I'm going to sleep now and when I wake up there better be at least a hundred posts telling me how to meet my future GF...

I'm going to sleep now and when I wake up there better be at least a hundred posts telling me how to meet my future GF online.

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1. Go outside
2. Make friends
3. Do activities
4. Meet girl
5. GF
Everyone online, even if they appear to be female, is a man.
The sooner you come to terms with this, the better off you will be.

Just work on making yourself more attractive. Work out, get a better job. You won’t need to look, because most dudes that aren’t deadbeats get pussy delivery service


Good morning.
How do I make friends, and what activities are you talking about? I’m friendless and haven't ever gotten past the acquaintance phase of
>"Hey user, how are you"
>"Good, and you"
>end of conversation

Healthier foods
Staying active during the day so you sleep without having to jack off
Be more social (meet with friends, talk with neighbours, visit family)

Most important one: Have the motivation to talk with girls online, entertain them, and find one who you can exchange numbers or social media with and talk to for hours a day, so you can plan that first date.

Why do people assume that if they can't manage a basic friendship they can manage a relationship?

I have never had friends but I have a great relationship with my gf

It's not about managing anything. It's about two people caring for and supporting one another like nobody else in their lives.

Alright well, there are smooth ways to make friends with other men.
Calling them is one, or starting a conversation about a thing other than the weather.
If you want to, just try saying, "bro, will you be my friend?"
Sounds bad, but you need whatever you can get is what it sounds like to me.
Also, do not get excited about getting a gf, it sucks and you will still feel empty and alone.

This right here

Not this

>make yourself more attractive
>work out
>get a better job
None of these things are going to prevent you from being bad at socializing, which is really all you need to get a woman into bed (unless you're like morbidly obese or disfigured maybe).

You dont need socializing to get girls though. Thats the biggest lie adv throw around. What you need is looks money and status

>t. Antisocial fuckwit
As long as you aren't really lacking here, like a full on neckbeard or a strange looking onions-creature, you'll be alright.
This is just plain wrong, I don't know where people get this stupid idea.
It sort of depends on what you mean here, because if status includes just being known by your association to another thing, then we are talking about a very wide range of classifications ranging from "the waiter with the red hair at x" to "the CEO of google", if you think the red-haired waiter isn't able to bang the hostess at "x" because he isn't the CEO of google, or the manager of "x" then you are just wrong, because he is.
IF however, you're talking about some 10/10 instathot with 100k+ followers who gets paid to post pics of bobs and vagene, then, yeah ok, looks, money status isn't gonna hurt.
But if you want to bang emily who works behind the counter at the fucking gas station all you need is a functional penis and a friendly confident demeanor.

Emily already has a boyfriend is taller and much better looking than me.

Good for Emily.

Well then bang Ashley, the girl with the lisp and the short hair who used to work at McDonald's.
Unrelated question, how do you think they replace the lightbulbs in one of these things? I've never seen it done before.
What size of lightbulb do you think might go in one?

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>have looks, money and status
>never talk to women ever
>expecting to get a girlfriend this way

You NEED to socialize to meet women and yes online socializing is still socializing. The better off you are in the looks, money, status department the less you need to socialize but you still need to do it. If you are poor, ugly and have no social status then you can still get a girlfriend but you have to be out there meeting women all the time.

If you have high smv, girls do the legwork. They go out their way to meet you

Ashley is 100 lbs overweight and has a child with an unemployed man who has children with other women.

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Well unlike you common pleb lightbulbs they are made to last so it does not need doing very often

They either use a lift, or I know some models of street lamps have hinges at the bottom, so you just screw out the bolts and lay it down, they aren't as heavy as they look, ofc they are usually along roads so the changing of bulbs are done at some off hour in the middle of the night to not interupt the traffic

Damn user, ok, makes sense. I've just never seen it done before. How big do you suppose those lightbulbs are? How does someone even get that job? Do they do other stuff or are there enough lightbulbs to just go around constantly changing them within a certain area?