If you don't find anything to start the convo, ask her if her way to the restaurant was okay, or the weather, or how her week was.
The goal in the beginning is always to make a connection between you and the person you're talking to. And it's easier to talk about stuff you both can relate to.
If you have common acquaintances, light gossip goes a long way. Yes, it's shitty but gossip is some kind of social currency and we're all guilty in participating. If you're hesitant, remember there's also positive gossip.
Ask her a few things here and there to keep the conversation interesting and avoid awkward silence.
When you see her at the restaurant, compliment her. We're all shallow beings to some extent and like compliments, especially if they're honest.
Pro tier:
Watch her body language. Does she lean towards you when you talk? Then she's giving up some distance and feels secure. Is she leaning back or keeping her hands in front of her body? Then she wants to "shield herself" and you can come up with something to make her feel more relaxed.
You can check up on whether she feels comfortable around you by making little gestures and seeing if she copies it. Something like a short touch behind your ear. If she copies it, that's a good sign she's feeling well. Don't worry if she doesn't, though.
Elder god tier:
In the right moment, you can "anchor" certain emotions by touching her somewhere when she feels it (on her finger, her arm, ...). If you want her to feel that emotion again, touch her there. The more often that anchor is used, the more powerful it gets. Don't overdo it, though. And keep it playful at all times!
Never forget: Be your fucking self. In one-on-one communication, people can smell when you're not being authentic, I swear to God. And if there's no chemistry between you two, don't let it get to you.
Good luck, user. I'm rooting for you.
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