Guys i need help

guys i need help

Attached: 1554107891483.png (2048x1404, 235K)


where is that screen? can't even find it


You fail. It's right there in reply box.

I have stuff

Can I have 1 points.

Attached: 84.jpg (768x1024, 74K)

You also get points if you like other people's posts. Don't be a scorelet and like as often as possible

How helpful. Thank you my friend.

You're too far behind to even pretend you could catch up. Lets face it; some of us are just born superior to others.

>1 post by this id

poor baby

Me too breh🙁

Guys, I need help. I want to reach /dino/, but the fucking moderinos killed my perks.

Weird. It was showing 0 in the counter.


i hope this becomes a permanent feature

what the fuck is a smiley? what the fuck are these fortunes? wtf...why is my one full day on the internet have to be April Fools?!😃

Attached: b0yrDYW.png (323x481, 92K)


fucking shitposter

mods wiped my points and didn't even tell me wtf no warning they're ruthless I didn't even get to use any perks

I think they gave them back😃

Score reset again duckkkk
