Brenton Tarrant was a HERO

Brenton Tarrant was a HERO

Attached: 1553081743420.jpg (1080x1080, 352K)

Other urls found in this thread:


For mossad.

Attached: 1552919560958.jpg (266x246, 24K)

Observe the kike shill patrolling the catalog looking for any Tarrant supporters, pouncing on them like shekels shining in the light of Tarrants glory

>Totally ignores the Jewish role behind open borders
>kills literal no body muslims
>To purposely esculate a Whites Vs Muslims race war
>Wants to Accelerate more Gun Bans
>Does everything possible to attach his actions to right wing & chan culture, even at Pewdiepie
>Litteraly everything a liberals & jews could ever ask for in an attack to justify crack down.
sloppy job

Attached: 1553728803389.jpg (828x974, 304K)

Observe the moron and or kike trying to make someone who capped a 9 year old in the face a WN hero

Attached: 1552834232858.png (429x560, 314K)

>long weird face
he looks like my retarded neighnour unironically

Accelerationism is the ideology of the elite

Results of New Zealand Shooting

>Innocent gun onwer raided, choses death over prison
>white nationalism banned from Facebook
>Aus police getting more funding to monitor nationlist groups
>Normies pushed away and more likely to support liberal agenda
>Generation identity might get banned
>calls for speech control in several countries
>more gun control in New Zealand

Targeting innocent people will NEVER win over the support of the people needed for a revolution.
Accelerationism is fake and gay.
Nothing good came out of this.

>NZ is now part of the caliphate after one attack on muslims
Like actually how is this a thing.

Attached: 1552067406774.gif (320x320, 3.13M)

I don't think he was a hero but I love the memes.

Attached: 1552798989884.jpg (486x305, 30K)

Attached: NZ Mosque Chairman Mossad, Zionist Businesses Behind Christchurch.webm (852x480, 2.7M)

>Accelerationism is fake and gay.
This. Anyone who says the way to win is to lose is a fucking retard.

Attached: Justin Trudeau Wheelchair.gif (666x666, 575K)

It's not OK Mitch.

Attached: itsnotOKmitch.png (425x317, 199K)



how do i do that if I use 4chanx?

shills can't party for tarrant

t. mossad moarpheus aka the jewish schizo spammer. A jew cries out as he strikes you.

friendly reminder: this user is a jew that supports open borders and used to post from israel. pay attention to how he posts, the jew cries out at he strikes you. he hates white nationalists and loves Jared Kushner. he spams hundreds of threads a day. he is a jew. his goal is to make Jow Forums look violent and unhinged and insane. he gets paid to spam shit.
if you see him call him out and report him for spam.

Attached: Americuts.png (1026x1036, 855K)

1488 likes and I invoke the NAZBOL GODS to rise Hitler from the dead.

Let's get this party started.

And remember lads: subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Like this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

Attached: tarrant.gif (661x800, 190K)


Lets get this part started!
.and remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie!

Attached: 18F71ED6-0757-44F9-BB34-8751D991C8CB.jpg (1920x1920, 1.13M)


Attached: PewDiePie-Jew-Illuminati-Tarrant-Christchurch-Connection.jpg (1878x2124, 2.43M)

Attached: PewDiePie-Jew-Illuminati.jpg (2524x3942, 2.64M)

Hardcore schizo posting

The only schizophrenics are the Mossad slave shills that are still spamming Tarrant. Worry about the muslims coming to kill all you inbred Israelis this month. April won't be kind to israel. Hopefully faggot like you bleed out slowly.

Would a Mossad shill have 2k comment karma?
Get dabbed on, wagie
You literally get paid to tell lies, on april fools day.


Attached: 3674BB9F-13EC-4DA2-A640-55F142F8D91C.png (150x250, 56K)

he is a faggot.

Attached: brenton.tarrant.9 agent of gabriel.jpg (780x439, 169K)


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So what are you going to do to win?

Been losing for over 30 years, so what is your plan?

Attached: ULTIMATECHAD.jpg (634x749, 64K)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

Attached: horrible.jpg (3000x1976, 1.82M)

Rolled 1 (1d6)

>rolls a 1, critical fail, drops mag and has to reload.

Attached: horrible2.jpg (600x717, 47K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

triple 1 for mossad false flag

Attached: 666.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

Rolled 4 (1d6)

Hell yea

Wait...we playing SHADOWRUN now rolls are 5,5, many died or did I severely wound a corprate speaker?

Tarrantkino was legit
Dab on shills

>forcing them to rapidly enact their long term agenda is somehow worse than letting them slow boil the proverbial frog so people don't care or notice

You're a genius lul

Attached: Brenton Tarrant did nothing wrong.png (700x1080, 22K)


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