Think I just cheated on my BF pls advise!

You realize most of these threads are the reciperical form of women hate threads right? "Femanon here, just thought I would stop by and talk about some lamentable bullshit I did!" The hook is bated and the hate flows in, mission accomplished.

This board is unbelievable toxic in that these posts are made by shills to generate negative responses to women which effectively grooms incels. This place should be nuked from orbit, holy shit its pathetic. Get some sun retards

Also keeping it Jow Forums related: burgers and fries or just the burger, pls advise. thanks!

Attached: Womens_Physical_Security1_2_2011_0_cii7208.jpg (550x344, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I enjoy your map. Women are only physically secure on the high seas!

Yes holy shit this. Y'all getting baited to shit.

Incels just want everyone to be as miserable as they are. If they can't win, they will drag everyone else down with them. They want to feel better than other men, and want numbers to attack women with. Pathetic.

You are all so easily manipulated.

Also burgers + fries, always.

I have to admit that as a woman I get really sad when I see so many angry men who've been hurt making blanket statements about my gender on this board. I feel that these guys are actually probably good wonderful people but they've got a lot of feels to vent and sometimes no amount of trying can pull them out of their mindset.
It's discouraging sometimes though. There's so much anger on this thread.

I feel that regardless of gender or sexual orientation or age, everybody deserves a basic line of human respect and I do my best not to feed the trolls or ignite incel rage because of it. Anonymous deserves respect.

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And you really think the shit makes an impact on people who are sold on incel shit?

Inceldom isn't even about women. Obviously they do serve as the enemy and ideological scapegoat but basically it's a cult of self-hatred. Spamming the board with "my girlfriend/sister/mom did a great thing X for me" or "femanon here: I just realized what an entitled roastie I'm for not giving nice guys a chance" won't do a thing to change their minds either. Just ignore them. Most will grow out of it when they are forced to leave their basements.

>Get some sun retards
Eat a dick. Fuck the sun. It's literal cancer.

>burgers and fries or just the burger
If you HAVE TO eat trash, rather go with a good burger.

These men are IRL too. I know a few. That's the worst part lol

I just want to volley their copy of 21 rules for life right into their skulls

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Seriously? Where?

I know tons of man who are rape apologists, sexists, stalkers and whatever else but never met an actual incel IRL.

you're lucky. There are too many of these men at the edges of my social circles. I don't actually need to talk to them but I do have to hear them say "KEK" IRL on occasion lmao

Can you be an incel if youre not a virgin?

Lmao do you think women are perfect and immune to criticism?

I genuinely wonder whether there are groups or people trying to manipulate us into hating each other, dividing us to control us better (or to some other end idek), and use platforms like this to do it. It seems to be working. I miss Jow Forums before it was like this.

I would get fries too, unless you want to save your appetite for something else later.

I mean, technically it sounds legit. Not sure if one would be welcome in the cult though. With mgtow and some aut right and gamergater shit, there seem more intuitive ways to find fellow women-haters.

Yes. It's not about being a virgin as much as it's an attitude about yourself, women, and the world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin.

Did anyone say that dumbass?

This is happening all over the world. Political, gender, class and racial divides. Sometimes it is done purposefully, sometimes we do it to ourselves. I often wonder how much it is formulated, myself.

>having your mind changed by anecdotal arguments.
Ok, I am constantly posting anecdotal advice, but that's what advice is. These guys however, are running off of a few youtube social experiences, their own experience/lack thereof, and some books written by blackpilled faggots.
There's a few datasets that someone made too, but I haven't seen the actual data, just the tables and graphs and such.
Idk, I'm not a great looking dude and my luck is alright. I'm no Brad Pitt but I always get mine.

Fuck, almost forgot.
Idk what you look like, but if you're fat just have some coffee and a cigarette instead. Then near the end of the day, have one meal of whatever you want.

everyone who doesnt have a gf or wife and is not particularly attractive or has sex appeal is an involuntaryly celibate person

*and male

>I often wonder how much it is formulated, myself.
Probably not too much. The thinking is just very natural for humans, our brains fucking LOVE patterns.

There is definitive evidence of slight interference, though. I agree it must be a very low percentage (under 1% probably), but it's still interesting. It might be wise for us to ask why there are people who would want to widen these natural divides in the first place.

Ur shit

Some of us see that truth, others don't. I blame newfags personally, for everything. The amount of bumped and re-bumped bait threads is appalling across the entirety of Jow Forums. They're also beyond easy to recognise.

Yeah, there are a lot of threads in which people admit to being 14, 16, etc. That might be a huge part of this problem lol.

>thread surprisingly void of autists

Damn u actually got em

Divide and conquer my dude. Seed the doubt harvest the chaos. Most people can't see the groupthink happening because they think they are the group. Which incidentally would leave them for dead the second they find a new master. How much time does your average Jow Forumstard spend thinking about black dick and Jews rather then addressing their fear of inimacy and self loathing. The impotent rage clouds everything out to the point they dont realize they are impotent because of their all consuming rage. Very unatractive, the passive form of hatred they carry with them rent free comes off as cowardice which keeps them from achieving much of anything.

I'm just trying to live my life not someone elses ya know? Persue passions, try and be a decent person, stay lucid enough to know your living. That sort of thing, and its not eazy but thats how you know its working :)

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I like the way you think. I hope to meet more people like you in the future.

Kind words user, Godspeed you.

>I feel that these guys are actually probably good wonderful people
user please.

Not her but hey, deep down pretty much everyone has the potential to be.

"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."

so typical of American women. Of course, not all of them are like them, but most of them are.

I only wonder why American men don't get more angry about such filthy American women.

If I were them, I'd say, "Alright, let's kill all the women and teach them what it's like to be primary victim of war.

>Sweden safer than Norway and Finland
What was that chart made in, like 2014?

Related to what? Who cares? If Jow Forums has any mods or janny trannies I've not seen remote evidence of it. As with every board, CP gets deleted and nudity usually does too since blue board, but for the most part nothing is controlled on Jow Forums. And for good reason because the only other shit besides toxicity is self-pitying, basically. Just a bunch of people who feel for themselves.

At this rate, it's indistinguishable. Jow Forums threads are pretty much all bait as most OPs seem to deny any solution to their problem and only respond to people attempting to empathize with, but not offer any solution to, their problems. And that brings a sad question of 'should we prune non-constructive threads or lock them to a metathread/general?'
Once we kill >tfw no gf threads, which are about all we have besides bait, then we have this slowass board with like two posters.

Honestly, Jow Forums is just containment. It was originally made because sad wojaks were literally taking over /b/ and Jow Forums wouldn't allow duplicate posting so they can't really go there neither.

This board, in other words, is total horseshit by design.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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Proving our point.


Whats "our" (your) point? Top vague post my dude

It very likely is. Idiots who quote muh rape statistics don't get that Sweden has much wide-riding rape laws and that people there are more willing to report it because it won't get ignored.

Just Burgers pls, i am loosing weight so need to watch what i eat.

Dont worry about bates, it is a nice board. I like adv, i met some people here. They were good people, problematic people who had their own issue, but not evil.

Some peoples troubles might seem silly to you it happens. For example a random social interaction has no problem for me, i can talk to strangers, but i never had a gf in my life in 28 years. However there are posters here that need to make a step by step flowchart on how to order pizza that had several girlfriends.

Everybody has troubles, no need to be meany. Here have a funny greentext.

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