Will defend this
>having fun while being an adult
fucking idiots.
>We all agree these are totally reasonable purchases, right?
What's the big deal?
>5 series and Land Cruiser
>3 (!) vacations a year @$18k
>Giving to (((charity))), even if it's tax deductible
>$500/mo per child for whatever lessons to play fur elise
this is reactionary bait. as zionists lose control they'll begin funding marxist groups
>Here's a budget breakdown of a couple that makes $500,000 a year and is probably mentally retarded.
>40% tax
Fucking thief's. Gotta feed the niggers.
500k a year and they're making mortgage payments?
I'm thoroughly convinced that some people are just destined to be poor, it seems like managing a responsible budget is beyond the abilities of most. These cunts will literally never live within their means, regardless of what their means are.
Student loan debt too.
>$18,000 for three vacations per year.
This is more than I make in a year.
And $5k/mo payment. Not sure where that is, but damn.
>he doesnt buy a car in one fail swoop
Okay Google, play Once in a Lifetime
>here’s a bullshit article posted by some faggot who has nothing of quality to support this thread. Faggot couldn’t even link his bullshit study before he bailed.
How can they "feel everage" when they live in a 1.5 mil house, spend over 9k on clothes yearly, and take multiple vacations. Maybe someday I too can be average.
>Charity (College Alumni)
Does anyone actually do this shit?!?!
I make 3x this and spend 1/3 of what they do.
Wtf is wrong with people
most definitely.
The best part is this is what the typical greater than 100k/yr feels like.
>1.5mm home
toppest keks at that buying them a 1000sqf hovel in the typical areas these faggots live.
>1.5m home
Fucking retarded. Buy like a 300k home in cash or something.
Either west coast or NE
Skip vacation, eliminate school debt
Oh, more bullshit class warfare. Go be envious somewhere else socialist.
a 5k a month loan is on a 1.5 million dollar home. for them to be making 250k a year each they have to live in some shithole like seattle, san fran or vancouver BC. a 1.5 million dollar home in those shitholes close to the city are fixer uppers.
>TFW dipshit anons start doing basic math and figure out you spend way too much money
>9.5k for clothes
How? I can walk into Primark and clothe myself for a year with less than 200 pounds. Presumably it's not much more expensive in the US. Are they buying gilded clothes or something?
but muh sound views
>9K a year on clothes
>Nothing fancy
Really makes me think.
america past and present is so fucking stupid
i know im a part of it but holy shit
it's basically like a 5th grader stealing a bunch of candy from kindergarteners and beating the ones up that fight or even call them out against it (while also somehow using that an excuse to steal even more of their candy too).
then, when them having so much candy is questioned, they get all riled up and start ranting about how it was earned through hard work and dedication.
Rich nigga poor nigga still nigga.
thats fake news
most people if lucky make 20-30k tops and if two people its 40k...after taxes its lower...its all about hording the wealth in the synagogue and masonic lodges and giving to their mob chieftains
Literally the funniest shit I've ever read.
Also wtf is with the 40% tax rate, I thought America had better taxes than the UK.
Also who the fuck goes 3 vacations a year, what lazy bastard even needs 3 vacations a year?
Retards should sell that house and move into a different one, they only have two children, don't need a massive house for that.
>all of these jealous poorfags
They make it so they can spend it. They are dumb for saying they feel average though. I take 3 vacations a year for what one of theirs costs
Some rich cunts literally only wear a piece of clothing once and toss it, they keep buying new pieces because they're assholes. 9k of "nothing fancy" adds up if you're a retard
Missing mega backdoor roth ira
>I feel so fucking average with my:
$1.5M 4000sqft luxury residence
3 vacations per year
Private nanny to do all the dirty work
BMW luxury sedan and a living room on wheels that gets 13mpg
Restaurant or take out food every night
Endless activities for the kids so they don't get bored
>somehting always comes up! hahah hahah haha
I mean, it would be pretty cool if they would do stuff like save for their children's college fund or whatever.
But they are average.
Do people really think that these people are any less retarded than say someone who works at mcdonalds?
When you truly swallow the black pill you understand that there is no great conspiracy and, in fact, the world is chaos and filled with fools who take advantage of other fools who vote for other fools that take advantage of all fools while fooling themselves that they are not fools.
