Like BOT

So I wrote a script that will automatically 'like' a random post whenever the 'liking' cooldown finishes.

Attached: sheeeeitnigger.gif (800x792, 607K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I will release the script if this post can get to 50 likes.
Good luck friends.

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all fields

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Woops forgot to show my score.
I've had the script running for about 30 minutes now, although most of my score still comes from shitposting.
Also I should explain for the brainlets out there that LIKING A POST ADDS TO YOUR OWN SCORE TOO. Read the 'Perks' window if you don't believe me.

IF spades OP is confirmed a faggot♠️

Ten likes and I tell you the easiest method to obtaining likes.

>implying I don't already know

To prevent this thread from sliding I will have to add a new stipulation. Not only will I require 50 likes on this post, but I also now require at least 20 (you)s from any of my posts in this thread.
The benefits of my script is that you will be able to go and play vidya or watch a movie, comfortable in the knowledge that you are still gaining Jow Forums points at a steady pace.
I know that many of you have other tasks to do today that will suffer if you are stuck here compulsively farming likes. My script will help put your mind at ease and allow you to have a productive April 1st.

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This nigger has a bot but still begs for (likes) and (yous)
>shows his score sub1k
This goy literally has no shame

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As I'm sure you are aware, there is a liking cooldown that I am unable to circumvent. I'm not offering a 'get rich quick scheme' but rather a consistent method of obtaining approximately 40 points per hour.
If you are at work today or have other tasks to attend to this is a great way of staying 'in the game' so to speak.

I think it's only fair that I get a small score reward for my efforts before I release this script to the public.

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Is it true?🐱

What is this meme it's gay.

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I've liked 3 of (you)r posts OP
have a bump fren

Okay so I have modified the script that I am running to check this thread for unliked posts. If it finds one, it will like it, and if not, it will like a random post from page 1.
I have done this to encourage participation in the thread.
If you post in here you are essentially guaranteed 1 like as I have no plans on stoping the script until gookmoot removes the like feature.

THIS CHANGE WILL NOT AFFECT THE SCRIPT I RELEASE TO THE PUBLIC. It would be nice to have it run like that, as everyone who posts in this thread would be raking up likes from hundreds of Jow Forums users (I expected the script to spread to users of other boards). However I am worried that once this thread 404s, it could break the script.
For that reason the script I release will simply like a random post from the front page.

Hey hacker dude,
Plz put it on GitHub so I can add it to my portfolio. I am a CSS programmer who can help too :P

So I'm a little disappointed at the lack of interest. I worked hard on this script and am keen to release it but I don't work for free.

Everyone you posts in this thread is GUARANTEED A LIKE FROM ME. You really have nothing to lose but bumping this thread.
I guess if no one here is interested I will try some of the other boards.

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Is it true user?

7 likes and I hack bank and give you blood shekels

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Yep, I'll do that as soon as I get my 50 likes and 20 (you)s

do (you)s increase score?

shut up nigger


Yes they do indeed friend. Giving not receiving however.

but i'm liking you for a +1

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

0; var i = 0; var ti = window.setInterval(function () { var likes = document.getElementsByClassName("like-btn"); likes[i].click(); i++; if (i < likes.length) i++; else i = 0; }, 1000);

thanks for playing


test (you) give

no, (you)s are worthless frens

fuck it. to 300

Can you translate this dear fren?

getting liked is worth +10 pts by the way

This is not my script.
Use at your own risk

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pickle test

trash test

heart test🖤

it just runs through each post attempting to like every 1 second.... its an rng like roller. just make a new userscript in greasemonkey and add that one line and enable it. after the second failed like (cause the timeout) it;ll have a checkmark to prevent new dialogue boxes from opening

If getting liked is worth 10 points then how do you explain have scores that are not divisible by 10 if (you)s are not worth anything?

its damn near plaintext, quit fearmongering because someone else also did 30 seconds of work

closing out tonight lads.
good show, all.
It will all be gone april 2nd though

Okay, posting is 2
giving likes is 1
getting likes is 10
You just have to test it out fren.

will it?

Likes and slander, like my post 100 times and I'll release MY like script. You can clearly see mine is legit by virtue of my score.

All ovens

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np fren

this post was liked before I posted it. Somebody's bot is working great.❤️

santa test


>black heart

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Thanks for playing friend

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joy test😂

oh god, I hope this is real


well okay 392

nothing at 400+

Testing out my spooky
Looks like this thread is gaining some traction. I'm keen to release this script so keep the likes coming boys!

gn lads❤️

Thank you for being a fren

Attached: 20190401_065834.png (500x508, 391K)



quick push to 450
liking along the way










There you go friend have a like


Thank you fren, have a like

plz like me i'm goodboi

is this reddit now?

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I'm sort of assuming it will be gone april 2nd

Your fortune: Good Luck

edit: Wow, thanks for the Jow Forums pass

here, friend
we were always reddit

have another like❤️