New Cuckland

Honestly just fuck this cuck haven. New Zealand aka Aotearoa (Land of the Long White Cloud) should be renamed Nu Maleland. First significant shooting in decades perpetrated by a FOREIGN terrorist (prolly Mossad). Now we have a ban on literally all semi-automatics beyond .22 rimfire 5 round mag guns. Also extremely invasive regular psychological assessment to hold a license for a bolt action.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you Tarrant. I almost desire to go to prison so I can sodomize you myself before the Maoris get you.

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tHiS iS wHaT tHe ShOoTeR wAnTeD

This is what total surrender in New Zealand looks like.

Tarrant was right about the fuckin boomers though. I'll give him that.

This piece of shit CAN DO NO WRONG.
What a Virtue Signalling CUNT

*5eyes - all my posts are Satire

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el ayuwoki...

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Well what do you suggest we do about it?
We don't even have any politicians talking about the real problem. Not even a steady hand in the National camp.


not okay

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You remembered to fill in your form like a good citizen, right?