>but the jews
I do agree that they always seem to be at the forefront of a lot of shit but there is no great conspiracy, just genetics.
>Paying 32k a year on student debt but making 500k
Pretty good roi imo
>3 vacations a year
>1.5 million dollar home
>20k to charity
Where did my money go?!?!?!
>Also wtf is with the 40% tax rate, I thought America had better taxes than the UK.
Its a progressive tax and they are rich. Also they probably live in a high tax state.
>Also who the fuck goes 3 vacations a year, what lazy bastard even needs 3 vacations a year?
I thought you euros were so proud of all of the vacation time you get?
We aren't jealous, we're dumbfounded at what they're wasting money on.
If they saved that money up or invested it they could be legit millionaires and save for their kids future instead of wasting all that money on nothing lmao.
The car payment is laughable. Like nigga there is unironically nothing wrong with a 2009 GX470 with 80k miles, that with your salary you could purchase in a year. Instead of wasting money on a constant oil leak BMW, just buy Lexus IS350AWD.
I don’t even know why I am bothering to respond to this.
Another example where the cost of childcare ($42K) can be avoided if only the idiot wife stays home. Plus the cost of a lot of other crap goes down dramatically. Let's assume (reasonably) that she makes close to $100k-$150k/year and he makes $$350k-400k/year. Her job is a net loss, obviously.
Stay home, bitch! Take care of the kids.
You don't need 3 holidays a year, that's way too much money to be spending on holidays when at the end of the year your bank account is nearing 0$
Most "vacation" days in europe, people just bum off at home and relax, not literally take vacations.
>Three vacations a year
>$42,000 in childcare
>Donating $18,000 to charity
Do people actually live like this?
>pay 60k in mortgage every year
>18k in charity yearly
>18k in vacations yearly
>32k in student debt yearly (????)
>40% taxed
>20% prop taxes
>When you truly swallow the black pill you understand that there is no great conspiracy and, in fact, the world is chaos and filled with fools who take advantage of other fools who vote for other fools that take advantage of all fools while fooling themselves that they are not fools.
Welcome to the Absurd. Can I take your order?
Kind of wrecks my head because I know all I need to live until I die is $3,000,000 and these faggots bring that in every 6 years.
I take a week off every month and only a few times a year will I actually go some where and I spend under 2 grand
What the fuck are these people doing? Are they Californians?
How to make $500k a year and be a good goy
>(((lease))) cars
>(((interest))) on (((student loans))) and (((mortgages)))
>(((40% tax rate)))
>(((College endowment donations)))
These people are fucking retards.
Merchant shills that want you to focus on the poor instead if the billions spent on gods chosen people.
18,000 a charities per annum? wtf
18,000 on holiday's per year? wtf
12,000 on childrens lessons per year? wtf
wtf does childcare mean? Private school?
Single guy, but.....
>make $110,000
>mortgage is $600 ($125,000 home)
>food is $300 a month
>truck (2018) was $35,000, make triple payments and put enough down to pay it off in a year
>no student debt (took care of that the first year out of school eating beans)
>only work 90 days a year and take 5 vacations, backpack and do it on cheap, spend $1500-2000 including airfare on 14-28 day trips across the globe.
>biggest expense is $10,000+ a year for training/education in cash to keep moving up.
I buy expensive clothes but clothes that last and look good. I see no issue buying a $1500 suit and spending $500 to tailor it if you get 3-5 years out of it.
Dude I feel lucky, with $500,000 I'd be a fucking king, slanging realestate as a slumlord and upping my marketable skills.
These people dumb.
$875 per week for some migrants to look after your kids. what a fucking joke!
>They are dumb for saying they feel average though.
Is that jealousy I detect?
>I take 3 vacations a year for what one of theirs costs
You just sound really jealous and I bet you wish you could afford vacations like they can.
This is what you sound like, faggot.
Why do people immediately jump to the jealous conclusion?
Oh yeah, I'm talking about and to literal retards.
It is quite funny that some people cant fathom that people exist who not only dont care for a stupid high salary but also might take issue with someone who makes one and hasn't cured cancer or revolutionized anything let alone being an integral part of furthering the human race.
I wonder how many of these people actually think the world will come crashing down if it weren't for them.
It's hard to tell whether being a sociopath or delusional is the most common affliction humans have.
