Isn't that the ultimate clownpill?
Why are gay men allowed to adopt young boys?
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Why are one group controlling everything? Isn't that the ultimate clownpill?
I would rather have gay people raise kids than have to pay for them in taxes
what website?
>Single mothers
None of the above should be allowed to touch a child.
>Why are gay men allowed to adopt young boys?
So that they can molest them and make more gay democrat voters.
Why is anyone allowed to adopt non-family members?
das right!
Because our enemies are evil.
thanks m8
the workers who ignored the complaints should be liable
Honestly, this is why I felt bad about MILO's downfall.
What he said is literally what every fucking faggot believes, so if you are going to anathematize him, then we should throw every homo off a rooftop.
They're ruining the life of innocent children for a fetish of some disgusting degenerates. It doesn't matter how clown this world gets, I'll never agree to that.
No one gives a fuck when little boys are molested. Just another lamb on the sacrificial altar of tolerance.
gays only want young boys for one thing.
Do you know how sensitive the prostate is? Can you imagine how much more sensitive it would be if it was trained from childhood?
Some guys get boners when taking a shit. Others leak precum like crazy just by their anus walls naturally grazing against the prostate. And that's with a small amount of practice in adulthood.
Instead of being upset gays get to fuck boys, get upset you weren't one of the lucky ones who by now could be having unlimited multiple orgasms every second of every day instead of angrily posting about politics online
Death to you kike
Gas Weev
Listen to me.
First thing I'll do when time machines get invented is go back with superior technology and force the world into boy fucking and mass producing artificial wombs since women won't be needed
Based and redpilled
This is actually the answer. Gay men never adopt little girls, always little boys, and no one cares about boys.
The Lake of Fire will burn hotter than you can possibly fathom, and I still wish it were hotter.
Get your mind out of the gutter you fucking creep.
Little boys love the D. God gave em prostates, its his fault
Like this post if you love boicunny
because (((they))) are trying to normalize pedophilia and that's what the LGBT wanted all along, so they'll gladly allow it regardless of what normal people think about it.
>Yeah, let degenerates raise children!🙁
You would be in a matrix of your own design. Forever entranced in anal pleasure, trapped in a world of your desire. God put an instant pleasure button in your ass for a reason, and that reason is for adult men to abuse it in your youth.
Just jokes FBI, h-honest, April fools
for financial reasons of course. the state has to spend less on orphanages and the gay parents have to spend more on jewish products for the kids
that's literally the reason
Time machines and artificial wombs? oh wow, you'll be God someday and everything too uh? oh wait let me guess, you already are God, right?
You don't believe in God though.
The sweetest feeling in this world is fragmenting purity
Dissolving innocence is such a rush that floods the mind with the most intense high
I assume you find their misfortune hilarious because you're such a great guy.
Innocence and purity? don't you mean stupidity and ignorance? you're making it sound like God is actually a thing.
you are gay
The greatest feeling in the world is when you're locked up with me forever and you can't escape, i'm demon number 2. Demon number 1 doesn't speak much, he had a trouble childhood you see.
I'm a pretty okay sorta dude.
men can do everything better than women. men make better parents than women. children often grow up to be unstable without a father in the family.
a gay couple is TWO men, two fathers. no women to fuck things up. Isn't this a good thing?
if they weren't creatures of evil they wouldn't have turned out like they are. Physical beauty has to do with your soul. If you have an ugly soul. you are ugly. Simple as that. Why are most communists ugly as fuck? because communism is UNGODLY/ JEWISH in origin. Those that think they are "tolerant, or accepting" are actually contributing to the problems in society by promoting race mixing/ mass immigration. Therefore God judges their physical flesh by making them ugly.
Oh my dear child, we are all locked in here together....forever.
Oh wow, you guys just found out about evil? this is a new thing to you is what you're saying, new vistas and sensations. Amiright fellow kafir.
You sound like a fag
muslim faggot
Wtf I love Mike Cernovich now.
So they can reproduce
thernovich did that himself, pretty sad
>then we should throw every homo off a rooftop.
being a fag is better than being a woman or a tranny.
That's nonsense, Chad and Stacy are usually pieces of shit. You're making it sound like life is somehow fair, you are naive. I hope that in the end you're right and i'm wrong, but i doubt it.
What God? amiright.
No kid, you're locked in here with me.
I'll have you know i'm a fan of Jesus, i just happen to look like a Syrian is all.
it's funny because it's true
You guys are members of the Atomwaffen Division or something?
I just found about this new thing called evil, it's like the best thing ever you guys. Literally no downside to it, all profit. Nyehehe.
This was very triggering
never post a three headed chinknigger again op
>mfw the governor of colorado is a gay jew married to a man who has adopted 2 young boys
More like this
Wasn't the character of Indiana Jones also a pedophile? he fucked like a 14 year old or something, at least that's what i've heard i've never watched any of the movies.
Life is pretty boring and evil keeps you amused for a while until you realize, oh wait, this sucks in it's own way too. All in all it all kinda just sucks.
That's my opinion at least.
It would seem the key to being "happy" in life is being a self-deluded narcissist.
its hinted that he fucked a teen, dont know her age.
he's played by a jew, so there's that
It's unironically all so tiresome.
No. Everyone hates fag gits. Even other fags. At some point, coworkers or acquaintances will consciously note that the fag puts dicks in his mouth, and listening to him becomes gross. You will wonder where his hands have been, and you won't want to shake it. You will wonder if he is checking you out or turned on by you, etc.
Life is just better without fags. Everyone knows that
No kid, i dislike everyone. You don't get a pass just because you're straight.
Wow, i legit don't want to do this. I'll have to adapt or die i guess, what a joke.
Because they reproduce by diddling kids.
Why would you deny them of that you bigot?
Because it's better than having a bunch of orphans that you have to waste your tax money on.
Gay couples have 35% of "chance" the kid comes out gay.
The average is 1.6%
Post more non pozzed papers
two fathers even if they fuck the kid is still superior to the damage a single mom does
>So that they can molest them and make more gay Republican voters.
Fixed that for you. Conservative Republican closet homos are the ones sexually abusing boys by far more than anyone else. Stop projecting faggot. I mean I know that's all you shills can do but damn.
>better to have children raped than orphans
They're going to get raped either way, at least with gay couples, you're not paying for it.
I know you are trolling but you are a degenerate slime ball.
That's perfectly acceptable for you specifically to hate everyone. I was a horrible child and I'm a great person to hate, but most people aren't like you.
But everyone hates fags
You're right, or worse depending on the orphanage.