I‘m tired of my uptight correctness.
I want to become the most deprived slut there ever has been.
How do i free myself form the sexual corsets i have been in all my life?
How can i start to enjoy and pursue every spark of a kink without judgement?
Is it possible to achieve this whilst keeping it inside a monogamous relationship?
I‘m tired of my uptight correctness
It is possible if your partner has the stamina otherwise you can just be a dirty little slut and hit on every guy you want to fuck
>Is it possible to achieve this whilst keeping it inside a monogamous relationship?
Google 'cuckoldry'.
Oh fug no she's gonna leave him for chad oh fugg oh no D:
Which part of „keeping it inside“ is hard for you to comprehend?
I don‘t need chad, i need a dick to plow me senselessly. I already got that at home. No need to search any further.
Imm not sure stamina is all that‘s required. What about my partner‘s moral limitations to my quest of becoming the most deprived slut he has ever seen?
by finding someone who is open like you want to be.
Find a different partner
I‘m already married and i‘m hell bent to make this work without destroying our relationship in any way. I want it to instead enrich our life.
Ask him that's all you can do, we don't have all the answers. If "he has the stamina and you don't want to leave him" just fucking ask him instead of us
Also, this thread wasn‘t intentioned to be about my partner or my relationship but about my own mindset and how to burst out of the uptight behavior.
If he loves you he will agree, shit I'd agree even if I didn't love the broad
But the point of the thread was about how to achieve this for myself, not how to convince my husband to be ok with it.
Ok ok what do you want to do?
I know he will agree. I just need to have a plan on how to overcome my own reservations and i need you to help me come up with one.
Tell me your sexual fantasies
if you are married why are you afraid to tell him or her about it? You trust this person enough to live with for the rest of your life, tell him you want to spice things up in the bedroom.
I'm handling this one
I don‘t have anything specific in mind. I want to generally stop listening to my inner censor about what (((good girls))) do and what they don‘t do. It’s a vague feeling, but i know that deep down i have a sexual urge like an animal. I know the lust to gobble on his dick 24/7 is somewhere in there but i can‘t access it. My theory is that there‘s some gatekeeping going on. I need to find that damn gate and blow it the fuck up.
You‘d need to define sexual fantasies first. Do you mean „what would you like to experience“ or „what kind of sexual ideas can arouse you“?
This isn‘t about spicing things up or being afraid to tell him, far from it. It‘s a lot deeper.
I suggest checking yourself into a mental institution, then just eliminate any human you feel is obstructing your progress as a human.
I've tried this, it works wonders. the best part is, you can blame it on having a weaker sponge in your brain to fascilitate typical human function, and that lead you to carry out such harsh actions.
Well idk what you are implying. How old are you? Also if we blow this gate up it might get out of control and you might start acting on sexual impulses with other men. Just drink some alcohol and take control in the bed one night do what you want to him tell him to just relax and lay back.
Why would i need to check into a mental hospital?
The only human standing in my path to squirting glory is myself. Do i eliminate myself now? Suicide seems like it‘s not really the outcome i had in mind.
Sexual fantasies is pretty simple, what you would like to experience and what arouses you should be intertwined if not to wild. If you are aroused by thinking about the experience then why not experience it that is what a sexual fantasy is
I‘m 30. i‘m old enough to be this crazy, ok?
Nah, i‘ve been over this fear of my sexuality spiraling out of control. I‘ve stopped having sex from the age 20 to 26 because i was scared of letting the beast out of it‘s cage. I know i can tame it again if necessary. It just feels different now. It feels like my marriage isn‘t the place to cage it up but to let it roam free.
Don‘t worry, i still don‘t crave other dick. I feel like you don‘t need more than one man and on woman to experience sexuality at it‘s fullest. Everything else is just porn induced fantasies and you can really miss me with that gay shit.
Ok so what do you think of the plan?
Not for me.
I have very explicit sexual thoughts that arouse me but i don‘t have any urge to play those out irl. There are also things that mentally arouse me but that i would never seriously consider to act out. In fact, acting them out might be a huge turn off.
My sexual fantasies as in „stuff you want to do irl“ is pretty stunted. I think this is the gatekeeper at work. Sometimes i have a flash of a fantasy but i can‘t really grasp on to it to examine it closer.
The difference between variant a and variant b is that with a, i might think up perverted sexual scenarios and get aroused. Maybe something that might fit into 120 days of sodom.
Variant b would be me going about my normal day and then suddenly my mind would come up with the idea that it would be exciting to take him up my ass right now. But those ideas are very fleeting. Like i‘m unconsciously telling myself „nah, that would be very inappropriate. Now go back to work.“.
I don‘t want to rely on mind altering substances for this. I want it to be me and nothing but me who destroys that fucking gate already.
But i guess i could try acting on those flashes of fantasies even if it feels wrong seconds after. Maybe that might being some movement into the whole thing.
So it just sounds like you want to have more sex, if you do you might have to start initiating, or let him know you want to be fucked at random times. Or you just might be horny rn. Personally it just sounds like you're horny and you want to get fucked by him right now. That is my diagnosis
A little alcohol in the beginning will make it easier later
We have a lot of sex. Basically daily.
I think i want less inhibited sex.
No, i‘m not horny right now. Although i have been horny a few times before today.
I want to let myself crave and desire him the way i know i actually do. Right now it‘s like a pleasant boat ride on a calm pond with water lilys and dragonflies. I want it to resemble a lethal storm on open sea.
I don‘t drink alcohol in general. I feel like if i rely on substance aid, it will just make me feel disgusted with my drunk actions instead of being proud i slammed that gatekeeper.
If you were to avoid it for this long you wont have any trouble stopping especially when it comes to using it for sex.
So he makes love to you and you want to be fucked? Is that it? You want it a little more dirtier a little more kinkier
My issue is not that i think i can‘t stop it. I don‘t have and never had an issues with alcohol. I just rather live my life fully present than drugged up.
No, not even that. We do have some kinky elements here and there. It‘s not that i need him to „step it up“. I need to release my own sexuality, that‘s what i need. And i think irl that would mean that i follow every single one of those tiny fantasy flashes i can‘t hold on to right now.
I agree one glass of wine won't hurt you it might just give you the confidence you need to break that barrier then you won't need it anymore
always set a limit the problem is lack of control. If you have a history of not controling yourself then dont do it.
Those tiny fantasy flashes just sound like bouts of horniess
Oh man its the fucking retard that uses quotes like ,,this’’
What kind of retard is it?