I'd wager it's both sadly.
If you just lived modestly for 5 years with this budget you would never have to work again
Damn son what do you do
>single guy
>still thinks his situation is relevant to the discussion
I'll take two dicks with a side of dicks and a number 4 with extra dicks and three large semens, please.
> Mortgage: $60,000
So, $1,050,000 mortgage? Kiss my ass
Normies (read: retards) tend to adjust their lifestyle to match what they make. No amount of money would ever be enough for morons of this caliber, they'd still find stupid shit that they probably don't even need to waste it on.
If I had a family of 4, I'd still keep this $125,000 home and commute. I'm sure youd mention that $500,000 dollar jobs cant be had where houses are $125,000, I'm 1 hour from Seattle.
I'd not need as much child care as I'm not a wagecuck who works 9-5, I am a specialist (there are jobs in Seattle that would start at $200,000 for my skill set and if I chose to work more than 90ish days a year I could easily make $300,000).
Wife would drive my truck and I'd get a cheapo craigslist special for commuting.
I'd still shop at the discount grocery store and order meat and eggs and veggies from local farmers.
Vacations would still be backpacking/local and cheap. As a kid my father who made a half million a year in the 80s would go local as fuck. We were doing Thailand for a $1 a day in the highland villages before that was a cool thing.
It's all about not trying to keep up with the Jones.
>giving $18000 a year to charity while spending $12000 a year on kids sports and taking three vacations a year
>while still owing student loans
Pay that shit off, pay your house off, pay your cars off, then live in luxury. Past that I would love to put $7k a year in the bank after all my expenses. I'm lucky if I have $100 left at the end of the month.
Charity- $18k? Why would anyone, who actually cares about the income, spend so much money on it? This is fucking bs
what do you do nigger tell us we're all trying to make it bruh
Jesus Christ! I know people around $200k with children that do pretty good, they even travel. What's the need to frame everything bad?
>mfw I make less then what they spend on their kids
>mfw their "mad money" is about half my salary
Just fuck my shit up.
Doesnt specify, but I bet its tax related and their accountant figured it out. Probably saves them more, but it's pointless without more information. The mortgage, the kids, the marriage, the loans ect. Although it's hard to tell and there is no timeline on this. Tax laws have changed obviously, they dont qualify for student loan deduction at that wage, their jumbo mortgage interest is now capped and I believe alot of the kiddo shit is done and over. Watch as 2019/2020 taxes they dont donate.
I do alot of things. I drive vehicles with flashy lights fast and hang out the side of helicopters.
Fuck it, I’ll bite. Their numbers aren’t that farfetched but they have some things that are laughable (donating to their alma mater? 1k/month for lessons?)
>wife and I make ~350k combined living in high COL area
>314k after 401ks(no mega backdoor Roth, other priorities at the moment)
>~33% tax rate so let’s call it 210k after taxes
>54k mortgage
>8500 car payment (0% loan so why not)
>15k groceries/eating/going out
>20k for general hobbies and shit
>12k for insurances etc
I can easily see how having some kids and needing to pay for childcare would wipe out the remaining balance. But then again we absolutely have some areas we could cut back. Not having student loans left helps big time too.
>buying a $1500 suit and spending $500 to tailor it
>get 3-5 years out of it
you're already pissing money like a retard, with that
for $2000 you can get a made to measure (!=bespoke, sure, but where it's at as far as actually good value goes) 2 pieces suit that you'll get decades out of, if not keep literally forever (and with enough leftover fabric to adjust for body changes)
They aren’t saving enough to support their lifestyle in retirement.
>40% effective tax rate
Oh gee golly $500k/year isn't a lot of money in NYC or LA where you're taxed into the dirt
>$42k in childcare
Childcare is only that expensive in places like NYC and LA.
>$23k in food
That's more than $15/person/day and two of them are children. Stop feeding your kids caviar and truffles
>$60k/year mortgage
Buy a cheaper house. A $1.5 million dollar house is unreasonable outside of places like NYC and LA. Again, maybe those places are the problem here.
>20k/year in property tax
Maybe don't live in NYC or LA and your property tax will be 1/4 that amount
>$18k/year on vacations
Do you really need to spend that much to go on vacation? No. They're going on luxury vacations
>$9k/year on car payments
Don't trade up to a new BMW every 3 years and then complain about it being expensive, retard.
