He outright told Business leaders that he could bring Trump off his immigration stance. Many of us have been saying this for quite awhile.
New Book on Kushner: claims controls Trump
I'm curious to see what's in Kushner's peace deal that's supposed to be revealed after next week. I guess we'll find out if he's really the anti-christ soon.
Is he the shadow president?
What a surprise
no but other jews run operations through him
inb4 kushnerbot
He should never trusted Ann the Back Stabber Coulter.
Coulter has to listen to FTN. This has happened too many times to be coincidence.
Ann if your post on /pol wear a braid this week
Most likely. Ann is usually ahead of the curve on these things compared to her dinosaur conservative counterparts.
>Score is board-sensitive
This is bullshit.
What do you (((MIGApedes))) have to say now fucking cucked faggots?
fuck off back to t_D and die there nigger lovers
She used to retweet them all the time.
This better be an april fools joke
Yeah nah
>He's just been corrupted
>He wasn't meant to turn out this way
>Please don't lose faith in the democratic process and seek alternative means to achieve your goals
Face it faggots, you got conned by a conman. Voting doesn't work and until the West realizes this, it will vote itself into a grave.
This site is more broken by the day. And DUH, Kushner is evil, just look at him. Also, thanks for making captchaes even worse. Jews run this site.
>Rational stance on immigration
>Uses presidential powers to close the entire southern fucking border
No chance. He cucks to (((big business))), he WILL be a one-term President. He needs to remember the people who put them there, the white working class male
>Uses presidential powers to close the entire southern fucking border
him and Alex have lot in common. They rant about shit, but it never goes anywhere.