What could an ugly putrid pathetic failure who looks like this do to a get a boyfriend

How would you get a boyfriend if you looked like this?

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Add a bit of makeup and I will tap dat no problem.

Be born with a vegene

Actually kinda cute desu

I feel your produce strong sons

T. 22 y old college chad

I don't think you're ugly OP. You lack personal style, but you're not ugly. All you need is to figure your look out and you'll be fine.

Eh you're 6/10 at worst. Just hang around guys and eventually one will ask you out. Not that hard

You have a more manly jaw than me, wtf?

She‘s wearing makeup you moron

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Don‘t ever darken your natural hair color again ever. Just keep on letting it grow out.

Besides that, you look good. I don‘t see anything wrong with your looks.

Looks cute to me, natural and clean look. Hmu

Outside of the nose ya look damn fine and even the nose doesn't kill the overall cuteness.

As for the whole pathetic failure bit, that's way more critical. The fuck do you do, the fuck do you want.

I know you irl

Well I’m gonna ask you to prove it, complaining about that feel when no bf is nothing new for me
Wearing makeup


Download Tinder/Bumble and use it for literally 15 minutes.

Deuteronomy 22:5 (ESV)
"A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God."

Open your legs.

That's all.

looks like a lesbian friend of mine
if she wasn't lesbian, I'd have chased her to the end of the world because she looks beautiful
I'd fuck that
those are perfect eyes for a blowjob and hair I'd love to dump my cum on

Tinder is for sex, not dating
Go site this to the next woman you see wearing jeans or a hoodie, see how dumb you look christfag, cope we all die

don't wear make up
if you're a trap
you pass exquisitely, I'd fuck you
if you're not
you're a very beautiful female
I swear to god if you're just some retard incel posting this girl on 4chins to get (You)'s I seriously hope you kill yourself

you look pretty cute desu

you look really cute!! just change your hairstyle and do something with your eyebrows and you’ll look even prettier

Hey OP I know you from the other board(s). You're looking less hateful to yourself today, despite your worse message. I've thought you've looked beautiful for like the last six months but it looks like you're starting to recognise it in yourself. I will say, don't take pics with wet / greasy hair. This thread and it's great responses should hopefully help further convince you that you are very pretty. Have a nice day lovely.

>last six months
So we finally got a female Brandon?

Actually I heard the guy in OPs pic killed himself a while ago. This is just some retard spamming this shit with old pictures and everyone should be reporting for spam.

Except you're not a woman, but an abomination.

This is retarded I have a timestamp from April 26th, at most I’ve been dead 6 days
Well I’m wearing male clothes in the pic and I’m male by birth so idk what the problem is
Someone goes with the nickname “Brenda”

>I'm a male by birth
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." (Lev. 18:22)

It's a man. That tranny has posted on /soc/ for over a year and only does so without any context to their gender to see if they are validated for feeling like they pass as a woman.

>6 days and 1 year

Graduate high school then kys underage b&

You're kind of cute, but once I saw your frankenpussy I'd be out of there like a black guy with a broken condom.

You have to hunt in communities of people who are weird and kinky like you. Try a gay bar.

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She sure as fuck got me. I think the typically male clothes helped since one would expect someone who wants to pass dress up according to their new gender role.

Stop making these threads. There are people who had their faces melted off who give fewer fucks than you.

>tapping a frankenpussy
>it breaks midtap and feces starts leaking in from the rectum

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get a tit job. 2019 nibbas love some fake pillows

How many times are you going to make this same thread with a picture of some random trap that isn’t you? I feel like I see this thread twice a week

firstly go kill yourself leftypol
if you're unironically Christian posting
you don't realise this is Jow Forums
post info and advice, quoting from leviticus helps literally no one except orthodox jews, maybe.

yeah me two

I think the best thing to do would be to seek validation on anonymous message boards.

Wash your hair and go to church.

If you just want a friend with a penis, make a really nerdy tinder profile and wait.

id date you
just be friendly and present yourself in a fashionable manner :)

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Just suck enough dick and get good at it. Eventually one of them will make you their gf

Put more effort into plucking and shaping your brows. Google, look at tutorials, etc. It should work wonders. Wear subtle eyeshadow/eyeliner and make your lashes less clumped together when applying mascara.

