Let’s get a good single mother hate thread going Jow Forums. These destructive roasties are ruining our entire civilization with their godawful parenting. Post greentexts about piece of shit trash single mothers who you know. Post stories of your upbringing if you were raised by a single mom. How shit was your childhood and why did it lead you here? Bonus points if you’re half nigger.
Post single mother hate memes, infographics, and stories here.
Who thought it was a good ideal to put rosie o donnel on camera?
My parents got divorced when I was around 12. Raised by my mom after that. she couldn't control me, but fuck you it wasn't her fault. I'm just a badass.
the fuck is up with this Like! shit?
The real evil ones are the men who abandon their own children. Single mothers are the victims.
> be me live in Hammond , Indiana
> go to high school
> party make new friends
> everybody has one parent except me
> fucking degeneracy every single one of them
> drugs, booze, fucking teens in school
> selling ass in local bars
> selling drugs to high schools classmates
> mostly white with some nig nogs
> this was just the parents!!
>Frankie Shaw, Actress: SMILF. Frankie grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts. Her mother is from South Boston and raised her Jewish
We are le reddit now.
>cursing at innocent conservatives on the internet
>raised by a single mother
>Yep. This one’s goin’ in my trailer trash compilation.
Maybe if your mother wasn’t brainwashed by feminism she would’ve been able to keep her man happy, and you would have turned out better. Sad.