Pol btfo
Attached: quote-if-women-ran-the-world-there-would-be-no-wars-however-every-28-days-there-would-be-some-robin- (850x400, 66K)
Pol btfo
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Wrong. If women ruled the world there would be a total uprising by the men followed by total subjugation by them. Women can't even hold marriages together, the chance of them being able to hold the whole world together is 0.
>haha menstruation
Boomer tier "humour". Why do mutts pretend to like this suicidal retard?
And yet he killed himself because of divorce.
Galactic irony.
Not an argument you triggered incel.
>Not an argument you triggered incel.
So? You triggered incel.
Factual statement.
He was murdered try and get a clue.