Can anyone redroof me on the Nigerian question in light of race realism? Apparently they’re very successful...

Can anyone redroof me on the Nigerian question in light of race realism? Apparently they’re very successful, even more so than many Asian immigrants. How does this square with inequality of IQ distribution? Are these the talented 10%?

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Other urls found in this thread: average iq

Who is this angel?

Don’t know, user. Found in a twitter N tower. average iq

Holy shit. How did they get higher IQs than other negroes? They’re basically the same as the white average. I wonder what selective pressures were different there than in say, Somalia.

It was 70 in 2010, the new number is propaganda.

Why propaganda? Nigerians are to niggers what niggers are to the rest of the world, they spread like rabbits and you're being prepared to accept their inevitable approach.

Elite sample bias. They only let in the top 1% of Niggerians

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IQ tests are biased, the actually distribution of intelligence goes East Asians>Nigerians>Whites>Australians

Nigeria is a backwards violent shithole, mass kidnappings and rapes and they have invented literally nothing or produced a single great work of literature or music.

Apparently they are just niggers like all the rest of the niggers

Attached: kpop.webm (608x1080, 2.9M)

a nigger's a nigger

Source on that girl?

Why do all these kpop stars look exactly the same, is it a common surgery procedure they all do? They're definitely cute, but its crazy.

This and really good scams.

That hapa singer is cuter.

talented 10th of a percent.

Looks like she’s gonna say the N word!

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If you have a fuckton of people, a few of them are bound to be decent, and those are the ones you might ever encounter outside their native shitholes.

Yes. Plastic surgery is huge in Korea.

this is unironically disgusting

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this. kpop girls used to just be cute or beautiful, but ever since they adopted hypermodern niggerstep pop muzak, they're just disgusting.

They come from a place ware they have to work all day for a bowl of rice, no hand outs

Nigerians dominated all the math courses I took as a physics undergrad. They were extremely Christian, kept to themselves mostly.

There is a tribal group in Nigeria (i dont remember their name) that have an avg iq comparable to whites. I'd imagine they are responsible for this.

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Image search suggest girl and can be found at this link

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>Are these the talented 10%?

Plus there's 200 million of them.

Yes she looks wholesome enough to sodiize

Supposedly the Igbo have a higher IQ than the rest - most successful blacks in Britain are Igbo, eg. They are a merchant class, of course.

Can't remember her name I'm not a 15 year old Korean boy

You fucks don't realize all Nigerians regardless ( Yoruba, Igbo, etc) are doing better than most. Chasing excellence is necessary when you live in one of the world's most populated and corrupt countries. The USA is heading that direction so I'm sure we'll continue to do awesome

Surgery, and also the fact that the government selectively breeds and cultivates them. It's their version of anime for brainwashing foreign youth.

They're all clones grown in a vat

they're one of the few African countries that are honest about their niggatry and actively work to harness it, instead of just wallowing in de nile

Yeah, apparently they're basically the jews of Nigeria including the rampant nepotism and oppressing everyone outside the tribe.

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This. They're currently being genocide by the south African niggers.
>south africa
>i have watched a white paradise given to niggers and susequently destroyed in less than a generstion.
Feels bad man

>capitalism: harnessing greed to uplift society
>Niger: harnessing niggotry to pillage international law abiding countries

>international law abiding countries

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You would think nigerians could clean up after themselfes if they were so smart.

> Nigerians dominated all the math courses.

You must attend a school for the mentally deficient, then. Never heard or seen of a good African mathematician in my life.

It's all the H1B poos

>37% white

Attached: Cal.jpg (1064x1419, 260K)

>muh pure asian waifus

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This ngirl makes my penis big

Lagos also ranks as one of the worlds least livable cities.

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we have royals that still need you to send us money to transfer a billion dollars to you😃

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SF is 45% white 35% asian 15% spic 5% black 10% mixed

Yoruba have up to %7 unknown archaic hominid DNA

and 100% stupid AF.

Igbo Nigerians score well on IQ tests here. Generally speaking most West Africans are dog shit.

>Nigerians score well on IQ tests here

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Remember back in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, you could make Redguards look white, but there was basically only one kind of face that would pull it off? That's what's happening here: South Koreans try to emulate Caucasian features but they all end up looking almost exactly the same.

He said Igbo, which is an ethnic group hailing from an area that is in present-day Nigeria.

Racial diversity in Africa is greater than anywhere else on the planet, despite them all looking like nignogs to the average white.

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>selection bias
Nigerians are among the highest performing immigrant groups, because only the very best among Nigerians are able to immigrate into places like the US.

Look at Nigerians in Nigeria, for a more accurate representation of the average quality of ALL Nigerians (not just diaspora Nigerians).

The same phenomenon occurs with other immigrant groups, like Indians - the average Indian is little more than a dirty monkey shitting in the streets, but because we receive the top 0.1% of Indians, they have an excellent reputation/are generally successful in America.

Most aa come from igbo tribe. I.e black wallstreet. Also igbo claims to be the true isrealites

could they have worked for the trade/slave forts and had a few IQ points fucked into their women by Europeans, Jews and middle easterners

when some of the people have %7 monkey man DNA 3 more IQ points can raise you over every one else

Be careful, you're arguing statistics to a few noisy statistically illiterate posters on this board.