What the hell is going on here?

What the hell is going on here?

Why has pol become almost another /b/ tier overnight

Attached: 220px-RichardWagner.jpg (220x305, 20K)

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bow to me loser

I like it, very chaotic, shills can't handle it.👌

Attached: mel.jpg (401x496, 47K)

Clown world isn't just for normies, Bong fren.

Attached: jhygfclown.jpg (225x225, 12K)

Well of course it was going in the shitter anyway but in today something feels very odd.

Whatever could it be?

Attached: clown22.jpg (261x193, 12K)

If I can get 10 likes I will show you my butthole.

Attached: Khot.jpg (650x724, 110K)

no one wants to see your butthole faggot
now gimme likes so i can get a dino too

Checked, everyone deserves a dino.

thank you for the like, kind stranger
here, take mine

Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the

Jow Forums was only slightly above /b/, with the exception that Jow Forums is full of retarded brainlets who fakes their own intelligence, while /b/ at least acknowledges that it full of retards.


Attached: dino.gif (451x75, 21K)

What a fucking pleb.

Jow Forums has always been unironically worse than /b/ and is logically what follows from having the mentally retarded and emotionally crippled dregs that /b/ attracts discuss politics free from any fact checking or academic rigor. It has also become a poster child for the Descartes quote "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company" as the pedophile libertarian Ron Paul crowd spammed nigger to be edgy so long it actually drew out the stormfag Boomer retards and maga-pede scum. This has been a years long process.

it's been the new /b/ for a while

There are organized, paid groups here. They spam the threads that threaten their views. infowars.com/exclusive-deep-inside-a-leftist-troll-farm/

It's April fools day, you fucking nufags

Case in point, this fucking retard spamming this thread.

Listen up dumb nu flagot, April 1st is /our/ holiday, this shits been going on for years. Now, learn to dino post or stfu.

April Fool's, retard.

Oh, wait. You're a Brit, currently your mum's being raped by a Paki, your dog was fed ground glass by muslims, and your government is subverting the will of the people, so I'll be kind.

Ittes Aprille foole's, old sport.

Jow Forums is unironically the old /b/, it's /b/ fags that grew up, the current /b/ is just zoomers tranny posting

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this is correct

I miss /mlpol/ :(

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Rolled 1 (1d6)

I hated it too
until i got a point
now i need more
Screw the habbenings give me numbers