I don't have any.
Then say you don't really have one ask about her's

>places you visited or want to visit
>I don't care for travel.
lack of interest in travelling is worthy of talking about, maybe she'll change your mind

>food, drinks
>Really doesn't sound that interesting.
everyone has food and drink preferences, you dont have to discuss culinary taste here, just things you enjoy

Everyone likes something, wether that is things, activities or memories about fun things that happened

What's that toy / app called?

Bretty good.

hey, don't worry about a thing bro. trust me, worrying is just going to make shit a lot worse. i had my first date at 18 a couple weeks ago and it went really well. we ended up making out and everything. just try not to overthink things too much and especially don't get attached too quickly. to most girls, a date doesn't really mean all that much, so just keep that in mind when you're going into it. good luck bro.

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Shut the fuck up. If you don't look generically attractive, that smile will come across poorly and disturb the bitch.

Your absolutely sure your the only inexperienced 21 year old in the world?

You'll be alright lil bro

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Hypothetically, if it went well how would I know and what would I do?

Just try and get her number etc so you can keep in touch. That's the first hurdle. Don't go trying to win a marathon before you've even ran for a bus.

That's normal in some cultures.

Try and talk to her about things she's interested in. Ask her about something you don't really have an opinion about, like movies or whatever, bullshit some alternative arguments, but ultimately agree with her about them. The tension of a possible argument followed by being agreed with is a quick and tested method of building attraction/interest and a sense of friendliness. This sounds like sociopath advice but since you're desperate for tips on how to interact with a girl at all, think of it as your backup plan in case you panic and can't think of anything at all to talk about.

If she agreed to the blind date, she probably already thinks you're a "possible boyfriend" and is in the same boat as you: nervous, worried about making a bad impression/having a horrible time, and trying not to get her hopes up too high. But still willing to take a chance on you.

It's okay to be awkward and fuck up by saying something weird, especially if you're trying to figure out a new person's sense of humor and what they think is unacceptable. You just own up to it, like, "oh man, that was awkward/unfunny. my bad" and adapt to it by being more sincere, backing down, or clarifying what you really think.

Good luck, don't decide it's doomed before you even show up, and try not to set anything on fire.

I guess it's just an hour or two of my time wasted when it goes bad.


Hot, she's controlling the graph by how much she looks at the cameraman.

>Then what?

He clearly stated "smile like an idiot."

What does this mean tho?