At a coffee shop with a girl who's been flirting with me for over a week

>at a coffee shop with a girl who's been flirting with me for over a week
>ask her what she wants, then buy my coffee and her drink
>we start chatting
>we're talking about places we've been and i mention a certain city in europe
>she says almost immediately, oh my boyfriend is there right now
does this mean i'm already blown out? what's the appropriate reaction at this point? i just wanted to cut and run but it seemed pretty rude so i just smiled and kind of led the conversation in a different direction

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Maybe I need to be more autistic to get a response

Sounds like she wasn't flirting with you and you misread the situation.

She is normally a very quiet person (I had barely noticed her before) but she was finding ways to start conversations with me out of the blue every time we were alone.
>you misread the situation
Yeah. Thinking about it, the fact that her "interest" was so direct suggests that it wasn't romantic in nature
I suppose then the only way to read it is that she suspected I was thinking it was a date.

As for what happened we had a long conversation, I got her number and we're going to meet again soon. Like if not for the bf mention I would have considered it a slam dunk.
Instead of playing off the bf mention I could have asked about him and put any lingering questions in my mind to rest.

I really was hoping maybe someone else had this happen to them and could share experiences (from either perspective) ...

but it seems like I framed my post wrong for Jow Forums
I should have opened the thread with
>Incel here. Fucking bitches are always playing games.
or the like as the first line, then at least the thread would be permabumped. Oh well, live and learn

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no one cares you whiny faggot

Yes, I know.
But if I was a whiny incel faggot who hates women then they'd care. You know it's true.

>Thinking about it, the fact that her "interest" was so direct suggests that it wasn't romantic in nature
I suppose then the only way to read it is that she suspected I was thinking it was a date.
You seem like you’ve already got everything figured out. Not sure what more advice you’re looking for.

3 options
>no boyfriend around and wants random human contact
>she lied cause she felt uncomfortable at the moment
>she didn't lie but is not commited and you may be able to fuck her anyway

you can:
>get friendzoned
>talk about the boyfriend thing / make a move

>You seem like you’ve already got everything figured out.
Only because one person was nice enough to respond. I got what I needed, I'm fine now. I was only musing about how funny it is if I wrapped the post in a veneer of misogyny it would be a 150 reply thread in 6 hours

>paying for her drink

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Cut it off, man

Take it from me, I hung in for like 8 months doing study dates nearly every day for a girl who had a long-distance boyfriend

I kept picking up obvious signs that she was flirting (i asked other people just to make sure i wasn't sperging out) and she never dumped and i never got anywhere with her

Tremendous waste of time, just cut it off

>all that PUA bullshit
if you're the one that makes the invitation to coffee, you should pay for the drink
it's standard etiquette. besides, it's fucking $5

>but muh dominance-signaling
>but muh forced nonchalance
>but muh negging
any non-idiotic woman can see how bizarre you're acting

>if you're the one that makes the invitation to coffee, you should pay for the drink
You're American, aren't you? I feel bad for you guys.

The main goal of any interaction with an undocumented female is to find if she has a boyfriend. Keep learning and one day you'll be able to get her to spit it before you buy her shit.

Basically, it means you are out. If she has a boyfriend she won't be looking for a relationship. And if her plan was to cheat, she would conceal the existence of the boyfriend. It's that simple boyo. Back to playing with your animus and pokemans for now.

>does this mean i'm already blown out?

Ask her. "My boyfriend is there now" can mean lots of things, not all of them monogamous things.

I'm sure you are having fun getting aids at your liberal arts college but trust me when I tell you that only 0.0000000001% of the world is polyamorous or whatever the fuck you retards call it these days.

Ever heard of hypergamy you dumb fuck

Yeah man I'm sure you are learning a lot in psych 101 but we are in the real world here. Fuck off.

I'm monogamous, but I know a great many are not because this ideology is pervasively marketed as a substitute for self-esteem.

Besides, if OP wants long-term and learns on "date" one that she's willing to fuck around on her out-of-town boyfriend, I'd say that's a valuable lesson to learn, wouldn't you?

just starting singing gender swapped lyrics to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.

>Besides, if OP wants long-term and learns on "date" one that she's willing to fuck around on her out-of-town boyfriend, I'd say that's a valuable lesson to learn, wouldn't you?

Sure but really low priority. You are asking OP to commit to trying to fuck her just to learn if she is willing to cheat. That takes a lot of effort. Much easier is to gear a conversation towards her admitting having debt and if she has debt that pretty much tells you all you need to know. Much easier and faster. It's what I do.

The appropriate response when she mentioned her boyfriend would have been if you have a boyfriend, then why are you having coffee with me? And she probably would have said something like just because I have a boyfriend doesn't mean I can't have male friends. And then you could have said okay, then let's take a picture together with the caption "just having coffee with a new friend" and see what he has to say. I suspect she'd be pretty embarrassed because it was inappropriate for her to accept your invitation. She wanted male attention.

Well stated.

LMAO no. If I invite my bro out for a pint, I'm not going to buy his beer. Get fucked. The chick, if her intention was to not be a faggot, would have refused the offer to buy her a drink. Everyone knows what that entails.

It's cultural user. Depends where in this wide world you live. Take you egotistical stick from your ass.

Daily reminder that woman can have more than one "boyfriend" at a time.

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What a bitch maaan

>he's never bought a round for his friends

that sounds about right tbqh

Underrated kek