Wear tops with a lower neckline that show a bit of collarbone.

The part in your hair looks awkward. Maybe try parting further from the side. Use better products to give more volume. You might need a better haircut, it looks a bit uneven from left to right.

How is this not deleted yet. Literally just cyberbullying

kek, roastie desperate for compliments even if she is just average or slightly above average
you disgust me


You may not be photogenic, meaning you probably look better irl than you do in a photo. I've met people like that and the problem is you haven't refined certain aspects like your brows that can easily knock points off your look. I've seen guys with really bushy nasty brows that when waxed/shaved down look ALOT better and instantly improve someone's look. If you have problems with things like acne try eating different foods maybe you're allergic to something. It depends really but some people can easily fix their looks with a little work. You're ok OP, I don't think you're ugly.

I don't know if pc related is you OP, but in that case, its 7/10 for me, it match with pattern I moreso look on a girl face. But what about the rest of your body?

I feel like I'm adding some fuel to something I should just ignore but you're an actual idiot if you look like how you do and can't get a boyfriend. You're probably autistic or live in a low population region because I guarantee you someone thinks you're attractive every time you go out. If for some reason guys do not tend to show interest in you then you need to initiate the conversation. Just initiate it with anything and eventually a dude will ask for your number or something. You stupid stupid fucking attention whoring fucking easy mode idiot.


I’m wearing a ponytail in the pic, my hair is a lot thicker
It’s me
If I initiate a conversation they’ll know I’m a tranny

That's the verdict.
I like the name Brenda, let's go with that.

I like how OP openly admits to not being the person in the pic(s) they post but janny trannies manage to be as fuck useless as ever and do absolutely fuck all.

Because literally nobody gives a fuck about Jow Forums. Why bother moderating it? For what, to keep room clear for all the duplicate threads that require answers like "too inspecific" or "see a professional" or "we can't read their mind" or "people are individual as much as that hurts your brain"

You're not cute, but is passable.

Basically, it's hard to find someone. People don't really want to go for a real relationship anymore. They mostly want to phone or are little bitches that cry for anything.

Most people just want to use women as inflatable dolls. Like masturbating on a woman.

My sugestion is to wait a little bit more, while looking for potentials. It doesn't worth hooking up, it'll make you even more miserable and you'll feel worthless.

I think you want a real relationship. Not doing disgusting stuff. So, calm down and breath when everything seem hopeless.

Stay calm, eat well and wait a little bit more. I'm pretty sure it won't be long until the right guy appears.

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By the way, I just read the thread, if you're really a trans, you 100% pass, i didn't clock at all.

it's in the board's rules shit lips

I am the person in the pics you dipshit

this literally just be born with a vagina, don't be obese, and you get a boyfriend. That's how easy it is for women these days. If (she) has a natural born vagina, then the only reason she'd ever been single is if she wanted to be. That goes for all the other women in these threads, if they're complaining about not having a boyfriend it either means they're fat or they have impossible standards.
If OP really is that pic: Just find some guy on Match.com or ask one of your male friends out on a date, and now you have a boyfriend.

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>spamming us with rate me threads
Why? Is this shitty board not bad enough for you? You've made the exact same thread and gotten the exact same reply.

You're like the Brandonposter. Nobody believes it's you. We all know it isn't. Just let it go, Jow Forums sucks bad enough.

dude gross about the cum in the hair. you think bitches (normal ones at least..) want to clean dried cum out of their hair? especially since they take so fucking long getting ready? nasty as fuck.

tons of men on Tinder want to use it for dating. It's the women who use it exclusively for sex or validation, if a woman wants a boyfriend from Tinder she can get one.

I'd look in the mirror and draw a beard on my reflection.

it's a dominance thing moron
also you don't let it dry...you're disgusting

By being an interesting person, with a good sense of humor. Like, literally the same way anyone secures and maintains a positive, long term, relationship.

Looks kinda boyish
But very nice eyes


OP looks like my friend's kid.

Going to be an interesting conversation next time I see them.

First fix the self image, then be honest about being a tranny with other people.
That's it.

No, fuck off, quit shitting up this board every other day with your self-validation bullshit.
Kill yourself.

>literally just be born with a vagina
I guess you missed her dick pics

You are aware you are attractive. Its clear that you created this thread because you enjoy being told you are attractive.

