What is the legitimation for the power of governments again...

What is the legitimation for the power of governments again, them being allowed to kill people and raise taxes and all that.

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The social contract. If you don't like it you're free to fuck off

they do it for the lulz

To where?🐄

germans are weird

Which one? Handing over your taxes and getting fucked in the ass in return? Or have the government put lsd in your bread?

Water is wet, more news at 11.

To your mom's pussy.

hans did you read The Language Crystal like I told you to?

And your dick got cut.


They are chosen by the media and big business to be our representatives. We must respect them.

They save us from evil Nazis and people who commit wrongthink.

Because they are Chads.

>The social contract
Because children have the legal standing to engage in contract law and a firm understanding of how power of attorney and proxy decisions are handled legally.

Im free to do commerce with people around me without paying taxes?

There isn't one


sovereignty, pooling of resources for large infrastructure projects (large in this case is anything more than a small road for a town), funding for a military, a justice system and relatively noncorrupt police to go along with it, a medical system with associated infrastructure, record keeping and a bunch of other things

they're allowed to kill people to guarantee the security of the system and state (and by extension the people's welfare) and they're allowed to collect and raise taxes to fund their own operations

many systems of government have been tried but the modern western one seems to work the best, where you elect representatives and they do the governing

in the end if you don't like it or if the government is completely corrupt you have the right of revolution which means you can just start killing government officials until things change

Might be thinking about a different Hans. What is it about?

>To where?
I don't give a shit

Don't like it, elect a better goverment or emigrate

Children are by default under the same contract as their parents. They're free to reject it once they turn 18 by leaving

Refer to your local legislation

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So that a democratically-elected entity has the monopoly on violence.

Yeah just elect a better government... the problem is that everybody drawn to that kind of power shouldn't have it.

>They're free to reject it once they turn 18 by leaving
I can't find that in my lesson book - what page are you on?

Why would consciousness go to a body in the first place?
Consciousness LARP is woke culture and woke culture is consumerism with the delusional belief you’re an spiritual individual.

No system is perfect but democracy is the best we have

It's in the Big Book of Libertarian Autism, page 1488

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>democracy is the best we have
Nigger, get off my lawn.

Embrace the state.

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>What is the legitimation for the power of governments again
They kill you and you don't kill them. Therefore they're allowed to rule. That's it.
Every government needs to be purged roughly every 150 years, otherwise you get an entrenched political class that subverts any rule of law, as is what's happening now in the USA.

There is literally nothing wrong with putting lsd in bread.


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We don't have a true democracy though. Show me one country that does have it.

>Dont like it then leave or elect a better government

Boy how stupid can you fucking be. This insinuates that 1. Voting matters 2. Even if you vote someone in that is le based they will fulfill their promises/not be blackmailed or bribed into serving the corporate elite.

>ITT stupid contractarians indulge in delusional fantasies

What do you mean by "true democracy"? Is this going to turn into an exercise of moving goalposts?

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>hurr durr why can't I always get what I want
Like I said, if you don't like it, you're free to leave

In a true democracy the people could theoretically vote on kicking out you for example and it would be perfectly fine. You only have the freedom to decide about what is presented to you. Most of the decisions don't involve the voter or the voter is actively manipulated to act certain way through obfuscation and so on.

except that doesn't exist and no one signed that.


To defend the Republic against all enemies foreign and domestic

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>Straw mans
>Doesnt refute my argument

No you're not because other governments restrict entry, unless you meet their demands, and there's not any habital lands you could migrate to that aren't within the reach of some form of governing body. You can't technically even build a rocket and piss off to another planet without interference.

next level cringe

Where the fuck is it???????????
I don't remember seeing it anywere

The state is a non legitimate entity it is equivalent to a parasite

You are retarded evidently

Ok retard

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Well, you're free to advocate for your version of "true" democracy

You implicitly accept it by residing in the country you're in

>no u
Like I said, you're still free to leave memeflaggot

Yeah, your perfect utopia might not exist. It's not my fucking problem. Personally, I wanna live in a country where a harem of perfect 10/10 women blow me every day. Does that mean you now have an obligation to provide this utopia for me?

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The government must have a monopoly on violence. We men have given up the duty as protectors of our communities, as fathers to our sons. We appointed the state to be our daddy.

What makes you thinks it's so easy and plausible to leave your life behind in your country and "just go."

They have force, you dont. The end.

Hindu Dharmic monarchy is the answer against the white pedo democracy imposed on the world

Roads or something. I don't know. Apparently it's all about fucking roads, and if you question it, then you can't have roads.
I hate roads now.
I'm serious.

So how can i opt out of the social contract? Why cant i just provide services to other people without being forced into the social contract I never signed?


I'd rather have a gun as a retirement plan than this stupid shit.

Because they pay people to imprison or even kill you if you don't obey.


I don't need roads, my car has 4WD

Excessive use of force and brainwashing.

> inb4 we live in a society