Which one of you nerds done it

Spelunking in the Mojave and I find this shit. I know it's one of you faggots.

Attached: okay,this-is-vandalism.jpg (960x720, 145K)

Attached: cave jews.jpg (960x706, 58K)

Clear false flag! (((They))) did it!


Ok, this is epic

Makes sense. Trying to psyop the cave beasts

Cause old mines are cool and fuck you.

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Whoever here did this is a nigger

Isn't it weird how MAGA violence and this vandalism all happens in like 1 week? SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON TO WATCH EVERY IDF SOLDIER DIE.

Attached: rabbi.jpg (904x1200, 358K)

Sloopy job Mossad.

>my fellow white men

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Fucking hate seeing shit like this

What the fuck is (((spelunking)))? Sound like shooting jizz into a cup of water.

Fucking degenerates🙁

google it you illiterate nigger.

>Spelunking in the Mojave and I find this shit. I know it's one of you faggots.

Have fun dying in there.

This. As funny and surprising it was for me to see, I still got angry that someone who's most likely white and mostly like comes here would reduce themselves to shit skin levels by spray painting random shit.

What a fucking normie.

You're suspect number 1, nigger.

>graffiti in nature

I hate people that do this

Would probably be a nice place too, T B H

Attached: 1554095249755.jpg (960x720, 281K)

Why? Its just some cave in the middle of no where. Some libshit will come across it one day and we will start seeing articles about "secret cave Nazis"

Well, did you Rise the Frick Up!?

I'm not a gamer.

You're never gonna impress Veronica with an attitude like that.

It's California. Only beaners will see it in the future because only beaners will inhabit California.

"And that's a good thing"

Attached: 1540000398629.jpg (455x247, 27K)

You did it. You're not fooling anybody.

Attached: 1518830366997.png (909x851, 45K)

But seriously... WHO DONE IT

Attached: 1494228813887.jpg (239x211, 12K)

digging up the guns he his

I'm too white to destroy something even as ugly as a california desert.

No, it's not that.

Attached: 50WnLIt.jpg (605x307, 51K)


Hope he got eaten by night stalkers.