Oh, but what I posted was both info and advice.
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind"
1 Cor. 6-9

Only advice trannies need is an heroing asap

this desu

wasn't there an ugly russian girl that posted around here before?

uhh, you can cancel out the obese part.
unless you're literally too fat to leave the house, you can still get a bf easy. even at 400 fucking lbs. my wife gets hit on. i've seen it. it's absolutely pants on head retarded how desperate guys are.

which yes, includes me but she wasn't nearly this fat when we got married. typically.

stop pretending to hate urself and how u look so random people on Jow Forums will tell u otherwise. ive seen u like 3 times on here with the exact same comment, stop being so attention seeking

Don't start any hormone bullshit therapy, seek some help first, don't let this faggot society turn you into an abomination , a lot of times you're projecting the lustful nature that you have onto your body , quit porn , quit wanking , and re-evaluate yourself.

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To the girl in the pic
you look good I dont get why you would have issues getting a date.

I really just want mods or tranny jannies to start pruning these. OP never listens, OP never changes their angle and OP never actually comes for actual advice. It's just a thinly veiled troll and apparently everyone eats up "this is me" despite no timestamps.

Even Brandon had to timestamp when he debunked Brandonposting once and for all. If this person doesn't post a similar timestamp, why would we believe it's not just a shitty troll trying to bait and shit up the board?

I mean I know mods and jannies don't care but seriously, they can pretend for ten seconds and prune obvious fucking non-constructive bait.

Or they can fucking masturbate to bestiality going off a gauge of their ability to evaluate what's proper fucking trolling

Like fuck faggots, if there is no timestamp it's obvious bullshit.

took me a second

Oh please dial down your insecurities fem user. I see average looking guys with 4/10 fat ugly land whales all the time. Guys will fuck anything. I'm actually embarrassed at how low so many guys standards are.

you're attractive to me, i want to say i'd be your boyfriend but looks are definitely secondary to actually being able to spend time with you without dying of boredom/cringe

but yeah OP you're not even close to being ugly, stop fishing for compliments on Jow Forums

take it from a guy who browses /fa/ you dress like a guy and have a tomboy appearance physically so one would need a ounce more of validity to your gender to get a bf. if I was in your shoes I'd do something with your hair get something long to frame your angled faced.

Your bother the fuck out of me and I honestly hope you fucking kill yourself.
I hate attention whores like you.
People who go on soc should be gassed.
You literally look retarded. No wonder your a trap your fucking repulsive as a male too. I hate that stupid smirk and something about your skim complexion is vomit inducing. No amount of surgery could fix your hideous goblina mutt horse face.
I bet if anuthing you will take this as constructive critiscism and google surgeries or ask what surgeries you meed like the needy subhuman you are.
If you look like that and want a fucking boyfriend write letters to inmates. Youll be bound to find a good match.

Call the janitors, we got a trap
Now fuck off

Literally just learn to do your makeup and get a cute haircut.

You may only have kinda big nose but then probably you are prettier than 78% girls

Honestly, you don't look bad at all, and I don't think that you think you do. You might though, but idk. Please remember never to post to looking for advice about relationships, and never post your face. Some of these replies are written solely for the purpose of hurting you, with no actual opinion behind them. They have basically the word-weight of copypasta.
There's nothing wrong with your appearance.

It's just that these threads are getting very samey, OP never posts a timestamp, and never responds to anything except to say 'I'm the person in the picture.'

What we want is proof that this isn't a thinly veiled attempt to GET that person harassed, to GET the person in the picture people who want to hurt them, when in fact it's just some shitter falseflagging on Jow Forums.

All we want is a timestamp. To know this person is who they say they are, and then we can advance (although they still never reply to any advice whatsoever, but that's a separate issue).
When did it become so wrong to want to know our efforts are of at least remote meaning, Anonymous? Is it so wrong to ask this person to submit proof rather than these lackluster "I'm totally that person" posts? They already posted their face, what's a post with a timestamp?

Or would it just fall to Occam and his trusty Razor to tell us that what's actually at work here is shitposting?

Guys I'm a faggot transgender biological male who wants attention. I also look like a sumo wrestler sat on my face for 15 hours straight.

How do I get a boyfriend?

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