>see insanely cute smol lonely weeb girl everyday
>she constantly talks to herself, laughs, gasps, etc, at literally nothing
>always has headphones in and dances like no can see her
How do I approach someone like this?
See insanely cute smol lonely weeb girl everyday
Offer free candy.
Wait for a day you manage to know what she's listening/doing/reading.
Use it as a conversation starter.
Go balls deep.
Just get her attention. Ask if she wants to grab coffee or something sometime.
She'll probably find it to be a highlight of her day that someone approached her cold turkey and wanted to chat.
Just like in the best doujinshis
Force her to have sex with you by blackmailing her and she will ask for more
I saw she was watching someone play beat saber on YouTube.
How can I use this a conversation starter?
Should I buy a vr set and beat saber and ask her to play with me?
how can I get her attention? Like should I tap her shoulder? or try to make eye contact somehow?
shes almost always preoccupied with something
No no no, you have to start a conversation with what she's doing at that moment.
Either that or catch her atention with some other thing you think she might like. Like start playing a DS near her and use it as a starter when you get a chance.
Maybe she's autistic. Try to start a conversation like the other anons said, but if she's shutting herself off from the world I wouldn't expect it to go well
Don't do anything that makes you look like a creep. Just aim at getting a conversation going
Girls like this are cute at first but become very unbearable very quickly.
Tap her shoulder and talk to her. Tell her whatever is on your mind like you've lost all inhibition.
Kek beta fags like you will never get girl like this. She isnt interested in noodle arms. Get over yourself
Crabs in a bucket, eh user?
She has autism
I don't think so, she doesn't act like any other autistic person I have observed before, shes just odd.
1 She sounds like a crazy person.
2 if shes sitting there with head phones on I highly doubt she'd be interested in talking to anyone.
3 unless she finds you attractive you will come off as creepy
4 Realise there is more to life than pursuing women.
If you've established any relationship at all from smalltalk to I feel u nod just ask her if she wants to be friends. If you haven't acknowledged her existence till now ull come off as creepy if you talk to her
What are some ways I could acknowledge her existence, or get her attention someway?
>people that actually audibly gasp exist
man what a world
I had someone in my class who was like that and found her fb one day... (You gonna judge me or what?) then I discovered that she was batshit insane and had been changing courses for seven years. Not only that but her writing looked like an excerpt from finnegans wake and was horrible. Now ive got nothing to judge against this little squirt youre talking about, but from my experience there's usually a clear reason why these women are so lonely all the time.
There is more to life than pursuing women, but pursuing women is ok to make part of your life.
Just try to start a convo with her. If she takes to it, great - you've made a buddy and you can see where it goes.
If she finds it creepy or shoots you down, don't sweat it in any way. There are literally billions of women. If you find her attractive and charming and have to balls to be sociable with a stranger, it's her loss if she takes that as a negative.