I'm concerned that I might be a narcissist. Is there anything online to confirm that I am one?

I'm concerned that I might be a narcissist. Is there anything online to confirm that I am one?

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Its pretty common
T. Self hating narcisst

Worrying about being a narcissist is usually a sign that you're not a narcissist. It's extremely difficult to get them to accept a diagnosis.

If you think you’re attractive, smart, and capable and actually have been told that without phishing for compliments, then you’re probably just confident.

If you feel insecure but try to present confidence and you phish for compliments or try to make every subject personally about you, your probably a narcissist.

Narcissism doesn't actually exist.

Narcissism only exists as a concept inside the minds of people who don't know how to mind their own business.

When you believe what other people tell you, doubt will begin to settle itself inside you.

When the only way to confirm something is with the assistance of another person, you've just submitted yourself to them.

Don't do that.

> Is there anything online to confirm that I am one?

Quora. They'll make sure of it! (you know, cuz projection and stuff)

What's the difference between narcissism and simple, healthy thinking a lot about yourself (because you don't know anybody else that well)? Where do you draw the line?

I see what you did.

Did you listen to a thing thisGuy said? There is no such thing as psychological disorder. Draw the line wherever you want.

Submitting yourself to another person is kind of the point of socialization though, isn't it? If both parties are perpetually stuck sitting on their high horse, relucant to discuss the other's topic and neither wants to admit to being wrong, do you can that a functional discussion?
>narcissism doesn't exist
Does depression exist?

>admit to being wrong
Just don't be wrong. Be mistaken, and corrected. I guess that when people fall into a certain realm of personality, they are commonly accepted. It is math. Depression is the elephant in the room demonstrating my point. If you tell a shrink that life is meaningless and you are sad that one day, you and everyone you love will die... there is something "wrong" with that? Its more like, yeah, so lets have fun while we still can motherfucker. I would prescribe vodka.

Self diagnosis time!


>being wrong
>being mistaken
Same thing

Sometimes you think inert, that life is meaningless and you can't enjoy anything anymore without an external reason though. That's why it's an illness, because it's not a result of a logical conclusion, but possibly something screwy in the brain. That's actual clinical depression, and your shrink is supposed to tell it apart if he's not trash.
>self diagnosis
Pls no.

>Same thing
If you are a child. I thought of not saying that. It isn't really that hard to not be wrong. People like to assert their opinions and guessing as if they have the authority of others. You can always say things such as "my guess is." If you are mistaken and have a grown up conversation. There is no shame in being corrected. People do dumb stuff like accusing others of lies when they really don't know. They can say, "I don't believe that" and accuse a lie without saying that they know there is one.

Sorry but we're arguing semantics, and not even good semantics. Mistaken and wrong are synonyms.

Go do your homework.

>see also wrong

Not him, but there is a slight difference in his context.

Am him. Stopped using a thesaurus when I was a kid. Like everyone does when they grow up. They are pretty weak. You should read a history of the English language written in the 40s. Dictionaries don't keep up with common usage. As much as your English teacher hates that. A double negative is just more negative.

Stop being such a little bitch. I handed you the fucking manual, now get to it. Does it apply or not?

So he actually meant "taken for another" right? You're getting increasingly offtopic here and I don't like it.
Too bad you bothered with that thesaurus in the first place instead of retrieving your first nobel prize at 12.
You didn't hand me a manual, you handed me fucking dick. You looked at centuries of research and spouted "FUCK THAT SHIT ITS ALL FAKE" and that's it. You must be republican.

No really... that is straight from the manual. “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition”

But I guess you are either too stupid or special to fucking read it.

>So he actually meant "taken for another" right? You're getting increasingly offtopic here and I don't like it.

Nah i mean being mistaken and being wrong is the same thing in a sense, yes. You are correct.

But he means to take a precautious stance, keeping an open mind to other opinions and allowing yourself to be corrected if need be. It changes the entire atmosphere of a conversation and how someone percieves you.

Yes you'll still be wrong in the end. But you won't be wrong anymore on that particular subject if you acknowledge the other guy has a point. It's also in your own benefit. You basiclly allow yourself to grow and be more open to discussion and finding the truth.

Yeah, we have discussions for dielectic. To discover truth. If you don't shoot your mouth off without thought and always tell the truth, you can go decades without being wrong. A mistake can be turning right when you were told to turn left. You can still take a couple more rights. You really didn't do anything wrong.

There was some study a year or two back that suggested that the easiest way to spot a narcissist was to literally ask a person "are you a narcissist". The people who responded yes had a lot more narcissistic traits later in the study than those who said no. A narcissist doesn't fear being a narcissist, they're sort of proud of it. The fact that you bothered to make this thread suggests that you aren't. Unless you're just attention whoring which is quite a narcissistic thing to do.

t. narcissists.

Narcissus was a fictional character that died making out with reflection in water. That's somehow medical? You're right though. Shh.