>$9k/year on clothes
That's over $2k/year/person. What the literal fuck are they buying?
>$12k/year on piano lessons and shit
Have urbanites actually ever tried raising their own kids themselves instead of paying other people to do it? The wife insists on working and as a result they have to pay a higher marginal tax rate and $54k/year in post-tax money to have someone else do all the things the wife isn't doing because of her job.
>$32k/year in student loans
Assuming half of that is the wife, go ahead and add another $16k/year of after-tax money to the cost of her 'career'.
This is why everybody thinks liberals are retarded. They find a way to make the lifestyle of a $50k/year family in the midwest cost $500k/year and 'still feel average'
When I'm trying to sell training programs to arabs on my days off, the most I can get out of a suit without it looking dated is 3-5 years.
It's a business expense.
>(0% loan so why not)
its a scam you dont get the cash back
>500 dollars in food per person per month
Nothing to see here guys
how do i convert to communism
bruh cmon you think i'm afraid of death but i'm not where do i go to make real nigga hours tier money
>immediately takes out 36k for 401k AKA GAMBLING AKA the costs of kicking your kids out at 18 and shaming them if they ever need help rather than having a strong family unit that helps each other AKA boomers shitty retirement plan
>40% in taxes
Oh look how taxes are HURTING small median income families
>Mortgage and property tax on a 1.5 MILLION DOLLAR HOME
Privileged dummies living out of their means. Why are you paying a mortgage if both of you make 314400 after 40$ tax rate? Even if they spend HALF of that in expenses, at around 150k a year which is a ton, they could pay off an 800k home in 5 years.
>make that much money and still have CAR PAYMENTS
>Life insurance
Retards love to get scammed.
>12k a year in piano lessons and sports
Fuck off.
>18k in charity
>10K miscellaneous
FUCK OFF. It's like they're just making up exuses to blow money and show how these 500k income families are so poor. Such bullshit.
they spent more on childcare than I netted as a single full time self employed IC last year.. I don't feel too sorry for them.
>3 vacations a year
The taxes are off by about 70k. Married filing jointly w/ 36k going into 401k and 500k income should be 107k in taxes assuming standard deduction. I guess the don’t understand the difference between a marginal tax bracket and your effective rate unless they are paying a bunch of state and city bullshit.
Rule of thumb is no matter how much money people make they will always find a way to make it just "enough".
This is why weed to eradicate Capitalism. People need a force regulating their consumption.
>unless they are paying a bunch of state and city bullshit.
No that's exactly what's happening
>40k a year on vacations and "charity"
Fucking lmao.
>$18,000 on charity
U wot mate?
Fucking morons that still give to charity while governments hand out billions to muslims and shit skins etc
he is fucking the nanny, that's her hush money
k a year on vacations and "charity"
they should be tithing 50k a year
Also FYI. Has no one been paying attention? He may be buying his kids into a good school.
I’m buying a car, I’m not expecting money in return.
Why wouldn’t you put pre-tax money into the market rather than GAMBLE that your offspring (if you have any) will be able to care for you
>mortgage and property taxes
If you can beat your mortgage rate (almost down to 3% in some instances) then you may as well keep it and get the tax deductions
>car payments
Depending on the interest rate (0%) not an awful idea
>life insurance
That house and life isn’t going to pay for itself if mom and/or dad get killed and the kids are still young
that's what happens when you buy off the peg crap (on top of buying literal shit, with thermopasted lining, too thin fabric, and co)
fashion is just style for those who lack taste
fashion just amounts to making features oscillate around what's actually good taste, anyway (eg if you make lapels larger than actually tasteful, you only have to decree too thin lapels are the new fashion, and every retard will end up buying again; happens cyclically...)
get something made to your measures, with features at the timelessly tasteful proportions, and you'll look a lot better than about everyone, with better made clothes, that'll last forever, and won't cost more than the tacky branded crap
or piss money away: after all, it's yours
> Charity
> $18k
This is even more retarded than 7 limes.
>I’m buying a car, I’m not expecting money in return.
you are just paying more for the "0%" loan
They also probably vote for politicians who tell them that "progressive taxation" on "the rich" is "fair" and fail to realize that their income makes them "rich" by most of these politicians' standards and are surprised when the tax bill comes.