New Book on Kushner: claims controls Trump

He outright told Business leaders that he could bring Trump off his immigration stance. Many of us have been saying this for quite awhile.

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I'm curious to see what's in Kushner's peace deal that's supposed to be revealed after next week. I guess we'll find out if he's really the anti-christ soon.

Is he the shadow president?

What a surprise

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no but other jews run operations through him

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inb4 kushnerbot

He should never trusted Ann the Back Stabber Coulter.

Coulter has to listen to FTN. This has happened too many times to be coincidence.

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Ann if your post on /pol wear a braid this week

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Most likely. Ann is usually ahead of the curve on these things compared to her dinosaur conservative counterparts.

>Score is board-sensitive
This is bullshit.

What do you (((MIGApedes))) have to say now fucking cucked faggots?
fuck off back to t_D and die there nigger lovers

She used to retweet them all the time.

This better be an april fools joke

Yeah nah
>He's just been corrupted
>He wasn't meant to turn out this way
>Please don't lose faith in the democratic process and seek alternative means to achieve your goals
Face it faggots, you got conned by a conman. Voting doesn't work and until the West realizes this, it will vote itself into a grave.

This site is more broken by the day. And DUH, Kushner is evil, just look at him. Also, thanks for making captchaes even worse. Jews run this site.

>Rational stance on immigration

>Uses presidential powers to close the entire southern fucking border

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No chance. He cucks to (((big business))), he WILL be a one-term President. He needs to remember the people who put them there, the white working class male

>Uses presidential powers to close the entire southern fucking border
him and Alex have lot in common. They rant about shit, but it never goes anywhere.